19: Strange Things

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tw: domestic violence; strong language


I entered the office, exhausted as I rubbed my eyes. It had been one hell of a night— strange, to say the least. I kept seeing images of Trina, tormenting me in my sleep. I wondered if I had just been losing my mind or if my past was catching up to me.

And this morning, I somehow saw her reflection in my mirror. I screamed. I screamed so loud and rushed out of the bathroom so fast. I hadn't been home in almost two days because of it.

After work, I had a class at my local university. I was finishing up grad school in order to become an architect someday; I was a bit behind my classmates, but everyone has their own path in life.

I slept at a motel for two nights with no visions of Trina.

And tonight, I decided that it would be a good idea to head back home. After class, I drove the five miles to my apartment and entered. I checked my emails quickly and microwaved some ramen.

I sat on my couch and turned on the TV, hoping it could take my mind off of school, even if for just a short while. But the show that was on was not something I thought I would ever see again.

I tried to look away, but my eyes were glued to the screen. It felt like someone had wrapped their fingers around my face and forced me to keep staring. Anytime I tried to shut my eyes, they flung back open.

"Stop!" I shouted, my eyes glued to a video I didn't know existed; a video I wished I didn't have to re-live or see again. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I sat in silence, unable to move as I continued to watch.

"Joseph!" My mother's eyes were wide open, fear fluttering off of her in waves as I stood there holding a metal box in my hand.

My father stood up, I had knocked him with it before and his forehead bled slowly. I looked at the mud that stuck to the side of his face from where he had landed, combined with the blood from where I had thrown the small metal box at him.

"Run!" My mother shouted, her voice sounded panicked. I stood there, confused at how I had gotten back and Trina stood behind me wearing her long dress. We had left the 1910s; the strange time machine box was back in my hand somehow; and I was back to the exact moment after I had hit my father in the head with the box.

"No mom." I said, feeling revived, the fear coursing through me only made me feel powerful. "I'm stronger than this. I have to overcome it. I can fight for you." I shouted as my fathers footsteps wobbled slightly, he was off balance and I knew he would regain it at any second.

"Joseph." Trina said, "we agreed; two lives for ours." She muttered behind me. My eyes widened, I didn't understand what she meant back then. I had just wanted to go back to protect my mother, that was the only reason I left the era I was in— aside from almost getting killed for people accusing me of being a nazi.

"You piece of shit," my father began sputtering as my heart raced. I stumbled backward, tripping over a branch and quickly catching myself before I fell. My fingers tightened around the box, my knuckles turning white.

"Joseph! Please run!" My mother shouted again as my father turned to face her. He made my blood boil as he shifted his anger from me to her, placing all the blame of the past few minutes onto her.

"Shut up you dumb bitch!" He growled, "you've always been an idiot and you always will be an idiot! Fuck you and your idiot son!" He shouted, "look how you couldn't raise him! This is the respect he shows his father! Damn you and your dumbass son!" My father shouted. I felt my heart racing as I froze in place, unable to move as I watched him punch her. My mother fell to the ground, screaming as he kicked her repeatedly. "I should kill you! You never deserved to be married to someone like me! You deserve skum of this earth, like yourself!" He shouted. His leg colliding with her rib cage countless times and suddenly he was on top of her, slapping her face and attempting to choke her.

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