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A/N:- Vegeta would be an adult when his planet was exterminated. This is just so you, the reader, can fit perfectly in the story.

Now enjoy the story.


The prince of all Saiyans, and a man full of pride. He is one of the earth defenders. After he left his life a villain, he moved forward and started to accept the people who were once his enemies. He even started a family, he has a wife and son. But one thing didn't change is that he can't express his feelings and emotions like the others because of his huge pride, but that didn't mean he hates everyone, he just dislikes their behavior. But all in all, his life is going perfect. Exactly like how he wanted.


Somethings from our past can come back and haunt us like nightmares, and this was going to happen to him. Why don't we take some glimpses from his past to know what exactly happened.


Planet Vegeta:-

"WHAT!?...But father you know I'm not interested yet! I'm a warrior not some sort of a house man!"

"I have already made my decision son. We cannot take back what we promised."

"Ugh! This is ridiculous."

Vegeta and his father were fighting over a topic the young saiyan didn't even think about. You see, Vegeta has finally turned into an adult and his father, King Vegeta, told him that he was now prepared to be the king. However, he have to find a queen to be by his side. Vegeta didn't really like the idea, he was supposed to be training to get stronger and become the Super Saiyan the myth talks about. His father has already chosen his future daughter-in-law.


A young woman from a royal family that was close to the king. She was a kind woman to everyone and also a very unique person too, she has a power of healing wounds no matter how minor or major they were. The king liked how responsible she is and how she respected everyone around her. He found her as a suitable wife for his son. He first met her when she was fourteen and he already has chosen her to be his son's fiancee.

King Vegeta sighed, "It's indisputable. We're going to make this marriage official and that's the end of it." Vegeta growled and stormed out of the throne room. He made it to his room and slammed the door shut, "This is so annoying! I'm not into marriage and those stuff." He mumbled, hitting the wall.

'I can't argue with father. I will carry on with the marriage, but I will continue my life normally like she didn't exist.' He gave a smirk as he thought of this.


After the meeting with Tara and her parents, their marriage was predestined. Vegeta never showed that he liked this idea nor did show that he disliked it, he just remain his usual self.

After a few months, the marriage ceremony was done and went on perfectly and peacefully. The bride and groom were escorted to their chamber and left alone so they can have their private time. However, nothing happened between them at all, Vegeta didn't even share the bed with Tara. She was a little bit sad, but she had learned that Vegeta was always like this. It would take time for him to warm up to her.

A few months later:-

Tara was walking in palace garden with king Vegeta, he spotted her walking so he thought why not accompany her for a little bit. They were both talking and enjoying themselves, " my mother would always scold me when I sleep in my tutoring sessions." Tara said, blushing in embarrassment. King Vegeta chuckled while shaking his head, "Well, I believe it's good to concentrate on your lessons rather then sleep." He uttered. Tara giggled softly, agreeing with the king, "You're right, your highness."

"Tara, how's Vegeta with you?"

The female saiyan tensed at the mention of her husband's name. She couldn't just tell him that he ignores her most of the time, she just can't. "He is treating me nicely." She said with a smile to cover the lie. King Vegeta let an audible sigh of relief, knowing that his son wasn't disrespectful toward her.

"That's good to hear since he is going to be the king, he must treat his people with respect and justice. Also, every king and queen need a heir apparent." He said, making Tara's black eyes widen. "Um..." She couldn't form any words. If Vegeta is ignoring her, how can he even think about having a child with her? King Vegeta cleared his throat which made Tara snap out of her thoughts, "Anyway, I unfortunately must go now, I have some important errands I need to attend to." He stated. Tara bowed slightly and watched as the king went.

'I have a bad feeling about him mentioning this.'


That day when Vegeta got back from his mission, his father told him about the heir apparent topic, but this made Vegeta angry. After a few weeks, he told Tara about the same topic and it would be an underestimate to say that she was shocked. Her response to this was, "I'm not ready yet Vegeta. When I'm prepared, I will personally inform you." This took a month for her to mentally prepare herself and finally everyone on the planet was expecting the new prince or princess.

After nine months, the baby was born. It was a girl. Tara stood in front of a pod in the nursery with the king, Vegeta was in a mission. Typical Vegeta. "So what would you like to name her Tara?" He asked. Tara thought for a while, "I believe Y/N suits her well." She smiled.

"Y/N...Great name for a great saiyan."

After a month of Y/N's birth, planet Vegeta was destroyed. Tara and Y/N managed to escape thanks to Bardock's help. They both escaped to a planet named Lirio. (This is a made up planet.)

Tara and her child lived there with the people of the planet peacefully, hoping that Vegeta would one day come and save them. But Tara didn't live to see that day and left behind a rage filled saiyan child.


Y/N's personal vendetta made her a pretty known in multiverse. Y/N now had to get her revenge from three people, the person who killed her mother, the man who made her see death every day, and...her father.

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