Chapter 10

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"What's wrong with your brother Anu ?" Aarthi asked Anu feeling very annoyed because she obviously does not know Siddarth's past. However, Siddarth  overheard both of them and screamed at them to get in the car making them hesitantly get into the car.  Soon they reached home and everyone went there own ways. Siddarth into his study which is attached to his room  Aarthi into their room and Ananya went to her room.

Grandma and Grandpa was not home, they had gone to their relatives home for some days. Because Siddarth, Aarthi and Ananya ate food from the restaurant no one was hungry, Aarthi was tossing and turning in her bed thinking about today's events when she heard the door opening, it was no one other than Mr Siddarth Agarwal. Aarthi glanced at Siddarth and then stood up from her bed "Siddarth can I ask you something ?".

Siddarth nodded understanding very well what was coming his way, Aarthi gaining all her strength asked him "Siddarth why did you leave like that ? So abruptly... what may have the others thought of us ?" "Aarthi I know them more than you so can you stop questioning me !! Whatever I did I have my own reasons." After saying this Siddarth stormed into the washroom leaving Aarthi frustrated, but she decided not to  speak anymore regarding this as she understood it's not her place to question him.

Soon Siddarth came out of the washroom wrapped in a towel exposing his torso, his arm injury was slowly healing now. Almost every day Aarthi checks it and changes the dressing if necessary. Ever since then Aarthi has been sleeping on the couch and Siddarth on the bed. Aarthi has a back pain now but she has not complained to Siddarth regarding it.

Soon Siddarth changed into his night wear whilst Aarthi looked away as she did not want to make the situation awkward by him thinking she is staring at him.  Understanding he needs the bed now Aarthi stood up from the bed, picked up her pillow and sheets and went to the couch. Seeing what Aarthi was doing Siddarth said "you can go back to taking the bed, I'll take the couch." However Aarthi replied by saying "No it is fine Siddarth I will take the couch."  "Aarthi I heard you telling Anu that you've got a back pain, I very well know that it is because of sleeping this uncomfortable thing. Go and take the bed." Siddarth said sternly. But Aarthi again protested and said "Siddarth but your arm has not completely healed, I don't want you sleeping in awkward positions and straining your arm." Understanding Aarthi's concern Siddarth felt some kind of happiness. He then decided to come into a conclusion. "Ok fine Aarthi I can understand your concern, how about both of us taking the bed ? It it a double bed so I'm assuming that both of us can sleep comfortably without any issues. Of course by keeping our distance."

Hesitantly Aarthi agreed and took the far end of the corner and repositioned herself there. She then turned around to not face Siddarth's side. Siddarth smiled a little. This girl was definitely conquering his heart, he thought love was not possible after the impact Naina had created in his love life. Soon Siddarth started thinking about the day that had just passed. Siddarth avoided most parties and events because he knew how Naina will be present there. When Siddarth first met Naina she was a nerdy literature student who had come for modelling audition. Instantly Siddarth felt attracted to the nerdy girl, later she got selected and managed to complete many modelling assignments for his company. That's when Siddarth understood what he had towards Naina was not infactuafion but something called love. After that they dated for solid three years before they both split ways. Naina is now a common friend of Siddarth's friends therefore, it is impossible to avoid her fully.

Now the same feeling he once had for Naina is making it's appearance for Aarthi.
Aarthi is a very simple girl, yes she is egoistic in Siddarth's eyes but Siddarth is enjoying every fight and differences between them. The only reason Siddarth is provoking her is because he likes to see her reaction/come backs. And Aarthi's bond with Ananya is a treat for the eyes. Ananya and Naina was once close but after Siddarth and Naina parted ways they lost their connections as well. Thinking about everything sleep engulfed Siddarth.

Soon the clock ticked 6am, this is the usual time Aarthi wakes up. She does not have work today but she still decided to get up at the same time. Aarthi had an even worser body pain from sleeping in the same position all night. Slowly she got up and stretched her body, glancing at the other side she saw Siddarth peacefully sleeping facing Aarthi's side taking up most of the bed by sleeping in weird positions.  
Because it was Sunday, Siddarth did not need to go to his office.

Aarthi then went to the washroom, did her morning chores and dressed herself into the plain white kurta. After checking the mirror one last time Aarthi went downstairs and started cooking breakfast. She decided to cook something simple like a upma. Ananya came down first when it was around 8am. "Good morning Bhabhi" Ananya greeted Aarthi. "Morning dear ! Do you want coffee or tea ?" Aarthi asked Anu. "I'll make a coffee Bhabhi, you carry on with your work !! Do you want me to make a coffee ?" Anu asked to which Aarthi nodded. "Is Siddarth not awake yet ?" Aarthi asked Anu curiously. "No he hasn't yet." Aarthi sighed. Soon the sister-in laws had breakfast together not waiting for his highness Siddarth Agarwal.

Time was now 10.30 Am, he still hadn't woken up. Neither Aarthi or Ananya bothered to wake him up as it was his day of today. He normally gets frustrated when anyone tried to wake him during his off days other than grandma. Siddarth obeyed grandma just like a child. As Aarthi was doing some laundry she heard the door bell ring, it was grandma and grandpa. Seeing them Aarthi felt very happy and  smiled showing her full set of teeth. Happily she hugged both of them and welcomed them back home. Soon Ananya came and greeted them. When they were talking to each other joyfully grandma asked Aarthi where Siddarth was, she told them the truth that Siddarth still hadn't woken up. This boiled grandma's blood and made her so angry. She scolded Aarthi and Ananya for not being responsible and walking Siddarth up. Aarthi, Ananya and grandpa stood there not uttering a word to not raise grandma's temper.

After scolding them grandma went to the kitchen, when grandpa saw she was gone he did some funny gestures making Aarthi and Anu giggle. However, they froze when they saw grandma with a bucket of water. For a second Aarthi thought if she's crazy or not !! With grandma leading Aarthi, Ananya and grandpa followed grandma into Siddarth's room. There he was sleeping like a daft person not aware of what's going to happen next.

Without a second thought grandma poured the bucket full of water into Siddarth's head !! Making Siddarth Jump from the bed, it took him some time to actually process what happened. Both Aarthi and Ananya couldn't stop their giggles seeing Siddarth's red embarrassed face.

Grandma scolded Siddarth and said "you know how I don't like people sleeping after sunrise !! Go and get changed quickly and clean this mess. Let that be your punishment for today... Soon grandma stormed out of the room followed by grandma and Ananya. Seeing Ananya giggle made Siddarth throw a pillow at her. However, Ananya ran seeing him throw the pillow making him miss the aim.

Nevertheless, Aarthi stood there with folded arms. She wanted to laugh but she controlled herself, somewhere in her heart she felt what grandma did was a bit harsh and felt sorry for Siddarth but she didn't express it. However, Aarthi decided to take advantage of this situation and mock him "I can't believe the great Siddarth Agarwal will only wake up when his grandma pours bucket full of water on him" and giggled to herself a little. Siddarth tightened his fists in embarrassment and anger and stormed into the washroom feeling ever so irritated and annoyed. "Why does grandma have to embarrass a 28 year old like me in front of others, I know this Is that stupid Aarthi's fault."

Aarthi sighed seeing the mess, slowly she started cleaning the area. When Siddarth came out the place it looked good as new. He felt relieved as cleaning was the last thing be wants to do today. "Aarthi must be happy today, I need to make a trap for her ...."


So here is next chapter......

I tried to add a comedy element here, hope it didn't make the chapter bad ...

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Will come back soon with another chapter !

Ignore the grammatical issues :)

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