Chapter 7:- Y/N's Past (1)

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A/N:- The photo above is just a way to show your outfits only, the looks is your imagination's task.
Also,I will be writing a lyrics of a song I heard from Evil Nun 2 trailer. You can find it in YouTube if you're interested. It's too short by the way.

Enjoy the chapter.


Vegeta's POV:-
The light came back and we were in another place. I looked around and found out that I was alone, that woman just left me alone in a place I don't know. "Don't panic, I will guide you through those memories by my telekinesis ability." Her voice rang in my head. "Where am I then?" I asked her, eyeing the environment around me. "You're in planet Lirio, the inhabitants of this planet were brutal. However, they left this life behind and became more cultured." She explained.

"What am I suppose to do ?"

"Explore. Discover Y/N's past by yourself."

I sighed as I accepted the reality. I studied my surroundings and I was in an open field. Suddenly I heard a voice of a child...


A small figure flew past me toward a tree on a small hill where there sat a woman I know very well. I followed after the child until I found myself in front of them. Tara looked up at the five years-looking girl and smiled softly at her, "What's the matter dear?" She spoke up as she giggled at the kid. The young girl had some flower petals stuck in her head, I myself chuckled at how messy she looked. "I made something pretty, mama." The girl beamed happily with her hand behind her back which made the woman title her head. The girl extended her hands and showed Tara two flower crowns.

Tara gasped, "Oh Y/N, thank you so much." She said. So this girl is Y/N, that means that girl I fought is the same person as this girl. Y/N is actually my own daughter. "Let me put it on your head mama!" Y/N said, walking toward her mother and put the crown on her head, "This is so pretty..." Tara then eyed the other crown, "... Is that for you, Y/N?" She asked and Y/N shook her head.

"This is for papa! When he comes here, I will give it to him."

I now could say that me and Tara shared the same look, surprised. Tara then smiled at Y/N, "I have a better idea, you can have this one and when papa comes, we will make him a new one, okay?" Y/N thought for a bit, "Umm, okie." She beamed happily as she jumped up and down which made Tara chuckle. I'm not going to lie, but I found Y/N so amusing and energetic. "Now come here and let me take those petals out of your hair." Y/N nodded and sat on her mother's lap. Tara started to hum as she cleaned Y/N's hair. They both then started to sing:-

Sing me to sleep.
Soon I will be sleeping.
We will carry on.
I will always be you son.

Sing you to sleep.
Soon you'll be dreaming.
We will carry on.
I will always be your mom.

The song wasn't long for they were just humming after that. Truth to be told, it was a beautiful sight to see. However, this pleasing moment didn't last for the same light came again and I was taken to another place, I was in what looked like a bedroom. "This's after two years, Y/N's now seven. The age when her life turned upside down." The woman spoke up again. Now here I'm going to discover what actually happened.

Third person's POV:-
Vegeta examined the room around him. It was a simple bedroom with one bed, nightstand, closet, a desk with a small bookshelf above it, and a full-body mirror. It had a bright white colored walls and one window with a F/C curtains. A knock interrupted Vegeta from his stare, "Y/N wake up, it's morning already!" The voice of the mother came from the other side of the door. Vegeta averted his eyes to look at the bed, he noticed some movements. A very messy-haired Y/N popped out of the bed, "I'm awake!" She tossed the covers and jumped out of the bed.

She pulled the curtains to let the lights illuminate her room, she smiled as she welcomed a bright new day. "Alright, let's start the new day!" With that she went to her closet and grabbed a plain white dress. She went to undress which made Vegeta cover his eyes quickly with pink tint on his cheek, "Geez, that came by surprise!" He thought. Aftre sometime, Y/N was ready and ran to her mother with Vegeta following her.

"Good morning mama!" Y/N greeted which made the female Saiyan look at her, "Well good morning sleepy head, you took so long to wake up." Tara said as she put a plate of (Favorite Breakfast) in from of Y/N. Y/N laughed sheepishly, "I'm sorry...hehehe." The rest of the time went by with the two females talking and eating while Vegeta observed the moment. The difference between the past Y/N and present Y/N was obvious. She was a bright child with a cheerful perspective, but then she turned into a teen filled with rage and hate toward her father and everyone around him. Vegeta wanted to know what exactly happened that you became like this. For moments like this, he wished he could fast forward the time, but he had to wait patiently.

"Mama, can I ask you something?"

The little girl spoke up, earning the attention of her mother and her invisible father, "Sure, what is it?" Tara smiled softly at her child.

"When would daddy come? Is he even coming to us?"

That question. It was the same question Tara was trying to avoid, but Y/N was getting older. She couldn't hide truth forever, but this time she had to. Y/N was still very young to be heartbroken yet. Vegeta on the other hand was waiting for the answer, what was she going to tell the young daughter?

Tara sighed, but smiled at Y/N. Vegeta was able to see glims of sadness in her eye, but Y/N was too innocent to notice. Her mother stood up and went to set down beside her daughter, "Y/N, your father is a busy man. He has a lot of work to do." Tara explained.

"What does daddy do?"

"Well... Your dad is hero."

"Wow!" Y/N gasped in amazement. We can say now that Vegeta is in a complete shock. He remembers that time he was still working for Frieza, he was a murderer that time not a hero. "Yup, he is also a prince. He fights for his people so we can go home." Y/N started to bounce in her chair, "My daddy is a hero and prince, so that means I'm a princess too, right!?"She said with a big smile. Tara chuckled and stood up, taking the plates from the table and put them in the sink to wash them.

"You can say that..." She then went to Y/N and hugged her, "Your father will come one day trust me and remember Y/N, always love your father no matter what. Don't hold anything against him, okay?" Y/N nodded as she looked at her mother, "Now I believe the kids in the village are waiting for you." Tara said, kissing Y/N's cheek. "Oh yeah, I will be late!" The little girl pulled away and kissed her mother's cheek.

"Bye mama! I love you!"

"I love you too! Remember to come back by lunchtime!"


With that she ran out of the house with her tail swinging excitedly. Vegeta was curious to know how Y/N was with other children so he decided to follow her. However, he was unaware of the danger that was coming toward Planet Lirio.

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