Chapter 14

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Aarthi's POV

Finally, the time has arrived for Ananya's stem cell transplantation. I and Siddarth opted to donate our stem cells but Ananya's body rejected it. However, as a final hope, a donor's cells are trying to be matched to Ananya's, fingers crossed it will hopefully match.

I and Siddarth are waiting outside the ward, Siddarth is getting worried as the times passing. I gently held his hand and smiled at him just as an indication that everything will be fine. Slowly he placed his head in my shoulder whilst I wrapped my hands tightly onto his shoulders. I don't know what to call our relationship now but for a fact, I know that it is beautiful.
As I was engrossed in my thoughts a nurse appeared to us and said "the donor's cells have matched with Ananya", both I and Siddarth jumped with joy hearing the news. They told us that Ananya is going to go through the conditioning phase for a week and the side effects of treatment were discussed with us.

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5 Weeks Later

Ananya transplantation has successfully been completed, she is still experiencing tiredness and weakness but she has slowly come back to normal life. After the transplantation, she had experienced severe vomiting and hair loss but with her confidence and determination, she has overcome that phase. The person who has donated Anu the stem cells is not revealed to us, only Ananya has been told who it is. Due to the confidentiality reasons, even Ananya hasn't revealed to us who it is.

I had a long, tiring shift today. As I was waiting for the bus a familiar car stopped in front of me next to the bus stop making me jump. Siddharth lowered the window and smiled at me, I smiled back at him and he gestured me to get inside the car. I jumped into the car, " so how was your day?" Siddharth asked me. "Very tiring" I replied. "Do you have any idea who was Ananya's donor Anu?" Siddharth asked me to which I replied: "no idea Siddarth, I tried asking Dr Joseph but the donor  does not want to be revealed, and its a matter of confidentiality so I can't pressure them Siddarth." To which he nodded, I can understand why Siddarth keeps on asking, he wants to treat the person who saved his sister's life well but what can we do if they don't want to reveal it.

Later we reached our house, after the cold, relaxing shower I changed into my nightwear and went to see Anu, after spending some time with her and giving her the necessary medications I went back to my room, Siddarth was in the study finishing of his pending work whilst I went to sit in the balcony and watch the stars for some time. Various thoughts crossed my mind at that time, I came here for Ananya's sake and my duty is nearly over, very soon I will have to leave this house... As I was deep in my thought someone tapped on my shoulder, I looked back to see Siddarth stood behind me. "What you thinking so much?" He asked me.

"No nothing much, I was thinking of life in general," I replied. Soon we began talking about their day and life in general when Siddarth decided to ask me something.

"Oh right, Aarthi may I ask you something?" He asked me

"Yes, of course, you can" I replied

"If I'm asking you too much don't bother answering me. But I was wondering how your parents died?" He told me

"They died when I was around 12 years old. My dad was a government employee and mum worked in a  small bakery, I also had a little sister called Anuksha."  We were a middle-class family, we used to save up to go on a holiday every two years. We had saved enough that year, so we planned to visit Kodaikanal that year. Along with a few other families we were going on a bus, the bus collapsed with another lorry. My parents and little sister died on the spot because I had a little life left they rushed me to the hospital, after spending 5\6 months in the hospital I came to life only to know my families is no more. I was devasted Siddarth, no one else in my family came forward to take my responsibility. Only my aunty did and I am forever thankful for it. I miss my parents and sister every day Siddarth. My sister lost her life even before she started it, I see my Anuksha in Ananya Siddharth."

Siddharth gently hugged her and comforted her after I said all that without breathing "I am sorry Aarthi I shouldn't have asked you". " No, it is fine Siddarth" I replied wiping away a lone tear as memories of my parents rushed into my mind.

"Even my parents passed away in a road accident. Ever since then I've been in the roles of a father, brother and friend for Ananya. I am ever so thankful to my grandparents as well because without them I wouldn't be where I am today. " after Siddarth said what he did I hugged him even more tightly.

"Thank you for everything Aarthi, words will not be enough to thank you, you have supported my sister so much and was there for her as a sister," Siddharth said caressing my hair making me smile. I loved it when Siddarth caressed my hair, somehow it demonstrated some kind of love and affection.

Clutching onto his t-shirt more I decided to ask him something "Siddarth?"

"Yes, Aarthi?"

I think I'm starting to love you...

"No nothing" Aarthi replied not having the confidence to express her feelings.

"Aarthi I think your boring now," Siddarth said making Aarthi knit her eyebrows together in confusion as it was random, he then continued and said, "I like the old Aarthi who argues with me and irritates me." She immediately left his hold and stared at him "you're strange Siddarth and equally weird." Making him chuckle.

"I'm sleepy now and have work tomorrow so I am going to sleep!!" Aarthi said and walked towards the bed followed by Siddarth.

Authors POV

Siddharth has started developing feelings for Aarthi just like Aarthi has. However, Siddarth hasn't acknowledged it yet, neither has he mentally admitted that he has feelings for Aarthi, Siddarth thinks what he has for Aarthi is just friendship. Little does he understand that if he fails to acknowledge that soon he will lose Aarthi.


So here is the next chapter...

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Who may have been Ananya's donor?

Do you think Siddarth and Aarthi are meant to be together? Will, they ever admit \ confess their feelings?

Will come back soon with another chapter!

I have started writing another story (but haven't published it)  do you think I should finishing writing this story or write that story alongside this one. If I do that the chapters will be updated a bit more slowly.

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