15: Surgical Woes

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"Violet!" I called, hoping she could hear me as I watched her walk past my room in a seemingly heated discussion with another doctor. He looked upset and so did she. She turned to face me, her expression instantly changing as she entered my room.

"Tyler! It's good to see you're doing well." She smiled as I stared at her long black hair, tied eloquently above her head. She reminded me of home and high school; the security of friendships. "Speaking of which, a few police offices are going to come in today to speak with you about your gunshot wound. If possible, please tell them everything you can."

"Actually, I accidentally shot myself," I lied, "I didn't know that the gun was loaded and I clicked by accident."

"Oh, okay, then when they get here, please tell them that!" She smiled warmly. I noticed the man she had been talking to was still standing outside my room and I waved at him.

He nodded and entered my room, "Hello, I'm doctor Anderson. I'm just going to check on your wound."

"Tony here will keep you in good hands. I have to go type some stuff up!" She said, rushing out of my room as the guy rolled his eyes.

"Women, am I right?" He scoffed as he checked the machines. It almost made me angry that he was referring to Violet in such a way that degraded her and her entire gender. It wasn't so much the words he said, but the way he said it.

"What? Violet isn't like that." I said as his eyebrows shot up. He looked stunned for a second, possibly wondering how I knew her.

"Oh, I'm sorry. That was very unprofessional. Yes, you're right. Violet is not like that stereotype. She's fairly rational. So why would she let a random man sleep in her apartment even though she won't let me in past eleven?" He growled, walking toward the computer in the corner of the room and angrily typing. I was wondering why he flat out lost all professionalism and shared his problems with a stranger.

"With all due respect Dr. Anderson, I've known Violet for years and if she let a man sleep in her house, you can rest assured nothing happened. She's very straight forward." His eyes widened when he realized that I've known her for so long.

"It's not that," the doctor looked up at me, his light stubble and circles under his eyes showed the stress put on him, either from his job or his clear relationship with Violet. I wondered what it was about me that made it so easy for him to open up.

"I mean, knowing Violet, the only guy she was ever actually close with didn't stand a chance." I chuckled, thinking back to the good old days. The days when Aaron would constantly flirt with her and she would push away all his attempts. Come to think of it, I had hardly seen Aaron since he had visited me years ago. I visited their school for graduation and they all seemed like completely different people.

"Thanks for the reassurance." Dr. Anderson said as my eyes widened.

"You like her?" I asked, staring at him with intrigue written all over my face. If my eyes could sparkle with curiosity, they certainly would be sparkling at this moment.

"You're a friend of Violet's I suppose, I would assume that she would have told her friends about her boyfriend." Dr. Anderson said as absolute shock pushed me against the bed as my eyes gaped open.

This. This was the guy Violet decided to date?! After all these years and she went for the jealous, seemingly-insecure, angry type. Wow, I did not see that coming.

"I haven't spoken to Violet in years," I said, my wound feeling like it was on fire as I grunted with each movement. I hadn't even noticed the pain before, I was so focused on something else the entire time.

"Right, well, you look like you might need some assistance. I'll call a nurse for you. It was a pleasure speaking with you." He nodded my way and left the room. But there was still so many questions left unanswered. Most importantly: why?

It had been a really long time since I had reached out to anyone from my hometown in Rosemond. I'd spent the past few years in Barrier and had no intention of ever going back. But it seemed like a reunion would be due soon.

I pulled out my phone, texting Amy Bloom, my ex-girlfriend from my junior year of highschool. The terms we had ended on may not have been the best, considering I had completely gotten jealous that she had went to Aaron and Violet to talk about her cannibal sister's arrest first before she came to me. And she'd gotten upset that I had disregarded her thoughts and feeling while I had gotten angry that I wasn't the first person she went to. It was a major lack of communication and it ultimately led to our downfall.

But as the years went by, I realized the error of my mistakes. Amy had always been alone in the world. She had two sisters, but I had only ever met one; I had met the compulsively-lying cannibal who ended up being placed on death-row. And I had never had the chance to meet her parents since they were always out of town.

I reached for my phone on my hospital bed, flinching as the pain echoed across my entire body.

I was too tired to text and in desperate need of some pain-relieving pills. I promised myself I would do it later.

Please don't forget to Vote, comment, and follow me @veronicasoli

Until next chapter ♥️

This chapter is dedicated to JulianaLaBrabt  check out her profile! We're currently co-writing "Kisses and Cookies" on her page :)

Part 14 will be up next week! Also updates have been moved to Saturday nights PT since my school is back in session!

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