01: Murder on Worcestor Street

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I walked around the crime scene, listening in on everyone's thoughts. Maybe one of them knew something about the young girl who had been murdered last night.

Why are the cops here?

That guy is pretty cute.

Is he a cop? Why ain't he in uniform?

I'm so scared. I heard a voice say and my eyes immediately flicked to the direction of the voice. It was a boy, about sixteen years old. He looked at me with absolute horror in his eyes. Why is that guy looking at me?

I decided to walk up to him and ask why he sounded so suspicious.

"Hi, I'm detective Aaron..." I crossed my arms, as he interrupted me.

"What? What do you want?" He asked, confusion written all over his features.

"You look a bit suspicious, so I decided to skiddle-ee -doo on over and see what's up."

Who the hell says sliddle-ee-doo?

"What? I don't know anything about Caroline." He said, his eyes widening with each word.

"What do you know about her?" I mused, awaiting for the floodgates of his mind to be opened so I could go on with my day and possibly arrest this murderer.

"Nothing. I just said that." He scoffed, "she was new to the school, that's it." His voice was shaky as I caught a glimpse of them together. He wasn't telling me what he knew, and lying to authorities is a federal offense. Regardless, I could tell there were things he might not want to say in public, but a little interrogating could get them out of him, he knew her far better than what he'd proclaimed.

"Okay, in that case we'd like to take you in for questioning. Just for precautionary purposes." I crossed my arms and gave him a smug grin as he glared at me, confusion written all over his features.

I glanced at Detective Zya, who nodded in acknowledgement and took the boy with him. I walked away and headed toward my car, driving back to the precinct.

"Morning Bella," I winked, bringing my magnificent presence into the precinct, and grabbing her coffee off her desk. I took a long sip as she watched me, her mouth hanging open.

Who the hell decided it would be a good idea to assign us to work together again? He's just going to fool around the entire time. Bella's mind was especially kind today. I smirked, taking her bagel and biting into it now too.

"There's been a murder on Worcester Street. It was reported this morning by a student of Rosemond, forensics says that it happened last night by the high school, young girl about 16, went by the name of Caroline Vesper." Bella said, taking her bagel from my hand and putting it back on her desk.

Oh Rosemond, that was my highschool exactly 5 years ago. Unfortunately for Bella, I already knew this information and had been there a couple minutes after forensics had left. I decided to play dumb since Bella loved to explain things.

"What? They already brought her in?" I asked, feigning disappointment, investigating the crime scene had always been the best part.

"Yup! Now, I need you to give me back my coffee and go talk to Tessa about it. Shoo." Bella said as I left her desk to go talk to probably the most awkward person alive. I entered the forensics room, which was simply separated from the rest of the precinct by a large glass window and a door.

"Hey small T!" I said as she nervously looked up at me. "I heard about that murder case this morning. Gruesome, right?" I asked, eyeing her carefully as her eyes scanned my body. Dear lord, do all women think the same?

My mind wandered for a second, but I refused to think about her. The one girl who never saw me that way, the girl that I...

"Yeah. Evidence shows she was poisoned, but there was also a stab wound on her neck so we're looking into trying to figure out what happened and who might've wanted her dead." Tessa said nervously, her fingers playing with the hem of her sleeve. I nodded; if I didn't know any better, I would've assumed Tessa was the culprit.

"So was there anything else that you found? Maybe a keychain?" I asked as her eyes widened. I had a tendency of making her do that.

How does he always know this stuff? Does he plant evidence or something? If she wasn't going to make that claim aloud, then I hadn't heard anything.

"Actually yes! There was a keychain with the letters LP on it. I'll look into that. Have you brought in any suspects?"

"Yup, a certain Luke Parker is in the interrogation room now. I think Zya is going to go in there later today."

"Great. Thanks Aaron." She smiled sweetly, her green eyes matching the ends of her red hair. I nodded, about to walk away until Tina's mind began working on overtime.

Should I tell him? Does he care enough to know? I don't want to tell him. Okay I won't tell him. She convinced herself, but I wasn't about to let her off the hook.

"Was there anything else?" I asked, glancing down at her as she continued to argue with herself.

Stop being so hot, I can't think clearly! I tried not to smile, but her nervousness was too much.

"Actually, yes. I'm not sure if this affects you, but there was a man who was released this morning. He came here looking for you," Tessa said, her eyes widening. So this is what I have to do to get his attention, huh, I'm glad I told him.

"Did he have a name?" I asked, my heart was pumping loudly in my chest and I thought of the one person it could possibly be. The one person who would go looking for me after six years in prison.

"I think it was Robert Dooley." My heart froze at the sound of his name. Shock filled my features as I looked at her in horror. No way. There was no way he was out already. It was too soon, too little time had gone by. There was no way.

It had been six years since that crazy man had trapped his daughter in his basement and tried to use her for research. He was a crazy sociopath and both Violet and I were upset when he had only been sentenced to six years.

Violet. I hadn't spoken to her in almost five years since she moved away for her bachelors-MD medical school program. I had wanted a relationship with her, but she turned me down to focus on her schooling. Don't get me wrong, I respected the hell out of her, but I was so hurt that she'd left me out to dry.

And now her father was out. He was out of jail and there was no denying the next person he would target.

"Aaron?" Tessa asked, waving her hands over my eyes as I stood there in shock.

"Uh, thanks T," I cleared my throat, "I have to go."


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Until next chapter ♥️
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