Bonus Story:- Chapter #2

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A/N:- I'm not going to describe the fighting scenes a lot, I want to make the bonus story as short as possible. And just to make it clear, you will be the one to save the earth not Gohan. The reader needs to be a HERO!!!

Enjoy the story. 💫

Trunks was unable to track your and Cell's movements as your fight was way speedy, "U-Unbelievable! She is catching up on Cell!!" Trunks thought.

Cell went to punch you, but you crossed your arms in front of your face, blocking the hit. You teleported behind him and kicked him, sending him away from you. You were completely furious that you launched at him, but his tail suddenly shot out of the dust, wrapping around your neck. You wrapped your hand around his tail, digging your nails in it. He was choking you.

Cell chuckled, "For a little girl, you're pretty strong. You're definitely Vegeta's daughter." He said, bringing you close to him. You roared loudly at him while moving your legs violently, "You just gave me the best idea." He mumbled.

Trunks the landed in front of Cell, powering down to his base form, "Let her go, Cell!!" He yelled, "If you want to kill someone...T-Then kill me..." Trunks added. Cell tilted his head and looked at Trunks in confusion, "I couldn't stop the Androids in my time and so many people got hurt because of me...I'm not letting you kill my sister not matter what!" He explained.

Cell laughed, "Actually I wasn't planning on killing her..." He said which made Trunks stunned, "I have a better idea. I'll hold a tournament that is similar to the Martial Arts Competition, I will be your only competitor and the rules will stay the same. You have 10 days to train as much as you can, also you can use the senzu beans. I will inform you about more details through the TV or radio..." He then threw you at Trunks, "Until then, we will meet soon." With that he flew away.

You went to follow him, but Trunks held you, "Y/N, calm down please!..." You didn't listen and just kept on struggling to free yourself, "She is so strong!" Trunks thought, trying to stop you from following him. Trunks then looked at your twitching tail and grabbed it and you flinched. Your power started to get low, but you still struggled against him.

Meanwhile with Krillin and Vegeta, the short fighter landed on an island and lied Vegeta down. He started to shake Vegeta to wake him up, "Hey Vegeta, wake up. Come on take this." He said as he put the senzu bean on Vegeta's lips. He struggled to eat it, but managed eventually.

He opened his eye and sat up, "What happened? Where's Cell?" Vegeta asked, rubbing the side of his head.

"I left Trunks and Y/N to deal with him." Krillin explained.

Vegeta snapped at him, "What? Y/N is fighting him?" He asked as he stood up. Just then, they felt a strong power getting lower with each passing moment.

"Y-Y/N's power is getting low!" Krillin said, panicked.

"Damn it! Y/N is going to get killed!" Saying that, Vegeta flew toward the energy, "He better not hurt her or else he will be facing me!" Vegeta thought, speeding toward the island.


"Stop Y/N! You need to calm down!" Trunks exclaimed, still trying to calm you. He then felt the familiar power of Vegeta, "Dad..." He said, looking at the direction he was coming from. You gave him a hit with your elbow, "Oi! Y/N calm down a bit!"

Vegeta and Krillin shortly reached your location. Vegeta was looking at how angry you were, "He hair is up, but still the same color..." Vegeta thought as he landed down. He also noticed that Trunks was holding your tail and he got angry about this, he knew you hated your tail being held like this, "Hey Trunks let go of her tail!" He yelled at his son.

You stopped moving as your eyes widen, you slowly turned toward the voice to see your father standing there, "Papa...?" You whispered, tears building up in your eyes. Vegeta nodded to Trunks and he let go of you. You took this opportunity and flew to Vegeta, "PAPA!!!" You yelled, throwing yourself at him and hugging him tightly. This caused your hair to go back to normal along with your eyes. You were relieved that your father was just fine. Vegeta wrapped his arms around you and held you close to him, you felt him patting your back in soothing manner.

Vegeta turned to Trunks, "What happened exactly?" He asked, damning answers from his own son.

Trunks sighed," She got angry after you were attacked by Cell. She fought him, but still she couldn't stand against him." Trunks explained. Trunks also told them about the Cell games and everything the Android told him.

"Then, this strong power I was feeling was Y/N's. Maybe she had something..." Vegeta thought, "She still has a chance to train this power...I knew she is my pride."

Krillin then spoke up, "We should go back to Capsule Corp, we can rest there and plane what to do next."

After he said that, Android #16 came and said that he want to help in fighting Cell. Vegeta and Trunks refused to let him join since he was one of the people who wanted to kill Goku and destroy the earth, but Krillin said that he deserved another chance to help everyone in this battle. And so #16 was taken to Capsule Corp.

Time Skip:-
After Cell explained everything about his games on the TV, Vegeta decided to go back to the Room of Spirit and Time with you. Everyone went to the Kami lookout and waited for Goku and Gohan to come out. Piccolo and Trunks also were going to train there too so they can increase their power more and more.

Later that day, Goku and Gohan came out and you ran to Gohan, "Gohan san!!" You tackled your friend in a hug.

Gohan blushed and laughed nervously, "H-Hey Y/N chan." He said, his cheeks getting warm from the sudden body contact.

You studied his appearance, he was different, "Gohan san has cut his hair, he looks... cute..." You subconsciously spoke your thoughts. Gohan blushed a deeper shade of red, "I missed you, Gohan san." You said, giving him an innocent smile.


"Let's fight Cell together and save everyone!" You exclaimed with a determined look.

Gohan gave you the same look and nodded, "Yes, we will do this!" He said and you gave a firm nod. You went back to stand by your father.

Piccolo then started explained that he would go in first, then Vegeta, then Trunks and lastly Goku and Gohan. Vegeta then spoke up, "I'm taking Y/N with me again. She still needs to train." You looked up at him, he still had his usual frown.

"Do whatever you want."

"Gohan and Y/N are the only hope. Vegeta is unaware of her power. With this extra training she might surpass me and even Gohan if she achieved SSJ." Goku thought, not taking his eyes of off you. "Me and Gohan will train here, we don't need the room anymore." Goku said, making everyone shocked, "Don't worry, we will be fine. Now I'm hungry!!" He added with his famous laugh. "Vegeta, let Y/N reach her SSJ form." Goku said, addressing Vegeta.

Vegeta narrowed his eyes at him, "My daughter is none of your concern, Kakarot. I know how to train Y/N." Vegeta barked at him, pulling you behind, "I will make sure Y/N surpasses your son's power...She is a full-blooded Saiyan after all." Vegeta thought, looking down at you. He was going to do whatever it takes to make you stronger than anyone in the universe.

And with that everyone started to train for the Cell Games. The countdown started.

The Prince's Daughter {Vegeta x Daughter Reader}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن