06: Apartment 107

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I saw her.

For the first time in 5 years.

I saw her. My heart almost flew out of my chest.

Violet was stunning.

She'd only managed to become even more beautiful over the years. Her dark, silky hair fell at her waist now; long, beautiful, and luscious. I couldn't help, but stare.

I admit it stung a little when the man she was with started kissing her, but I kept my head down. She didn't know I was here. And I didn't want to ruin the evening for her.

I sat at a table nearby, quietly observing until everyone stood up, the staff in their red suit-uniforms surrounded Violet and the man as one of them placed a cake on the table. A ring was drawn in frosting on top of the large chocolate cake.

Knowing Violet, she hated chocolate cake, maybe this man didn't know her as well as he seemed to think, especially if that ring was an indication of what he was planning tonight. Or maybe he was just a nervous wreck and it slipped his mind.

Calm down Tony, calm down, breathe. The man kept repeating to himself as I stood up to see what the commotion was all about. She'll say yes, relax Tony. You love her and she loves you, relax, calm down Tony. It'll be okay regardless. Calm down. Breathe.

Option 2 was looking more like it. He certainly was a nervous wreck, I smirked watching him, noticing the beads of sweat on his forehead. If I ever propose to anyone, remind me not to be that nervous.

I remained silent, my heart sinking ever so slightly as I watched them. Violet's eyes were glued to him as he spoke. He was about to propose to her and whisk her away. Till death do they part.

Tony and Violet. Toilet.

That wouldn't be good now, would it? I chuckled, watching the people engulf them to the point that I could hardly see what was happening.

I shut my eyes, taking a deep breath as I watched people walk past the restaurant and stop to look at the proposal inside. The room was well-lit in contrast to the darkness outside. It was undoubtably romantic. Their table was decorated with flowers that matched Violet's dress; beautiful and pink, a beautiful silk that matched her complexion well. This clearly had been planned for a while, except the little chocolate cake detail.

I could've done better.

However, my intentions here weren't to ruin Violet's relationship or even to visit her. I was not here to win her heart back now that she was done with her schooling. She had rejected me long ago, it wasn't my place to persuade her to choose me. Violet doesn't owe me anything.

I came to warn her that her psycho father was out of prison and came looking for me. I needed her to know that she had to be on the lookout, to be careful. That's all.

I wasn't going to allow my feelings to overshadow the real reason I was here: Violet's safety.

But, who am I kidding, deep down I knew I wanted to be with her. We were about 23 now, still so young. She'd clearly accomplished more than I had; being a doctor at that age was close to impossible. And yet Tony was probably much older, maybe in his later twenties. I'd have to speak with him to know more. And yet, a part of me hurt to even consider talking to the man who'd stolen her heart.

Call me selfish.

I watched her eyes light up when he knelt down, his suede shoes crippling on the ground. It almost hurt to watch the expensive material fold beneath his weight. This man certainly had good taste in more than just women.

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