Caru Chi

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Hey so I'm doing the request Chocolatebiscuit112 suggested so here we go. Btw, the title translates to Love You. Hope this doesn't disappoint. 

John's POV
Sherlock was acting strange. He always acted strange but he was being even more different. He often said things in Welsh to himself and he even said Welsh phrases to me even though he knew I didn't understand it, though I feel like that might be the point. Sure, he had used it in the past to say something important to Mycroft without anyone else finding out what it was, but this was different. 

For example, whenever I said goodnight to go upstairs, Sherlock would always say something in Welsh along the lines of "Nos da, caru chi" whatever that meant. I would have translated it to English but I never deemed it as important. 

Then he started using Welsh on cases. Whenever I would point something out that he had missed, he would always say something that I couldn't even attempt to pronounce ("Ardderchog" was the word that first came to mind. It translates to excellent). 

Lestrade was just as confused as me when I spoke to him about it because apparently Sherlock never said anything in Welsh to me. He only seemed to speak it to me, or Mycroft if needed.  

Sherlock's POV
John seemed to be incredibly confused as to why I spoke in Welsh to him so often but honestly I was using it to my advantage. I would use it to tell him I loved him or that he was brilliant or excellent and it was perfect because he never knew what I was saying unless he translated it to English, which I highly doubted he did otherwise he would have spoken to me about it. 

It was an easy way to confess my feelings for him without ruining what I had with him already. 

He wasn't the only one who was confused though. Lestrade and the rest of NSY were confused as to why I spoke Welsh to John and to John only and never to any of them. 

This continued for a while, me complimenting him and telling him I loved him in Welsh and he never questioned it for some reason. He probably just thought that it was one of my strange 'quirks'.

One day we were on our way home in a cab when John suddenly asked me something. 

"Why do you always say that when I help on cases?"

"Say what?" I asked, though I knew full well what he meant. 

"You know what I mean" 

"No I don't" I lied, smirking slightly. I just wanted to hear him try and pronounce ardderchog. 

"You know I won't be able to pronounce it" 

"I have absolutely no idea what you're on about and I won't know until you tell me"

John rolled his eyes. "Arthercog or however you pronounce it"

"Not bad pronunciation considering you don't speak the language at all and it has letters that aren't even in the English alphabet"

"So what does it mean?"

"Nothing important" I said looking out of the window. 

John sighed but said nothing more about it. 

John's POV
That night when I went upstairs, I decided to look up the word. I looked it up and it said that it translated to "Excellent". So every time I helped Sherlock on a case, he would always say excellent. Interesting. 

I decided to look up the other phrase Sherlock used a lot. "Nos da, caru chi". Seemed quite a lot simpler than "Ardderchog" or whatever it was. I was shocked when it translated to "Goodnight, love you". 

He loved me? 

But Sherlock didn't feel emotions like that. 

I had long since stopped denying my feelings for my flatmate but I never dreamed that he'd return the feelings. But on the other hand, he did say it every night so maybe it was true. I decided to look up one more thing and how to pronounce it. 

The next night, as usual, Sherlock said "Nos da, caru chi" as I said goodnight but I responded this time. 

"Caru chi hefyd" 









Hey so hope this didn't disappoint, I tried my best here. In case yall don't know, "Caru chi hefyd" means Love you too. I thought it would be a cute ending. Anyway, feel free to give me more requests because they're fun. 

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