How It Began

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Okay so, hi guys, how are you guys? Basically, this is gonna be a very short one from a prompt I saw on Insta. I tried to add a photo but my laptop is playing up, so here we go. I'm annoyed because I tried to wear a hoodie but my skin had a reaction to it that it never has before and now my arms hurt from how cold they are. 

Lestrade's POV
I called Sherlock into the yard to discuss the case we had for him. My men had been stuck on it for a few days before we eventually decided to call him in. I hoped it wasn't too simple for him because we needed him. 

John and Sherlock came into my office. I glanced up from the papers on my desk and saw them come through the door holding hands. A smkir crept across my face. 

"So who finally confessed?"

Sherlock smiled proudly. "It was me. I made sure that it was short and sweet, just like John." This earned him a glare from John for calling him short. 

"Let me clear this up." John said. "You yelled 'Listen here you little shit, I have feelings for you and it's about time you aknowledged them'. From the roof. At 5am." I imagined this in my head and chuckled to myself, careful not to let Sherlock hear it. God knows what he would say if he heard me laughing at him. 

"It worked though, did it not?"

"Mm." John said, wrapping his arm around Sherlock's waist and looked up at him. 

"Okay, now that's over and done with, do you want the case or not?" 

"Yes, of course, please. Better be a good one."








Hey sorry that was so short. I have so many ideas but not enough time so *throws short chapter*. Anyway, hope yall liked it and that yall are okay. Just a reminder if any of you guys need someone to talk to, you can always talk to me. See you guys soon :)

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