Chapter 16:- The Enemy's Arrival

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A/N:- The photo above shows your fighting outfit.

Credit of the photo goes to Metamine10.

Enjoy the chapter.


Third person's POV:-
The day had finally came, Morrow will arrive within a few minutes. Everyone were ready to fight him after six months of rough training, it was a live or die matter. Bulma, ChiChi and 18 took their kids and went to safety. Who were to fight him were you, Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, and Piccolo. All of them were waiting in an open field and persant except for Goku who took long to come.

"Where's Kakarot? He took so long." Vegeta said harshly as he tapped his foot. "I'm sure he is in the way." Krillin responded, looking nervous himself. Vegeta looked at the short male and snapped, "We don't have time, Morrow is about to arrive and he is taking his sweet time." Krillin took a step back and gulped. Gohan then stepped into the conversation, "He must have something important to be late like that." He retorted with a frown. Vegeta crossed his arms and looked away. "We need to calm down, he will come eventually." You said as you approached them.

Vegeta opened his mouth to speak, but he closed it when he felt the familiar ki. "It's Goku!" Krillin said with a big smile with everyone sighing in relief. After a few moments, Goku landed down and walked toward the fighters, "Sorry for being late, hehehe." He said as he laughed nervously and scratched his head. "What's the reason this time Kakarot?" Vegeta snapped at him.

"I was in King Kai's planet, I brought these just in case."

Goku extended his hand and opened his fist, showing a pair of earrings. "What?!" Vegeta shouted. You looked over your father's shoulder, "What are those?" You asked with a puzzled look. Goku smiled goofily, "These are the Potara earrings. They are used for the fusion." He explained. "Fusion?" You asked again, "Yup, me and Vegeta fused once and we called it Vegito." He added, putting them away.

"I'm not fusing with you again!" Vegeta snapped again. Goku frowned, "We will use it when the options run out!" Said Goku with a serious look. "Guys, he is here!" Tien finally spoke up and all of you looked up at the sky. A big spaceship was now landing on the ground. You scowled, knowing that you will be seeing your life enemy. Just as the ship landed completely, swarms of different fighters flew out of it. One of those men came out of the ship's door, the one and only Lord Morrow. You stepped ahead of your friends and clenched your fists in anger. For you, he was still the same man, nothing had changed either in his looks or cocky personality.

"Well well well, if it isn't little Y/N. It has been a while." He said with a smirk that annoyed you. "...Sure it has." Was all you said through gritted teeth. He chuckled and looked at the men behind you, "It seems you made friends he---"

"Why are you here, Morrow?"

His chuckle died down and his smile was replaced with a grimace, orange eyes glaring daggers at you, "I came here to get my vengeance from you! All those years spent in training and gathering a new army to defeat you! Now that I'm stronger, I will not go down without killing you and your friends with my own hands!" Morrow wrathfully stated. You stared at him blankly as if not fazed by his words, "I will make sure you die and burn in hell after this battle." You uttered calmly. His smirk returned, "We will see..." He then pointed his finger, "ATTACK!" With that, his army charged at you.

All of you charged back and started to fight his men. His army wasn't that hard to hold, but the problem was that they were a lot. This would just tire you and the others. You could see that this was planned since Morrow was smirking most of the time, he never frowned when any of his soldiers fell down. You noticed that your allies were getting tired, "Damn it, this is just the beginning and they are getting tired! I need to work this out!" You thought. Suddenly something clicked in your mind. You remembered that Gohan was training on a speed attack and so you did. This attack will help you defeat as many soldiers as possible.

"GOHAN!" You called. Said Saiyan looked your way, "Let's get things a little bit speedy!" You said, he looked at you with puzzled look then understood, "Alright, let's go!" With that, you took a deep breath and both of you went to strike. The soldiers nor the Z fighters were able to see you or Gohan. The last thing they knew, a big number of men fell down on the ground. You smirk and looked at Gohan, "We did it!" He exclaimed lifting his hand for a high five, you looked at him weirdly and then chuckled, giving him a high five.

"Let's finish this!"

After your statement, you and Gohan parted ways.

Meanwhile with Morrow, the villain was eyeing Vegeta meditatedly. He noticed that the Saiyan was looking at you from time to time and mostly fighting by your side. "She must be important to him. I don't care about their relationship, but what I care about is that she would definitely protect him since they are from the same race. Let's test this theory." He thought and pointed his finger at Vegeta who was busy with fighting. He fired a finger ki blast that went quickly and directly to Vegeta.

You spotted it and your eyes widen, "DAD!!" You yelled and flew toward him. It was too late to deflect it, but you can do one thing for certain. You pushed your father, taking the hit in your shoulder. "Y/N!?" Vegeta was by your side in blink of an eye. He held your shoulders as you pressed your hand against the wound, "Are you okay?" He softly asked you.

You nodded, "I will be fine. If this blast hit you in your chest, it would kill you instantly." You mumbled. Vegeta looked at Morrow and glared at him, "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!" With that Vegeta charged at him with an incredible speed.

"It's about time I join." Morrow mumbled and charged at Vegeta.

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