27: Days of Tony

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"Violet." I called, after dinner. She didn't look very happy with me, but I needed to make sure we were all right. I needed to make sure I hadn't majorly blown my chances with the girl I love. I wasn't upset anymore about her rejection to my proposal or that she'd invited Aaron over to have dinner with us. He wasn't a bad guy, annoying, but not bad. I could see the love that was between them. Friendly, caring, affectionate friendship. She'd defended me tonight and Aaron had left out of nowhere, not to say I wasn't thrilled about that.

But I wanted to know if they'd ever dated in the past. I needed to know because the way he looked at her made me want to rip out the brown hair atop his head and cover his gray eyes. His eye color seemed unrealistic, honestly, was he some sort of possessed alien?

He wasn't a bad guy, okay. I know he isn't, but I disliked him nevertheless. I was jealous and Violet had done nothing to help remove this insecurity. In fact, she'd stayed silent the majority of the dinner until Aaron commented on our non-engagement. It kind of filled me with pride to find out she cared that much about protecting me. Should I be jealous? Is this what she wanted? It seemed like a child's game if that was her plan.

What about all that talk of love? Was that all just a joke to her? Am I a joke to her? Was Aaron who she truly wanted?

I could feel the beads of sweat on my forehead, forming like raindrops on a mudslide. It was the same feeling I'd gotten after I'd attempted to propose to her. After I had worked so hard to initially get her to date me. And now she claimed love, but I couldn't feel that from her. Around me, all I felt was Violet's indifference. I wondered if she was even capable of loving.

She simply looked at me with forlorn eyes, clearly upset at how I had treated Aaron. I was beyond jealous— and Aaron had dodged my questions expertly.

At the start of the dinner I attempted getting information on his case and why he had to be around Violet. He was a detective, after all, so it wasn't hard for him to shift the topic to something else. Aaron was dangerous, I'd realized within the first five seconds, he was a master manipulator and the way he talked to me made me wonder if he knew what I was going to say next. I wouldn't put it past him to come up with the perfect words to say to ease himself out of difficult situations.

He seemed like the type of guy who was born with everything, who had the world in the palm of his hand, but for some reason, he wanted my Violet too. He seemed selfish and ungrateful. He dressed and walked like wealth, he had an easy smile that shined with his eyes, especially when Violet was around. I wouldn't doubt that they'd been in love at some point. I wouldn't put it past him to have been rejected by my girl.

It made me wonder, really wonder, if the reason she'd said no at my proposal was because he was there that night. And if so, then what the hell was I doing with my life. If he hadn't been there, would she have said yes to me? If I'm to be the second choice, I'd much rather be removed from the equation completely. Except, the problem was, I was— am— in love with Dr. Violet Veowsalot and it's near impossible to fall out of love once it's wrapped its vice-like grip around you. I shut my eyes, standing in her apartment at night gave me a very strange feeling.

It was knowing that I wasn't allowed here at this hour, but feeling like a rebel. All my life, I was never a rebel. I wonder if she would've let me stay if Aaron had never showed up. She'd let him stay. And I admit, I was jealous of the young, obnoxious, detective. I had sized him up all night and even now after he left. Good riddance.

"Tony, you were..." she pursed and puckered her lips, brows furrowing as she tried to figure out what to say. "You were..." she continued, but I simply took her hand and pulled her into a hug.

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