Chapter 4

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Understanding that Aarthi cannot be easily convinced Siddarth directly went to Aarthi's aunts house and lied that he loved Aarthi and wants to marry her. At first Aarthi's Aunty didn't believe and denied his wish to get married to Aarthi as she very well knew that if Aarthi marries and leaves the house then the family will struggle to make the ends meets.

"Mrs Sharada, I am a well known businessman in this city. I will take the responsibility of your household expenses and Radika's education after Aarthi marries me." Siddarth stated making Sharada's mind change.

Obviously if Aarthi marries Siddarth the family will financially become more stable. "Well I'll talk about it to Aarthi and let you know Mr Agarwal". As soon as Sharada said that Siddarth stood up nodding his head as a sign of agreement.

Later that day Aarthi came back from work very tired and exhausted, all she wanted to do was sleep, but she had something else in store. As Aarthi was going up to her room Sharada stopped her. "Aarthi I need to talk to you".

"Yes aunty ?" Aarthi asked feeling confused.

"Siddarth Agarwal visited our house today". Sharda said making Aarthi frown.

"Why?" Aarthi asked Sharada

" Aarthi he came to ask your hand in marriage with him" Sharada said

"Oh, Aunty actually be visited me the other day in hospital and told me about it. Aunty I'm not interested, first of all I don't love him as well as that marriage is not my priority at the moment  and secondly more than a wife he wants somone who can look after his sister." Aarthi confidently said to her Aunty.

"Aarthi marrying him is like winning a jackpot. Aarthi think about it by marrying him your life will be more secure as well as Radika's. We can lead a better life Beta" Sharada walked more closer to where Aarthi was standing after saying her part.

Aarthi was in no mood to argue with her Aunty about this proposal. "Aunty I have a good job now and I am earning enough to lead a decent life and cover Radika's college expenses then why should a financially independent girl like me marry him looking for more financial stability ?" Aarthi questioned her Aunty.

Sharda very well knows that there's no point in arguing with Aarthi therefore, Sharada decided to do the usual thing she does which makes Aarthi weak when Aarthi doesn't listen to her. "Aarthi money is vital in life, people say that money can't bring you happiness but from my personal experience I'm telling you that only money can bring you happiness. You can fulfill all your dreams after marrying him Aarthi. Radika wants to go into higher education after her degree, we both very well know that we will not be able to afford it Aarthi. We both don't want her dreams to be shattered do we ? Also, Aarthi I have a lot of debt after sending you to the nursing school. At least after this marriage we can pay those of so I can finally relax".

All these things Sharada had said hit Aarthi very hardly, the last thing she wants to be is a burden for her Aunty and cousin. Slowly thinking of what Sharada has said Aarthi walked to her room and sat on her bed, picked up her family portrait and began speaking to her late family. "After you died no one else in a family took responsibility of me only Sharada Aunty even when she was a single mother and when she was not earning enough. Is it my time to be thankful Appa and Amma ?" Aarthi asked them expecting a answer.

Afterall the deal Siddarth put forward was not bad. The idea of getting married to Siddarth does not sound appealing to Aarthi but her only relief was that it was for a positive outcome, her family will benefit from it. It's not permanent as well, they can divorce after  year.

Thinking of all this Aarthi eventually drifted to sleep. The next day the first thing Aarthi did was call Siddarth (he had given  his number to Sharada).

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