04: Date Night Disaster

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"After you," Tony's light-brown eyes sparkled as he held the door open for me. I knew my cheeks were bright pink by now, but I didn't care. He was tall, handsome, smart, kind, respectful, genuine, caring, and the list could go on.

The waitress directed us to a table that he had booked. He had planned this date last week, ensuring it would be during a time we were both free.

Tony had shown up at my apartment with a giant bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates. He had held every door open, claiming that queens don't open their own doors. And taken us to this beautiful restaurant. His mere presence could make my heart skip a beat.

I was in love. I'm completely infatuated by the guy; he's on my mind all the time and I can't seem to get him out of it. He reached for my hand, his cool fingers wrapping around my own as my heart stuttered inside me.

He made me incredibly happy. Since the day I met him two years ago, he had been my go-to, my boyfriend. He made me the happiest woman on earth; to this day, he still had the ability to make me blush and laugh like a lunatic. It was like our honeymoon phase never ended.

He pulled the seat back for me, pushing me in gently after I sat. What a gentleman, I smiled as he sat across from me.

"Violet, I've missed you." He said, reaching for my hand and holding it tightly. "I've missed us."

"Me too." I said, trying to hide my nerves as best as possible. His bright brown eyes were so soulful as they looked into mine, I felt connected. He always made me feel so connected, so present and in the moment.

"How was the code blue today? Did the patient end up okay?" And just when he begins to show any signs of vulnerability, he immediately changes the subject. This was a pattern for him and I hoped someday he wouldn't try to change the subject. I tightened my grip on his hand, wondering how this incredible man had gotten trapped with me.

Violet, don't think so badly about yourself, you're amazing. I looked around the restaurant, wondering what I'd just heard. I shut my eyes, had I really just called myself amazing after talking bad about myself? I suppose I did. I guess a two day shift had that effect on people. Maybe the hallucinations had started; I needed some rest, that was certain.

"Babe, I don't want to talk about work tonight." I murmured as Tony stood up and moved his seat right beside mine. Our corner table was fairly private, but there were giant glass windows everywhere where anybody outside could see us.

Knowing Tony, PDA was the least cared-about thing on his mind. He was himself, he respected other people's space, but mostly, he did what he wanted to do without a single care in the world. He intrigued me, so carefree and happy all the time.

He was a rose in a world of thorns. Rare, happy, shiny, and beautiful.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asked, his muscular build leaning closer as he placed an arm around my chair.

"Us," I breathed sharply as he pulled my chair closer to his. My pink, silk dress flowed at the sudden movement as I blushed. I was rather self conscious about public displays of affection, but Tony loved to show me off. I suppose I didn't mind as much either; he made me feel special and appreciated every time. He faced me, leaning closer as his hand rested on my cheek while his other hand rested on mine.

"I love you Violet." He breathed, his minty-fresh breath intoxicating me like a drug. I couldn't contain the large smile that spread across my face, stretching from ear to ear.

It wasn't his first time to say those three special words, but, each time always felt like it was the first.

"I love you too." I whispered against his lips as he consumed me in his scent, our lips moved in synchrony as emotions ran high.

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