Chapter 8:- Y/N's Past (2)

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A/N:- The photo above is not mine, it belongs to its rightful artist. Also I use it to show the main villain of the story.

Enjoy the chapter.


Vegeta was smiling as he saw his daughter running around with the other kids. The kids seemed to like her a lot as well as the older people too. Speaking of which, the people of the planet were a bit weird. They had a very pale skin and yellow eyes as well as golden hair, they also had red marks on their cheeks.

After she finished playing with the kids, she took off and flew around with Vegeta following her. She was just enjoying her day before going home, "She likes to have time for herself, also she respects everyone and everyone adores her. Tara did raise her well." Vegeta thought. Y/N suddenly stopped, "I feel something weird...Maybe I should check on mama." With that she flew to her home. Just as she reached the small house, she spotted strange men around it. In spite of that, what made her shocked the most was seeing her mother on her knees, covered in blood. Her own blood. Out of panic, Y/N flew to her mother while yelling, "MAMA!!" All of the men looked at her and prepared to attack her.

It was in moments like this Vegeta wished to be able to get involved, Y/N and Tara are in danger and might as well get killed. Not Y/N thought, only Tara. A short lizard like man with horns on his head stopped the men which allowed Y/N to go to her mother and hug her. "Frieza." Vegeta thought with an angry frown.

"Why didn't you escape Y/N?" Tara painfully said, holding her daughter to her chest. "No! I won't leave you alone! I will protect you!!" Y/N yelled, wrapping her tail around her mother's arm. Vegeta frowned, "So who did this was Frieza." Vegeta mumbled.

"Not him alone."


"You will see."

Vegeta then continued to watch the scene in front of him. "I never really consider the thought that some of the royal monkeys managed to escape a fatal death." Frieza said with his hands behind his back, he had a devilish smirk, "Take the child." He ordered one of the men who implemented the orders. "NO! LET ME GO, I WANT MY MAMA!!!" Y/N struggled as she was being pulled away from her mother warm embrace. "Damn it." Vegeta growled as he watched his daughter and previous wife cry.

Tara looked at Frieza with teary/pleading eyes, "Please, have mercy on my daughter. She is still young, let her go and you can kill me instead!" She begged, clasping her hands together. Y/N sobbing and crying while Vegeta was so frustrated, if he just knew... If he knew about this, he would definitely kill Frieza and everyone with him.

"And here you all call yourselves a proud race, what a pity."

He then pointed his finger at her which made her eyes go wide, "I can't have you living here while you can be a threat, however; I will give the honor to say your last words." Frieza smirked. "M-Mama." Y/N's weak voice snapped her out of her gaze. She looked at her daughter and smiled, "Y/N, I will always be with you. Just remember I will always love you no matter what." Y/N just started at her mother with tears running down her cheeks. "You have to go and find your father, he will keep you safe...You have to escape!!" With the last remaining energy, Tara blasted the man who was holding Y/N, "RUN Y/N!--" She couldn't finish her sentence as Frieza killed her with a ki finger.

Y/N and Vegeta stood there frozen as Tara's body fell to the ground. Vegeta was now at the average of exploding of anger.


Y/N immediately ran to her mother dead corpse and crouched down, hugging her mother. Her pure white dress was dirtied with her mother's blood, "She brought this to herself. Such a shame you will be facing the same fate child." Frieza said as he pointed his finger at her. Y/N by now was so angry that she ended up yelling, "You will pay for this! My daddy will come and kill you!! He is a hero and prince!!!!" Frieza gave her a thoughtful look, "A prince? Oh you mean Vegeta!..." He chuckled, "...Believe me or not child, but your dad is not coming to your aid." The little child looked at him with wide eyes, "W-what? No you're a liar! Mama said he will come!" Y/N said with angry face. "She still had faith that I will be coming to save her." Vegeta mumbled, clenching his fist.

"No, your father has better things to do rather then just set around weaklings like you and your mother. Now say goodbye."

Y/N looked down and closed her eyes, waiting for the death to take her soul, "I hate I can't stop this!!" Vegeta thought, glaring at Frieza.

"Now I believe this is inappropriate to kill a child without her fighting back." A male voice said. Everyone turned to see who said that. It was a man with a long, silky, white hair that had two, big, black horns. His skin was grey and his eyeballs were red with orange pupils, there was orange lines around his chest and horns. He wore a weird armour that looked like a dragon skin, showing only his chest. He had a cape over his shoulder, and wore pants with high boots. He looked so majestic with his appearance. He had some men along side with him.

Frieza turned to him, "And who might you be?" He asked. "My name is Lord Morrow." The mysterious man said, giving a mischievous smirk. "I assume you have a convincible reason to interrupt me like that." Frieze said with an annoyed look. Morrow chuckled, "You could say that little Saiyan child caught my interest. I will give the amount of money you want just for that child." He stated, looking at Y/N who was still holding her mother and looking at him with terrified look.

"Why would you like to have this monkey?"

"I have a special survival tournament and I want this child to join so I can see how is she capable of surviving."

Frieza thought for a moment, "Very well, you got yourself a deal. You can have her, I was going to kill her anyway." Frieza said.

"Grab the child and let's go."


Her words didn't matter to them as they grabbed her and went to their spaceship. However and before she leave, a bright light came and went into Y/N's body, giving her a numerous power. Vegeta watched from the space as Planet Lirio was destroyed exactly like Planet Vegeta. The prince then was brought to the spaceship, to be specific, in a room where Y/N was locked in. She was crying with her knees up her chest. Vegeta went to put his hand on her head, but his hand went through her. He couldn't even comfort his daughter in time of need. Suddenly the door opened and in walked Morrow, he approached Y/N who was backing away until her back hit the wall.

He was now kneeling in front of her, "Now there little child, there's no need to be afraid...yet." He said, his eyes shining slightly, " What's your name little one?" He asked with his soft and deep voice. "Mama told me not to say my name to the strangers." Y/N said with a trembling voice. Morrow chuckled, "Very clever..." He then eyed her tail, "Hmm, we will need to cut your tail since my planet has a moon." He declared which made Y/N afraid. He stood up and went to leave, but not before he said, "You better enjoy the luxury of sleeping because in next days you won't be able to even blink...if you remain alive." And then he left.

Vegeta wanted to know what will happen next, but the light came again and he was back to the garden again.

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