Chapter 18:- Super Saiyan Platinum

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A/N:- This a made up form, just to make you a more special Saiyan. Also the photo just shows how your hair would be.

Enjoy the chapter.


You and Morrow were now staring at each other, waiting for who would make the first move. Morrow had a wicked smirk while you had a blank expression, "Just like the old times, right?" He spoke up, breaking the tension. You didn't respond, just stared at him. He chuckled, "You're always like this, quiet in your battles." He added. You exhaled sharply and said, "Quiet talking and let's begin." You declared, charging at him. You had enough of his nonsense and you needed to slap that smirk from his face.

You speed-punched him and he only dodged with a lazy smirk on his face. You were beyond pissed at how he underestimated you, "Ugh! He is just playing around!" You thought. You were so distracted that you didn't notice he held your fists in both of his hands, "Come now, I'm done with the warm ups. Be more serious." Morrow said, his hands tightening around your fists. You yelped in pain, "I will show you!" You yelled than spat on his face. He frowned, "Why you little..." he then twisted your arms, making you feel the snapping of your bones. He broke your arms, you let a blood-thrilling scream as you felt the pain spread through your arms. Morrow chuckled and kicked your belly, sending you to the ground.

You groaned as you slowly sat up, "I n-need to heal." You mumbled as you closed your eyes, focusing your energy on healing your broken arms. You certainly trained on fighting without using your arms, but the pain he sent through them was horribly unbearable. You would be struggling to move your body without harming your arms anymore. You begun to feel your bones returning to their places slowly, you were relieved. After a few seconds, your arms were back to normal.

You looked up at Morrow who smirked at you. He then started to send a huge number of blasts and you booked it. You started to run, avoiding the blasts as bast as you could. After the wave ended, you dashed to the sky and instant transmitted from his view. Morrow looked around in search for you, "Where did she go?" He thought. Just then a kick met his back, making him lean forward. You appeared in front of him and punched him in the chin. He stumbled back while holding his jaw, "Good strategy, but it won't work." Morrow said sarcastically. You smirked in return.

"I still have more."

"So do I."

You both engaged into another fight, punches and kicks could be heard. You thought you were winning, but you thought wrong. As Morrow dodged your fist, he pointed his index finger at your forehead. You felt your body stop moving, as if he paralyzed it. The white haired man smirked, "Surprised? I now have five minutes to weaken you then end your life." He explained then punched you in the face. You fell down, unable to move. You felt Morrow holding your ankles and left you up, slamming you back to the ground with your back. He repeated it again, but this time  you hit the dirt with your face on the other side. He did this several times then threw you away, landing away from your father and friends. The paralysis started to disappear as you started to feel your limbs move slightly, but you were too weak to move.

"Such a shame, you're too weak Y/N."

Just as he finished those words, a fist collided with his jaw, "That's enough!" Vegeta angrily said. Morrow glared at him, "You will regret interfering in my fight." He uttered, striking Vegeta's stomach. Since Vegeta still recovering, he couldn't stand against him for long.

"You gave me so much trouble, I must end your worthless life."

Vegeta was now on the ground, he looked at Morrow and smirked, "You will die." He uttered. An energy ball appeared in his hand, aiming it at Vegeta. Goku was about to go and aid Vegeta, but another person beat him in doing so. A head came in contact with Morrow's chest, making him slid across the ground.

He stood up and yelled, "WHO DARED TO-" but he was cut off by a significant sight. Goku and the other gasped at the amount of power they felt and Vegeta just looked up, recognizing the person in front of him, "Y-Y/N?" He muttered. You looked different and powerful, "S-she is more stronger!" Morrow said with shock. You now had a very long platinum-bluish hair that reached to your knees and eyes with the same color. Your aura was the same color too, you were more powerful. "Nobody hurts my family." You said. You looked back at Goku and said, "Take him to safety." Goku rushed to Vegeta, threw his arm over his shoulder and flew back to his friends.

You and Morrow never broke your gaze. He the smirked, "Even if you were in this form, I still didn't use my full power yet. However, I believe it's about time I use it." After he said that, he started to power up, his energy increasingly very quickly. After sometime, Morrow had finally powered up into his full power. Everyone was in utter shock as Morrow was now looking at them with a diabolical smirk, "H-he is very strong." Krillin gasped.

"Damn it, Y/N would barely stand against him." Piccolo added.

"She can't stand against him by herself!" Goku exclaimed.

Vegeta groaned at how they underestimated you, "Shut up all of you! She will defeat him, I'm sure!..." He paused and looked at you, "...She is my daughter and I have faith in her." He added, never taking his eyes off your form.

Back with you and Morrow, you were looking at him with a frown, but inside you were afraid. Yes you were strong, but he was way stronger then you.

"If all of my options ran out, then I have no other way but to use it."

You thought with sweat running down your forehead. You were frightened, but you didn't want to show it. Your friends and the whole world are depending on you.

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