08: The Lies I Dreamt Of

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"Wasn't the doctor going to stay?" Aaron stood in front of me, his soft gray eyes looking me up and down. I followed his vision, looking at my plain pink dress, it was nothing special, just a rose-colored dress that reached just above my knees.

If anything, Aaron was the one to look at. He was in a hoodie and jeans, something he rarely wore when we were in high school. I wondered why he suddenly decided to change his attire.

I hate to admit that I liked the attention, but I blushed, pulling the small silky strap back over my shoulder, memories of Tony's kisses in his car flashing in my mind. I was smiling since he dropped me off; smiling up until the point when I walked into my apartment and found Aaron standing by the door, patiently waiting. My smile had instantly faded as I furrowed my brows. It was freezing, I hoped he hadn't waited too long. I waved at Tony as I saw him pull out of the driveway. I was worried that he would see Aaron and I together, especially after Tony noticed me openly-gazing at Aaron during his proposal.

I couldn't help it. I wasn't expecting him to be there. It was a shock.

"No," I said, crossing my legs as I sat on my couch. Aaron's eyes tracked every movement as he stood with his arms crossed by the window. "He's never stayed the night, it's one of our boundaries." Our boundaries were in place for the sake of preventing any mix-ups before we were married, regardless of how far back I had pushed the wedding now. I was too tired to even think about it.

"Can't control yourselves? Kinky," Aaron chuckled as I narrowed my eyes at him, my jaw dropping as he walked around my living room and resumed the conversation like normal "congrats on the engagement, by the way." He said, I could see a painful expression pain flash in his eyes, but said nothing, maybe I'd imagined it. I couldn't read him as easily as I used to.

He had certainly changed more than that though. He'd clearly been working out, more muscular than before. His features were more defined, and his jawline looked like it could slice through a stone. I shut my eyes, trying to stop looking at him. He'd gotten more handsome. Or perhaps, I just hadn't seen many good-looking men recently, at least, not ones I'm familiar with because believe me, Tony was his own type of attractive. But it's not all about outer appearances, I wasn't superficial enough to fall for a guy because he was cute.

"You know that's not what happened." I glanced at him, his gray eyes were full of depth. Desire, perhaps. He kept his mouth shut as he looked at my dress, admiring its contour on my body as I felt myself blush.

No. That's not allowed. I should've changed out of this dress, I can't even sit comfortably. Aaron, get your mind out of the gutter.

"Care to replay, but with me?" He approached me, sitting on my coffee table as he leaned forward, inches from my face as his eyes searched mine. I glared at him, he obviously would've seen that I kissed my boyfriend before coming up here.

"No." I said, quickly standing up and walking towards my bedroom, "I'll be right back." I announced, rushing to my room and changing out of my dress and into a sweater and sweatpants. There, more comfortable.

"You okay in there?" Aaron asked after a while, "I didn't realize lingerie took that long to change into." He joked, still sitting on my coffee table and eating the chocolates that Tony had dropped off before our date tonight.

"I have a boyfriend, Aaron. And you happen to be eating the chocolate he gave me." I hid my smile as I walked over to him, I missed our bickering. It had been so long since I've met someone I could simultaneously like and dislike all at once.

"You're not married, so technically, you're single. Let him know they were delicious." He smirked, taking another one out of the heart-shaped container and crossing his arms as I walked past him.

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