30: Fearmongering

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*Because Trina doesn't exist in the first book, I've shifted things around a little where Joseph hallucinated Violet in his previous chapter and not Trina. (P.S. sorry it's taken so long to update)

Also: TW - strong language


My life is so hard. Each day feels like the same day on repeat.

Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Work. Work. Work.

I get home to a mundane day. And it's never interesting. I haven't made any new friends and haven't gone out to any new bars. I find solidarity to be rather lonely.

However, today was Thursday. It was a day off and a day to do my chores. I'd cleaned my apartment, careful not to look in any mirrors. Heaven forbid that shit happens again. I never want to see a face other than mine in my mirror, especially when I'm alone.

I washed my clothes. And I went to get the mail.

Except today, I'd received a threat. I'd laughed at the paper, which, by the way, looked like it belonged in a 1990s film with the way the letters from magazines and newspapers had been glued together. I kind of wanted to save it as a souvenir had it not been so creepy with no return address.

It was an interesting two sentences that brought fear into my heart for the first few seconds I looked at it. Then I'd tossed my head back and laughed.

I know what you did. Confess.

What exactly had I done? Lately, I just work and talk to girls on dating apps. It was mundane and boring as hell.

I was older now, almost 25 in a few weeks. I'd have the world's most boring job in the world's most boring town. And somehow, I'd still be single.

It wasn't that I hadn't been trying to find a relationship. It was that every girl I talked to only wanted to sleep with me and leave it at that.

For example, a couple weeks ago I'd met this bitch at the grocery store. She was drop dead gorgeous. And I felt the strongest urge to approach her, even though that's not my normal approach. I'm not normally that bold. But I was feeling confident that day. And so I went up to her.

"I'm Kaylee." She'd told me her name after I'd gotten her number. I told her I'd text her and she'd smiled at me, friendly enough. Though I knew I shouldn't shit where I ate, meeting a girl at a grocery store was a decent enough place. I didn't see a ring on her finger.

I watched her leave and make her way to her car. I eyed the brown haired beauty as she stepped into her white Honda. I memorized the license plate by heart in that second. I'd know when she would be at this grocery store from now on.

About an hour after my encounter, I decided it was time to text her.

Hey. I'm so sorry to have bombarded you at the grocery store. But, you know you're gorgeous. I'd love to go out sometime.

Pretty brown eyes 🤩
hi, sure but I'm not in town super often. I might be back next weekend.

We texted back and forth a little and she seemed friendly enough. I told her I looked forward to seeing her that next weekend.

The weekend came as quickly as the week had started, rushing to a halt as I sat on my blue beanbag chair and was reminded of the girl whose name I could no longer remember.

Hey! It's the weekend, are you free?

I'd sent the message and waited.

One hour.

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