05: At Death's Door, I Save Myself

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"He was so cute! I can't believe I didn't go to his room before! I hope he asks for my number." I cheerfully said, my mother listening on the other end of the line.

"Is he a doctor Ophelia?" She asked, I could just picture her, relaxed on the porch as she watched the sunset. I wished I didn't live two hours away from home, but I was almost done with school, then I could go back... or go wherever my job leads me. Or medical school.

"No, he was a patient, but he was so down to earth, and oh my gosh! Mom, his eyes were so brown! I love brown eyes! He actually cared about me and he's about my age too!" I beamed on the phone as mom listened.

"Ophelia, you always do this. Just because he talked to you and he's cute doesn't mean you're going to marry him," mom laughed as I shut my eyes, thinking back to the handsome Tyler Wallace from my hospital shift earlier.

"I know!" I exclaimed, "don't ruin my moment though! I'm so happy." I giggled as I could sense that mother rolling her eyes from wherever she was. I missed her voice; she always had this sultry calmness about her.

"Well, dear, stay safe. I have to tend to the horses. Call me tomorrow okay? Let me know how things go with the patient." I could practically see the laughter in her eyes.

"Will do! Bye mom, love you!"

"Goodnight Ophelia," Mom said as she hung up. I took a deep breath, returning to my desk to continue my homework assignment.

I did have too much on my plate, with school, volunteering, and research. I knew everything would be worth it in the end. Or at least, I hoped it would be.

Neither of my roommates were home this weekend. Two of them were visiting their boyfriends and the other one had gone home. It was just me, alone in a small apartment.

A knock on the door suddenly startled me. I wondered if one of my roommates had come home early; it was so soon. Hardly Friday and she'd gone to visit her boyfriend an hour ago. Did something happen.

But if it was one of them, why couldn't she use her key. Probably Jenna, she was always so forgetful and making a new key was an unnecessary cost for her especially since I was home.

I sighed, turning away from the chemistry formulas on my desk and standing up, heading toward the door. It would be a nice break from my 2 seconds of studying.

As soon as I opened the door, a tall older man stood in front of me. He had dull eyes that held no emotion.

"Hi?" I began, "can I help you, sir?" I asked, suddenly feeling afraid. I was stupid enough to open the door without checking the peephole and now a total stranger, not to mention how creepy he seemed, was standing in front of me.

"Yes. Your name is Ophelia, correct? You volunteer at the Barrier Medical hospital, correct?"

My eyes widened as he stared at me, no expression on his face. He stood patiently, waiting for my response. I was stupid enough to open the door, but I wouldn't be stupid enough to reveal my identity to this total stranger.

"Who are you?" I asked again as a devilish smile spread across his face and he immediately reached for my arm, pricking it with something sharp.

"Ow! What the hell?" I glared, looking at the spot he had just stabbed, puncturing a hole in my arm. "Leave, or I'm calling the cops!" My voice was shaking as fear engulfed me.

"Relax Ophelia, I have a bigger plan for you." He said as I glared at him.

"Go away, or I'm calling the cops."

"Do that dear, at that bomb I just implanted will explode."

"B...bomb?" My eyes widened in fear as I stared at him. He held a syringe in his hand, full of a blue liquid inside.

"You're crazy!" I yelled. My heart was pounding in my chest.

"Perhaps, but I will be the one to get what I want."

"Ophelia!" A voice called as I looked behind the old man. Luke, he was here. He could save me from this monster.

I pushed the man aside as he moved voluntarily and I rushed over to Luke's car.

"Luke! Drive!" I exclaimed, watching the old man shut my door and walk away, a smile on his features.

"Who is that?"

"Who? Are you okay Ophelia? Are you seeing things?"

"What! He was just there!" It took me a moment to realize that I had never invited Luke here. And that old man didn't seem troubled by my sudden desire to leave. Could it be that... are they working together? Did he get to Luke first?

"Luke, take me back."

"Relax Ophelia," Luke said, but I was tense and suddenly afraid as Luke continued to drive.

Everything seemed to blur slowly, the world became dizzy as I shut my eyes. Maybe it was all a horrible nightmare and I would wake up in my bed.

I just need to rest.


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Until next chapter ♥️
Please excuse the changing covers; I haven't been able to make one that suited the first story well.

Also Wanted to post this chapter early since the Friday chapter is gonna be... well you'll see

Updates will be every Friday, this one was an exception because I love you ❤️

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