Chapter 15

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Wishing all my reader a Happy New Year!!! May the next year be a bit more brighter for everyone. This will be the last chapter I'll be updating in 2020 maybe.

After the long 7 shifts in a row, Aarthi was finally free for a few days, so she decided to have a lay-in when she opened her eyes at 6 am.

Unfortunately, the decision to have a lay-in didn't work out well for Aarthi as she opened her eyes at 10 am feeling the weight of something like a log on top of her. Siddharth had placed his heavy legs on top of Aarthi, at first she was frustrated at Siddarth for disturbing her sleep but when she checked the time it was 10 am. Immediately she tried to jump out of the bed as she didn't want grandma coming with buckets of water this time for both Aarthi and Siddarth. But, Aarthi couldn't move from the position due to the heavy leg blocking the way. She shook her head feeling annoyed, and using all her strength pushed the leg out of the way. This abruptly woke Siddarth from his beauty sleep, he rubbed his eyes and gave Aarthi a 'what you looking at face'. "What's wrong with you Aarthi? Did you have a bad dream or something?" Siddharth asked Aarthi displaying his annoyed expression.

"Your heavy leg was blocking my way!! Why on earth did you put your heavy leg on top of me? And also its 10 am! Before grandma arrives with a bucket full of water wake up if you don't want to be embarrassed" Aarthi angrily told him and went to the bathroom to freshen herself. Siddhartha sighed hearing her scold early in the morning (well it's early for Siddarth). As soon as Aarthi came out of the bathroom lazily he got off his bed and went to the bathroom. Meanwhile, Aarthi changed into simple saree and braided her hair. Just as she was finished Siddarth finished his morning chores and came out of the toilet staring at Aarthi as if she was a specie from another world.

"Stop staring at me," she said and started unlocking the door when she tripped on something, the next thing Siddharth heard was a thud. He rushed to Aarthi to see if she was ok, but the sight made him laugh, she helplessly looked at him from the floor. She was wearing massive heels which made her falls into the ground. Siddharth chuckled and teased Aarthi for wearing such big heels "Aarthi what's seriously wrong with you? Why on earth are you wearing those heels now if you can't wear it properly? Are you going out or something now?" Aarthi felt extremely irritated with Siddharth's questions, instead of helping her, he was irritating her.

"Can you at least help me stand up rather than shooting questions at me?" Aarthi asked Sid feeling annoyed, her pain made her feel more annoyed. But actually, she was trying to avoid her embarrassment, the only reason why she wore those heels was because of her college Anjali. Yesterday Siddharth had arrived to pick Aarthi from work when Anjali saw Sid the first thing she mentioned was their height difference. Somehow it created a feeling in her that she is really small.

Siddarth held out his hands for Aarthi, hesitantly she held onto his hands and tried getting up but due to the impact of her heels she again fell bringing Siddharth with her this time. Siddarth landed on top of her crushing her body creating more pain for her die to his heavyweight, he had his hands wrapped around her waist. Rather than getting up both started staring onto each other, as they were busy in their staring business grandma passed by, grandma was coming to wake them up but because the door was unlocked and open grandma saw what was happening and coughed to get their attention.

Grandma's cough broke their trance, immediately realisation hit them on what their position is now. Immediately Siddarth picked himself up leaving Aarthi in the ground. "Maybe closing the door would've been more convenient for everyone," grandma said and left the spot. Siddarth quickly closed the door whilst Aarthi was still struggling with pain and was struggling to get up. "Maybe remove those heels and try standing up!! Are you this stupid or you acting?" Siddharth asked Aarthi mainly out of embarrassment. Awkwardly Aarthi removed the heels and cursed herself for wearing those so randomly today and creating a scene. However, Aarthi didn't want to lose today, therefore, she starting taunting Sid. "Why on earth did you get on top of me? I know you purposely did it!!" Aarthi said. "Siddharth frowned hearing her response and replied, " why would I ever do that purposefully Aarthi?"

"I don't know. Maybe ask yourself that question! And you will get the answer." Aarthi said and rushed out of the room avoiding further arguments. "Why does she mean by that?" Siddarth muttered under his breath and then said: "if she's normal one day the next day she will start acting insane!".

Soon Siddarth dressed himself up in a full-sleeved white shirt and black pants, and along with that, he wore a black blazer all ready for work. After picking up his stuff Siddarth went downstairs to see Ananya and grandpa watching the news and grandma and Aarthi preparing breakfast and tea. After noticing Siddarth grandma started serving his food so he can leave for work. " Grandma do not bother cooking anything in the afternoon, I will order some food" to which grandma agreed. He then looked at Aarthi and said: "also Aarthi it's my friend's wedding reception tomorrow evening. They have invited both of us". Aarthi glanced at him and nodded and asked of Anu or grandma\grandad coming but they denied as they're going to a temple for some offerings related to Ananya's health.

Soon Siddarth left for his work because Aarthi wasn't working today she was pretty much free today. Therefore, she decided to do some cleaning firstly starting from their room. As Aarthi was progressing with her cleaning she noticed a cupboard, its Siddarth's cupboard which is always locked. Nevertheless, it was open today, at first, Aarthi had decided to avoid peeping in but her curiosity was killing. With a good understanding of what she was going to do is wrong Aarthi opened the cupboard. There was an album in there which contained images of Siddarth's parents. Siddharth mother was a beautiful lady, she resembled a lot like Ananya. Aarthi then closed the album and dug more into the cupboard, that's when she found a little box, again out of curiosity she opened it and saw two rings which looked like a wedding rings and a manglasutra. At first, Aarthi thought it was Siddharth's parent's belongings but it looked relatively new. When she dug into the box furthermore she found a picture of Naina, her face was crossed with a red marker pen. Then Aarthi understood who's belongings it was. There were more belongings inside the cupboard but Aarthi didn't bother checking anything else. Siddharth is saying that he hates Naina but Aarthi understood that sometimes the impact your first loves leaves in your life cannot be erased easily. More than anyone Aarthi knows it well because she had experienced it in her own life.

After Aarthis cleaning marathon she spends the rest of the day with Ananya doing random things. Aarthi also had a back lain today from the fall kn the morning.

Shortly, Siddarth came back from work holding a carrier bag, it was some food parcels from a restaurant. After Siddarth freshened up Aarthi unboxed the packaging and start serving everyone the pizza and the fizzy drinks and they all went and sat in front of the tv. Grandma and Grandpa were big fans of old movies, therefore, they decided to watch a classic with them as they never like the latest films. Everyone was intently watching their even though they have watched it at least 10 times with the same excitement and curiosity other than Siddarth. His eyes were observing Aarthi, unfortunately, she was sat right next to him on the sofa. She had changed her saree now and was wearing a pair of pyjamas with her hair tied into a messy bun, he observed her reactions whilst watching the film, especially the way her dimples moved when she smiled. Aarthi is a simple girl with simple features, something about her attracted Siddharth. Aarthi's compassionate eyes were something Siddarth had first noted when they first met in the hospital when Siddarth took Anu to the hospital for the chemo.

Aarthi could feel the intense gaze but whenever she looked at him he looked away. Siddharth was bored by now, the movie was making him bored beyond words but he can't say that to his grandparents, therefore, he decided to put up a little act to distract Aarthi and maybe the others...

Purposely Siddarth spilt the coke can onto Aarthi's top wetting her thighs and stomach area. Aarthi jumped with the sudden act. " Siddarth!!!!" Aarthi screamed.


How was this chapter?

How was Siddharth and Aarthi in this chapter?

What do you think of Siddharth mischievous act at the end of the cheater? 😛

I again tried adding some comedic elements. Hope it was not bad.

Are they falling in love?

Why is Siddarth still keeping those belongings of Naina?

What may happen when they both go together to the reception?

Ignore any mistakes... Will come back soon with another chapter :)

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