25: Friendly Fire

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I'd spent my day off preparing for this, cooking the perfect recipe, and painting a smile on my face. I colored my apartment in flowers and nice scents.

I was worried. If I was being honest with myself, I was worried how they'd treat each other. I'd expected them to be civil, to be kind to a stranger. But knowing Tony, his jealousy would become him and he'd lash out against Aaron. And Aaron would most certainly retaliate.

I hoped Aaron would be on his best behavior because only God knows what will come out of that boy's mouth. I certainly didn't.

I continued stirring the broccoli with the chicken in a large pan, adding the sauce and watching it all simmer. It was a simple meal, didn't take much time and effort. But it had to be perfect.

It had to be.

For whatever reason, I really wanted them to like each other.

It felt weird how Aaron had suddenly returned and so easily taken his place back in my life. It almost felt like we didn't have five years of life separating us.

I checked the small wrist watch that I'd decided to wear tonight and that was when the anxiety kicked in. I wondered who would arrive first, I wondered if this was a terrible idea. I wondered if Tony was still upset with me for inviting a friend to have dinner with us behind his back.

My phone alarm went off and I immediately threw off the apron and rushed to my room to change into something decent. It was so unlike me to worry and care this much about something I had no control over. But this was important. Aaron and Tony are both important to me.

The second I stepped into the kitchen to shut off the stove, the doorbell rang and I instantly knew who was here first.

"You look nervous as hell." Aaron's sideways smile welcomed me. He was standing right in front of my door, a strange plant in his hand as sparkling gray eyes scanned my face.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked, looking up at him as his expression shifted. He watched me for a few seconds before his brows furrowed and he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, it'll be okay Vy. I'll be good." Aaron said, capturing me with concerned eyes. I nodded and he pulled me into a hug. His arms wrapped around me and my body collapsed against his, relieved at the comfort; I felt safe, warm. I felt like everything would turn out alright tonight. "Lover boy is here." Aaron muttered into my hair and pulled back.

I looked into the parking lot and Tony was, in fact, parked and pulling some things from his backseat.

"Maybe I should say hello." Aaron's face lit up with mischief and I suddenly wished the earth would split open and swallow me. Before I could say another word to stop him, he'd rushed down the stairs and was now standing beside Tony and introducing himself.

Tony seemed distracted as he pulled out a large bouquet of flowers and shut the door of his car. He screamed when he turned to finally face Aaron, dropping everything. Aaron bent down, laughing, to help him pick everything up.

I was frozen in my spot, watching the two interact felt like watching an inevitable train wreck. I had hoped it wouldn't feel this way, but maybe I was just imagining it.

Aaron and Tony climbed up the flight of stairs and while Aaron seemed to be enjoying he company, Tony kept scowling at him. I wondered what they were saying.

"Flowers for the lady," Aaron said when he'd reached the top of the stairs. He placed a white chrysanthemum in my hand and I suddenly felt morbid. Did he know that people brought these to funerals? If he did, why was he giving me one?

Tony was two steps behind as Aaron leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "to symbolize the end of your relationship with Toilet, here." And he strolled right in.

I stood frozen with my mouth hanging open.

Didn't you say you'll be 'good' literally five minutes ago? I shot at him, turning around and realizing he'd made his way to my kitchen.

"Smells great." Aaron shouted. I rolled my eyes, the nerves enveloping me as I realized how horrible of an idea this was.

"Baby," Tony smiled, standing in front of me with roses in his hand.

"I'm sorry," I muttered, "I should've told you before inviting that hooligan."

Tony snorted, "I can see that you two are fond of each other, but," he leaned forward and kissed my cheek, "I'm not going to let myself ruin our relationship over an insecurity. We can talk after." Tony suggested and I nodded in agreement.

"Let's head inside." I muttered nervously, biting my lip as I put the flowers in a vase and sighed.

Time for dinner.

Next chapter is a continued chapter about their dinner in Aaron's POV.

Any ideas what a white chrysanthemum might represent?

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