Chapter 4:- Father VS Daughter

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S/A:- Special Attack.
F/C:- Favorite Color.
A/C :- Aura Color.

A/N:- I'm sorry I'm so horrible at describing fighting scenes. Please bare with me.

Enjoy the Chapter.


You looked at Vegeta with rage-burning eyes, you were finally to have your vengeance after all those years. Vegeta was still questioning himself what was your purpose and why you looked somehow familiar, he had to know who are you exactly. You growled, "At last, I'm going to get what I've dreamed of all those years." You mumbled, preparing yourself for the final battle. Vegeta frowned while looking at your form, "I'll make sure you die here and now." You chuckle, "Don't be full of yourself." You said with pure sarcasm dripping from your tongue.

"Don't waste anymore time and let's get started!" He snapped.

"Fine, but before we start--"

A F/C aura surrounded you, healing all of your wounds and injuries from your previous battle. It was a thing your mother taught you before she died and you were glad you mastered it perfectly. After it vanished, you were completely healed. There wasn't any scratch on you, it was like you didn't fight anyone just yet. However, your healing power had a disadvantage, it lowers your power, but you didn't care more or less. You gave Vegeta an evil smirk and said, "Now let's begin!" With that being said, both of you disappeared and took off to the sky. You were both sending punches so fast to each other that you can barely see it.

"She is so fast! But that's no problem."

Vegeta thought as he sent a volley of ki balls your way, you punched them away making them go into different directions and flew toward him. You were about to kick him, but he held your leg and spun you around, letting you go after a few minutes. He suddenly appeared behind you and kicked you again, then appeared in front of you and punched you in the stomach. The last one he appeared above and hammer-hit you in the head, sending you to the ground. In addition to this attack, he blasted some energy blasts just to weaken you more. However, little did he know that he was only frustrating you more and more.

Vegeta stopped his blitz and looked down at the dust mess, "I knew she wasn't as strong as she appeared." Just as he thought this, a ki blast flew just a few inches away from him and you emerged from the dust, floating in front of him, "You did a good job, but let's stop messing around and get serious." With that being said, you both started your fight again.

Meanwhile with Goku and the others. The goofy Saiyan started to slowly set up. Yes your attack was strong, but it was strong enough to weaken him and not killing him, "She didn't want kill me intentionally, it seems I'm really not her target then." Goku sighed. "Goku!" Someone called him. He looked behind and saw Krillin who was looking at him worriedly. Goku slowly stood up and limped toward the cupola-like force field. He put his hand on the energy wall, "Are okay dad?" Gohan asked with worried expressions. "I will be, don't worry. I hope you brought some senzu beans with you." Goku chuckled, "I did!" Krillin said, "I wish I could give you one, but this thing is standing in our way." He added. Goku painfully chuckled as he sat down, "It's fine. After Vegeta finishes this, the force field will disappear and all of you will be free." He then frowned.

Gohan noticed his father's expression and kneeled down, "What are you thinking about dad?" He asked his father. "Her ki." Was all he said. "Her ki? What's with it?" Krillin questioned, joining the conversation. "It's so similar to Vegeta's." He stated, looking up at the fight. "Come to think of it, her attitude is kinda similar to him as well as her looks, but not much." Gohan said, rubbing his chin. Goku then looked at Bulma who was yelling at you to free her and Trunks who was trying to calm her down, "I hope what I think is not right." He thought, looking back at you and Vegeta.

Back to you and Vegeta, you were both now panting heavily. The fight was a little tough and both of you never let your guards down, "It looks like this battle will take longer then expected." You told him, wiping the sweat that was running down your forehead. Vegeta smirked, "No worries, I will make it short for you. Let's take this fight to the next level." After he said that, he started to power up into his SSJ form. You decided to power up to 50% of your power, the feelings of unawareness slightly started to consume your mind. Shortly later, both of you were powered up and ready for the next brutal fight.

Vegeta flew to you and gave you a right hook, but you blocked it your arm and head-butted him. Vegeta flew up and send you a few ki balls, but they didn't faze you to much. However, you didn't notice that one of them injured your side because the adrenaline was running in your veins. Vegeta noticed that and settled on striking your side as a weakness point. You were to punch him, but he caught your fist and hit your side. You yelped in pain at the sudden hit, he struck your side several times and letting you go. You started to fall down, "BIG BANG ATTACK!" You heard Vegeta say before pain started to shoot through your body as you hit the ground violently. You ever so slowly stood up on your knees, holding your side while Vegeta looked at you from above. Unfortunately you couldn't use the healing ability since it would only weaken you more. "Is that all you have? You're a weakling, how can you call yourself a Saiyan if you can't stand a simple hit?" Vegeta growled making something snap in your head.

"No. I'm...not backing down now...not after everything I went through...It's for her...She needs to rest in peace. I'm. Not. Giving. UP!!"

With that you unconsciously raise your power to the max. Your rage had finally blinded you and in a blink of an eyes you were in front of Vegeta. You gave him a volley of punches and kicks, he dodged some and blocked some, but he got some hits here and there. You summoned a F/C blast ball with a A/C aura around it and threw it at Vegeta. While the ball was in its way, you fired a finger ki blast which made the energy ball to explode into many small rain-like blasts. Vegeta started to fly away, trying his best to avoid the small blasts, "This is too much, it's time to end this." He thought.

Vegeta made sure that there was no more blasts and prepared for his famous Final Flash. You noticed this a prepared for your S/A. You pushed your arms back, pulling your hands into fists as they started to shine.



Both of you fired at each other, making your attacks to collide with each other. Vegeta added more power which increased his attack's strength, yours was slowly backing off. You growled and yelled, "NOT THIS TIME!!" You pulled your arms back slightly and pushed them forward to add more energy. You slowly started to gain upper hand until finally Vegeta's Final Flash vanished and took the hit.

Everyone watched in horror how Vegeta fell down to the ground. Bulma and Trunks both banging on the energy wall.



Goku was unable to move, he was so weak to move one inch of his body. You lowered down to the ground and walked towards Vegeta. You kneeled beside him as he looked at you and held him by the collar of his armour. "I won. Now it's time to fulfill my vengeance." With that, you pulled your fist back, making it shine with energy blasts.

"Don't do this!!"


"Don't just lie down Vegeta! Do something!!"

Goku, Trunks and Bulma yelled, but you didn't care about them, "This is the end." With that you threw your fist at him.


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