16: Communication

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"I want to meet him." I announced, fuming as Violet stood in front of me. I wasn't sure how to react at her revelation. I was right about seeing her with a man the night before. And what bothered me even more was the fact that she didn't even allow me to stay in her apartment yet she had practically invited this fool to her place on the night of our supposed-to-be engagement.

"What? Tony, he's my friend. But he's also a very busy detective. We can schedule something." She brushed me off as we wandered the hallways aimlessly. We both had responsibilities, but nothing seemed more important than this at the moment.

"Yeah, but I want to meet him. And I..." I began, but she cut me off.

"Tony, I already said you can. We just need to plan something." I hadn't even heard her say that before, my anger was unbecoming as I took a deep breath.

"You're going to your hometown his weekend, right? I want to come."

"What? Why? I'm visiting my Mom."

"Well, I assume that Mr. mysterious old friend that slept in your bed will be there."

"Tony," she looked frustrated as she pressed her fingers to her temples with her eyebrows furrowed, "it's not like that. He's literally just my friend."

"So how did you two plan to meet? You didn't text him and tell him to meet at your address?" I asked, my arms crossed as her eyes looked behind me momentarily, scanning as she seemed to be deciding whether or not to tell me the truth.

"No, we didn't text. Look Tony, would you please just trust me?" Her white coat surrounded her as we stood in the bright hallway. Several nurses passed by, waving hello as I ignored them.

"Fine. I'll see you on Monday. But if anything happens with that guy, I want to be the first to know."

"What the heck, Tony?! Do you not trust me? I've been friends with Aaron since we were in high school, if we wanted to be together it would've happened."

"It's not you that I don't trust." I said, thinking of all the things a guy like that would have in mind. My innocent, sweet Violet would easily fall for the charms of somebody like him. I wondered if I was being too over the top. I hoped it didn't bother her that I was being protective, she was my girlfriend after all.

"Okay, look, neither of us have time for this. When's your break? I'm leaving after work tonight and won't be back until Monday." She said, taking a step closer and placing a hand on my shoulder.

"At two." I responded, tingles in my arm where her hand had touched. It was still so strange that even after two years of dating and a rejected proposal, she still made me feel this way.

"Okay, I'll meet you in the garden at two, I'll just switch my lunch break with Elaine or somebody. Let's talk then." She swiftly removed her hand from my shoulder and was out of sight within seconds. I took a deep breath.

It wasn't that I didn't trust Violet. In fact, if she decided to take her helmet off on Mars, I would probably follow. But it was the mysterious guy that had suddenly infiltrated our life that made me wary.

I had never heard her talk about him before, constantly defending him. Perhaps they were just friends and I was overthinking.

But the memory from last night of his shadow by her window. And the fact that I saw a shirtless man in her car this morning made me even more worried. I wouldn't ever be shirtless in front of my female friends, so why did this guy feel comfortable enough to do that.

Hey all! I just wanted to let you know updates are going to be slightly scattered from this point forward as I've started my last year of college and things have been pretty hectic at Zoom university haha! Hope y'all are staying safe during this pandemic! And I'll try to update as often as I am able to!

Until next chapter ♥️

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