Bonus Story:- Chapter #3

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A/N:- Frist of all, I will apologize because this story will have a lot of time skips.😅

Enjoy the chapter. 💫

The day of tournament had finally came, everyone was ready to fight Cell and end him once and for all. Your power had increased again, but you still didn't manage to reach SSJ form yet again.

Goku had just reached the Kami lookout, he was greeted by the Z Fighters and Dende. "Are you guys ready?" Goku asked, putting his hands on his hips and smiled.

Piccolo nodded with a smirk, "Of course." He said.

"Say, where's Vegeta and Y/N?"

"They went ahead of us." Piccolo said, scoffing at the mentioning of the Saiyan prince.

Goku then looked at Trunks, "Trunks, tell me what happened that day when you went to fight Cell." Goku told him and Trunks nodded, explaining what you did that day, "HUH!! She was very angry, but didn't turn into a Super Saiyan? This is weird!" Goku exclaimed, faking his shock. "Just like how I thought, Y/N is the only one to defeat him." Goku thought, mentally smirking.


You and Vegeta arrived to the location where the Cell Games were held. It was a squire shaped arena with four columns in each corner in an open field, suitable place for a brutal battle.

Cell looked at Vegeta, "I see you're the first one to arrive, Vegeta. And you brought your little brat." Cell said, unamused with your arrival. He was eyeing you most of the time. However, you never looked at him nor did Vegeta reply at him.

After sometime, the rest of your friends arrived to the arena. Goku insisted to go first, but a man showed up, saying that he would take Cell down by himself. But neither him nor his students stood against him one bite, actually Cell didn't put much effort to kick them out of the ring.

Then came Goku's turn and Cell smirked, "Finally, the Cell Games have truly begun." Both Cell and Goku took their fighting stance, getting ready for the fight.

Time Skip (after Goku fought Cell cuz I know you know the fight 😅):-
"I give up!"

Goku said, which made everyone shocked. Cell as well was no exception, "Y-You give up? Are you aware of what you are saying? Do you know what this means?" Cell asked, being a little suspicious of Goku.

Goku gave him a smirk, "I know, but me giving up doesn't mean there's no one to stand against you." Goku said, "I will choose another fighter to replace me." Goku then looked at all of you, studying each and everyone's face, "The fighter that will take my place is..." Goku's eyes landed on his choice, "Gohan!" And here came the bomb.

Goku then flew to where all of you stood, "Goku, do you know what you're doing? Gohan might die!" Piccolo yelled, completely disapproved of this idea.

The Saiyan smiled, "Don't worry Piccolo, I know just what I'm doing." His gaze then turned to Gohan who was a bit scared, "Gohan, I know you can do it. You have the power to defeat him, I have faith in you." Goku said, putting his hand on Gohan's shoulder.

The young teen looked down, "B-But I'm not strong enough like you." He muttered.

"You can Gohan, believe in yourself."

Gohan looked up to see his father smiling which made him smile back, "Okay, I will do it!" Gohan says, gaining confidence from his father. And so Gohan went to fight Cell.


Gohan was unable to match him, he was actually receiving hits worst then Goku. This was enough to raise your anger that you subconsciously held your father's pants while the other hand balled into a fist in front of your chest. Your friend was getting hurt and you were unable to do anything to save him. Vegeta looked down at you to see you shaking, you hair covered your face, but he could see you grit your teeth and your tail swing violently, "Y/N..." He thought, knowing that you were slowly losing control.

Piccolo shared your feeling of anger as well, "Ugh! I don't care about what you think Son!! I'm going to help Gohan!" Piccolo was about to fly, but Goku stopped him.

"Don't be stupid Piccolo! You will only get hurt!" Goku yelled at him. His gaze then turned to you, "Just a little bit...come on Y/N, get angry! Gohan needs you!" Goku yelled in his head, hoping you would leap to help Gohan very soon.

"Grrr..." A low growl left your lips as you saw Cell hitting Gohan on his face, damning him to get angry with each hit. You lost Android #16, but you will never let him kill Gohan. Your hair raised up and your eyes changed, you had finally lost it and flew to the battlefield. You dashed toward Cell and gave him a strong punch, letting go of Gohan in process.

Cell stood up and looked at you, "You again?! You really have a death wish." Cell averted his gaze to Vegeta and Goku, "Watch me how I kill both of your brats in front of you!" He shouted, laughing after his sentence.

"You're wrong..." Vegeta spoke up, "Y/N is full-blooded Saiyan, she had the power of the great ape's rage mixed with her normal Saiyan power, that's why she gets stronger every time she gets angry." He then smirked, "This is your end...Cell." Vegeta smirked.

You dashed toward him again and hit him in the stomach which made him bend down, you took this opportunity to punch his chin and that made him fly up in the sky. Your hands lit up with ki power and you started to blast him with multiple ki balls. Cell emerged from the dark clouds of dust and attacked you, both of blocking, dodging or receiving hits from each other.

You both separate from each other and Cell ended up standing in front of Gohan, "I must admit that you impressed me, but I have something better for you." He then looked at your friends and started to count them. He then quickly teleported in front of Krillin and snitched the senzu beans bag, then return back to his spot. "Now let's see what you can do." Suddenly the tip of his tail opened and seven weird things shot out of it. Cell had made mini, blue copies of himself, "Show me how you can protect yourself...Y/N. Cell Jrs attack her and kill her if needed." With that, the seven creatures flew to you.

You just roared and flew toward them as well. You punched one, but it seemed that it was unfazed with your attack. Another one appeared behind you and hit you with both fists joined together on your head, you were slammed into the ground. Another Cell Jr landed in front of you and kicked your stomach several times. You were unable to kill them, they were as strong as Cell and you did everything in your power to fight them back. In the end, you were sent into a hill and buried under the rubble.

"Y/N!!" Vegeta yelled and went to help you, but the seven mini Cells were now flew in front of them all. "Dammit! I need to reach Y/N!" He thought.

Cell called out, "Now you can play with these can kill them if you want to." All of the Cell Jrs laughed and attacked the heros. "You should get angry now or your friends over there will die. I might as well take care of Y/N so she wouldn't interrupt me against." Cell said and slowly walked to your direction. He knew that this will make him angry. Gohan looked at his friends and saw how they couldn't defeat those small things.

"W-What? Those things are going to kill my father and the others! And this monster is going to kill Y/N now! Why am I useless? Why can't I help anyone? I hate myself, I really HATE MYSELF!!" With that thought, Gohan let out a loud cry, his power increasing incredibly. Everyone, including Cell, looked at him, astonished by how powerful Gohan got. Now a new fight was sat up again and it was time to know who would win this battle and gain the upper hand.

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