09: Traitorous Trap

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Behind the gates lies my freedom.

Behind the gates lies my freedom.

Behind the gates lies my freedom.

I was trapped. Trapped in a never ending cycle of torture with a single person inflicting each painful day.

The boy I had traded my life for was here, demonizing me each day.

I couldn't gasp for air or life. His face was everywhere.

"I'm sorry! I was selfish!" I cried out as Jared appeared, an evil sneer on his face as he repeated the same thing he always had.

"You murdered me." His expressionless eyes watched me.

I hadn't realized my actions would create such a ripple effect then, but now, I would gladly give my life up and relive a generation if it meant avoiding this situation. I wished I could travel back to the moment when I had made a deal to trade my life for his. Jared's life was meaningless; it served no purpose. I didn't think it would ever cause me this much trouble. I had truly believed that if I did, I could easily convince Tyler that he was my soulmate and then we could live alone until we died together; hopefully at an old age.

"I'm sorry, I know. It was selfish." Guilt ensued as I felt the steel chains around my feet tighten when I tried to step forward.

"You murdered me!" He repeated as I backed away, falling and crawling backwards toward a wall.

"I'm sorry! How many times must I tell you that I'm sorry!" I cried, tears pouring down my cheeks. He stood over me with an unidentifiable object in his hands.

"Wait! Please. No!" I cried into the dark room.

It was of my making, I was suddenly thrust out of Tyler's life and now I was stuck in a dark place all alone. I wondered if anybody even remembered me. Was I just a blip in the giant world that I had endured, what was my purpose?

I could recall everything, but the second I saw Jared standing in my room, I knew I was a gone. I wondered if anybody would ever remember me.

And now, I was in a horrible place with only Bailey Bloom and Jared keeping me company. And I despised their company.

Bailey was a monster, her only thoughts were on feeding while Jared had a death wish. But the wish was for me and my stolen soul.

I assumed they were both dead, which was why they came to this odd dimension to haunt me. And haunt me they certainly did.

I didn't know if I could ever escape. I hoped I would; I regretted everything I had done in life dearly.

But I knew that there was more of a purpose for me than trapping me here.

And then I saw it.

The second I thought about my potential purpose, I saw him.

The face of an unapologetic rapist who never dared reveal himself to the world. He was standing in front of his mirror, brushing his teeth and preparing for a day at work. The one friend I had had in high school.

He had sold me out while I had protected him the entire time I was in his generation. Traitor.

He had killed his own parents and then rushed back in time and stole me into the future. I took a soul of a young girl who was on her deathbed, and it was a miracle to her family that she lived, but they could sense something was off back then.

She was here too, but she rarely revealed herself. I almost felt bad, but I didn't have a choice. I wanted to skip through time and into the future. I wanted to know what it was like to meet people who didn't treat women like sexual objects. And I so happened to run into Joseph, the complete opposite of what I was searching for.

It was good that the girl had come from a wealthy family, because it allowed me to help Joseph out in his apartment. I thought we were friends.

And then he told me what he had done to Violet. He had the eyes of a killer, no regret or emotion as he confessed it to me on a drive to school one morning.

"My ex girlfriend and I did it at school." He had said, and I raised an eyebrow at his overshare.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I need to get it off my conscience. She screamed the entire time." He said. I didn't u see stand what he had meant back then, but now I knew.

He had raped her.

It made me angry to think about what he had done to innocent, sweet, quiet Violet Veowsalot, but I never said anything. I didn't want to lose my only friend.

I would've known the moment we had entered his year and two bloody people were laying on the floor.

"Do you know them?" I had asked as he stared at them, expressionless.

"They're my parents. I loved my mom, but she would've told on me I'd I hadn't done it." He was vague, incredibly cold. I was too naive to understand then.

And later on, when he had actually admitted to killing his father and then his mother, I kept his secret.

Because he was my only friend.

I wondered why I was seeing him now.

I hadn't particularly missed the jerk who had ignored me the entire time I went to high school with him. He even had expected me die like I always had, probably the only reason he hadn't tried to murder me too.

And yet, I survived and somehow became a burden to him.

I wasn't evil. I was selfish for trading a soul with mine. And now we were all trapped in this godforsaken place where I couldn't tell what was real or what was fake.

But I knew this was real when he screamed upon seeing my reflection in his mirror.

"Trina?" Joseph asked and I suddenly realized what I had to do for my soul to finally be out to rest after the 123 years it had existed.

Bailey and Jared and the girl approached, all looking into the mirror silently. We were practically ghosts, staring into his dimension with anger and hatred in our hearts.

It seemed as though a voice had chosen to unify us together, telling us that we could finally have our rest in death if we helped eliminate a monster off the earth.

I needed Jospeh to confess to his crimes. The voice had told me, then and only then, can my soul and the souls around me be put to rest. Where ever that may be.

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Until next chapter ♥️

Ps: it'll be up next Friday :)

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