Chapter 14:- Warning and Training

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Goku and Vegeta were training in the desert region as usual, they had received a warning from Sayori a few days ago that a new enemy would appear after six months from now.

Bulma was doing a pool party to gather all of her friends. Everyone was enjoying their time...except for you. Yes you warmed up a little bit to Bulma, Trunks and Vegeta, but you still need to work on your friendship with the others. You were as usual sitting far away on a branch, Trunks and Goten running around the tree you were sleeping on. Everything was fine until a portal opened and out of it came Sayori. Immediately, you jumped down the tree and went to her, everyone looked her way as you approached her.

"Mother Sayori? What brings you here?" You asked. She looked at you with hurt look, "Can't I have a hug from you? You didn't even say you missed me." She pouted which made you roll your eyes, "Please, you know me better then anyone." You said, blushing slightly out of embarrassment. She laughed, "Sure I know you..." Her laugh died down and her face turned serious, "...Anyway, I'm not here for chitchat, I'm here to warn you." After she said that, all of the warriors gathered around her including you.

"What's going on?" Asked Goku. "A new enemy is making their way to the earth." Everyone looked at each other nervously. You could see Sayori giving you a side glare and you immediately knew what she was talking about. Sweat started to appear on your forehead as you were trying keep your composure. "Who are they? Are they strong?" Goku asked again, excitement wrapped around his words. Sayori looked at you and you nodded to her. She sighed, "His name is Morrow and he is a strong fighter, almost stronger then all of the universes' warriors together." She explained.

Vegeta looked at you and noticed that you were slightly trembling, he knew this man from your memories. The man who bought you from Frieza and let you fight in a very young age. Vegeta averted his gaze to Sayori, "When will he arrive?" He asked. "Very soon. Maybe six months from now." Everyone gasped. Six months was a short time to train, they can't reach such a numerous power in short time. They will all get killed eventually.

"You better start training from now because your next fight will be difficult."

End of Flashback

Vegeta stopped for a while to catch his breath as well as Goku. "Say Vegeta, where's Y/N? I haven't seen her since the party." Goku asked his friend. "I don't know, I haven't seen her either. She said she was going to train." He grumbled. "Let's go to her! I need to see her training!" Goku then put his fingers on his head and closed his eyes, focusing on your power. When he felt it, he opened his eyes and looked at Vegeta, "Come Vegeta, I can take us there!" Goku said, extended his hand to the prince.

"Why would you want to go?"

"C'mon Vegeta! Just let's go!!"

With a grumpy look, Vegeta put his hand on Goku's and both were transported into your training place. Just as they appeared, they both found themselves hugging themselves while shivering from the coldness. They were in Antarctica!

"K-KAKAROT! WHY D-DID YOU BROUGHT US H-HERE YOU IDIOT?!" Vegeta shouts, trying to warm himself. "D-don't blame m-me! Your d-daughter is t-training here!" He retorted. Vegeta was about to yell at him, when suddenly your figure slid in front of them. You were wearing thin clothes, tank top, pants and boots. They both could see your body covered in bruises and injuries from head to toe, your skin was almost blue from the coldness. They could see your hands tied behind your back with energy rope and some strange things wrapped around your ankles. You were panting mess as your breath came out as fog, "Is that all you have?" You asked, looking up with an irritated look. They followed your gaze to see Sayori floating up with no injury, not fazed by how freezing this place.

The woman smirked and released your hands, "I believe we should stop, we have visitors." She looked at both Saiyans and you did the same. You saw your father and Goku both shivering to death, "What are you doing here?" You asked as you approached them, "We w-wanted t-t-t-to see you training." Goku said, "I-it's only you w-who wanted to c-come here." Vegeta scolded him and Goku laughed nervously and then sneezed. Sayori landed beside you,"We should go back before you both get sick." She said, smiling and lifting her hand to open a portal.

The men ran immediately to the portal to escape the pain of the freezing area. You sighed and walked in, followed by Sayori. You found yourself in the forest. You sat down and started to untie the things around your ankles, "What are those Y/N?" You looked at Goku who was eyeing your ankles curiously, you smirk and said, "Wights..." You lifted one and let it fall down on the ground, making cracks on it, "...and a very heavy ones." You added.

"Why are you putting this pressure on yourself Y/N?" Vegeta asked you while crossing his arms.

"I need to be strong to defeat Morrow..." You simply stated. "Is he that strong?" Goku asked you, but you just looked away from him.

"He is." Sayori answered instead of you, "He wasn't that much in the past. Y/N was able to beat him easily several times, but it seems he spent the last few years training and gathering power." She explained. It was true, you met him several times before and you defeated him. However, he managed to escape every time you went to kill him. At the end he was a sly one. You didn't meet him ever since you were fourteen, so this meant that he was training to be strong.

"Why would he come to earth?" Vegeta spoke up. "I'm sure he came to kill Y/N. She destroyed his planet and killed all of his soldiers." Sayori said, smiling proudly as she mentioned this. Vegeta opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a soft thud. Everyone looked behind to see you lying on the ground, fast asleep. "You better take her home, she has been training nonstop without sleeping or eating." Sayori suggested, smiling at your sleeping figure.

"I must go now. Farewell fighters and good luck in your war." With that, she disappeared. Vegeta went to your sleeping figure and picked you up, "Kakarot, take us home. Y/N needs to rest and heal quickly." Goku nodded and put his fingers on his forehead and his free hand on Vegeta's shoulder, taking you all home.

The three Saiyans appeared in the livingroom which was empty. Vegeta walked to the couch and lied you down, "You can go home Kakarot, I need to rest too." Goku just nodded and left the father and daughter alone. Vegeta went to his room, grabbed a blanket and went back to you. He covered your cold body and said, "Your training program is one to kill a normal person, but I know you can handle it. We will defeat that bastard for sure. I will never let anything harm you anymore, I swear to my pride." He said as he stood up, taking a better look at your features.

"You sure look like me, but your morals are the ones of your mother." He mumbled with a soft smile.

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