Chapter 3

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Siddarth wasn't able to sleep today when his sister was in this state, they still haven't made up after that mini fight in the car. Ananya was stubborn as hell, she always gets her way around in everything and she has successfully managed to get her way here as well. Yes Siddarth has finally made his mind up to marry for his sisters sake.

After knocking on Ananya's door a couple of times she finally opened the door and looked at Sid annoyed. "Anu come and eat something" Siddarth said.
"No  I don't want anything" Ananya protested. "Anu stop your silly attitude" Siddarth scolded her but she didn't reply, she stood there like a statue.

"Anu for goodness sake I am ready to get married. Will you come and eat something now ?" Siddarth asked his sister.

"What really ?" Ananya asked Sid feeling surprised and happy as he finally agreed to get married. Siddarth just nodded and said "but Ananya I will not be having an arranged marriage. I will choose a girl before the end of the month ok ?"

"As you wish Sid. I can finay die peacefully" Ananya told Sid feeling relaxed. "Anu stop this negative attitude of yours ! I am going to arrange a stem cell transplantation very soon, I'm sure that you'll come back strong and healthy after that" Siddarth told Ananya making her go quite.

However, Sid was feeling very stressed he promised his sister that he will find a girl but who ? That was the big question Sid was facing , it was very unlikely for someone to agree to a marriage like this. With this thought Sid tossed and turned around in the bed, he wasn't mentally ready for a marriage but for his sister he had to force himself . Suddenly Aarthi's face crossed Sid's mind, he has only met her today but Anu seems very fond of Aarthi and he knew very well that Aarthi has an heart to look after his sister very well. Aarthi didn't look like she was from an financially secure background therefore it would be easy to persuade her Sid thought.

"I need to find out more info about her" Sid muttered and dozed of to sleep.
The next day he began his mission to find about Aarthi, from Sid's links he found out that Aarthi is an orphan just like him and like he had imagined Aarthi is not from a financially secure background. He also found out that Aarthis aunty is an money minded person so convincing her would be an easy task.

Siddarth wasn't thinking of Aarthi, in fact, he was being selfish for his sister. From Siddarth's hospital contacts he found out that Aarthi was working today, he decided to speak to Aarthi during her break and see Dr Joseph to let him know that Ananya was ready for stem transplantation. After talking to Dr Joseph and signing the consent form for the procedure Siddarth waited in the visitors area for Aarthi's break.

After waiting for half an hour Siddarth saw an figure walking up to him, understanding Aarthi had arrived Sid stood up from his chair and smiled at Aarthi but she was confused thinking why was he was here.

"Hello Aarthi !" Siddarth said

"Hello Mr Agarwal. May I know why you wanted to see me today? Is it regarding Ananya ?" Aarthi asked Siddarth

"Yes it very well is Aarthi. So Aarthi without dragging I am coming straight to the point I want to marry you Aarthi for my sisters sake. I want someone to be there for my sister until she fully recovers from cancer. It will be an 1 year contract between us, you will be paid for it but under one condition that no one in the family will know about it. After the one year we can divorce". Siddarth said making Aarthi shocked, annoyed and frustrated at Siddarth.

"What the hell do you think of me Mr Agarwal ? I am a person with my own morals and values, I am not that cheap to get married to you under the basis of an contract. We've only met yesterday Mr Agarwal, marriage is a very sacred thing and I'm not ready to marry someone who I barely knows of so Mr Agarwal it would be great if you would be able to get lost. And by the way if you search for it you may be able to find a home nurse for your sister". Aarthi said very bringing out her anger which Siddarth found to be cute. She then turned around to leave from the place but just in time Siddarth caught her hand.

"Leave my hand Mr Agarwal, you are seriously hurting me" Aarthi said with a cracked voice.

"Sorry" Siddarth said and left her hands alone and then continued and said "Aarthi listen to me before forming conclusions. I'm only doing this for my sister, I am not utterly cheap to request a random girl to get married to. Under a such a short time I will not be able marry a girl with so much love in between. If I don't get married soon then my sister will refuse treatment which I don't want her to do, the reason why I chose you is because after doing a small investigation I understood that your a compassionate person and my sister is very font of you. Also, I promise you that you that I will pay for your cousins studies and your household expenses from the day we get married and by the end of the contract I will arrange a visa for you as I know your dream is to move abroad. Think about it Aarthi and let me know the day after tomorrow."

How does he know my dreams and family situations ? Aarthi thought in her mind.

Before Aarthi could say anything Siddarth left the place. Aarthi was not able to process the information neither was she able to digest it. Marriage Is something Aarthi hasn't thought of and Aarthi's concept of marriage included LOVE, Aarthi very well knew that her Aunty would push her to get married to Sid if she comes to know about it. Ananya was a lovely young girl but sacrificing her life for Ananya and Siddarth didn't seem like an appropriate idea for Aarthi".

But the offers Siddarth put in place if she married him was something that caught Aarthi's attention, she would finally be able to got abroad and her cousins future will be secured but taking advantage didn't seem like an good idea to Aarthi. Aarthi didn't feel as if she wouldn't be able to concentrate during rest of her shift so she took a half day leave and went to the park she occasionally goes whenever she had challenging issues in life.


Will Aarthi end up marrying Siddarth ?

Not Edited... please ignore the grammatical issues :)

I do apologise if you felt this chapter was slightly hasty !! Even I feel like that as I rushed it a bit....

Hope your all enjoying this story so far !

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