Ice Skating

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Hey guys so basically how I got the idea to this story is slightly interesting lol. Basically, exactly 2 years ago on the 21st of December 2018, my gf and I (though we weren't dating at the time) went ice skating together and it was the first time we spent time together outside of school by ourselves, so here's to 2 years since that. I also really miss my gf but we're in lockdown and I can't see her but that's life I guess. 

John's POV
It was December and I finally managed to convince Sherlock to come ice skating with me. He was very unsure about it so he probably hadn't been ice skating before, or if he had then he hadn't been for a very long time. 

I reassured him that he would be fine and I would make sure he wouldn't fall over. When we got there, we got our ice skates and went to put them on. Sherlock looked nervous and I just laughed at him. 

"Have you ever skated before, Sherlock"

"Once or twice when I was younger. My mother tried to teach me and Mycroft but alas we were both terrible at it" He replied, biting his lip nervously and looking out at the ice. "I remembering it hurting quite a lot when I fell"

"It's okay, I'll make sure you don't fall" I said, holding out my hand. 

We stepped out on to the ice and Sherlock immediately slipped and nearly fell. He grabbed on to me and I just chuckled at him. Slowly, I started skating around the rink with a very wobbly Sherlock at my side. 

We went around the rink a couple of times and slowly but surely, Sherlock began to get the hang of it. I tried to let go of his hand and he instantly slipped and fell forward. 

"Love, are you okay?" I asked him while skating over to him. He was trying to get up but he kept slipping back down. 

Chuckling, I held out my hand for him to get up. He reached his hand out and grasped mine and tried to pull himself up but it resulted in him pulling me down on top of him. 

"Sherlock!" I said laughing at him. I was fine getting myself back up because I used to play ice hockey, but helping someone else up was much more difficult.

Eventually, Sherlock was back on his feet but he refused to let go of me in fear of falling again (I just realised what that sounded like and I'm so sorry). 

We ice skated along to the music until they announced that they were closing and everyone had to leave. Sherlock managed to improve a tiny bit, though it was quite cute to see him clutching my hand. Overall, it went well, Sherlock looked cute when he was scared, and neither of us got badly injured. I'd call that successful. 







Hey so that was a tiny tribute to 2 years since I went ice skating with my (now) gf lmao. Anyway, hope you enjoyed x. I might not update every single day because I'm trying to spend as much time as I can with my brother because it's his last Christmas before he goes to uni so yeah, but I will work on a chapter each night, even if I don't actually finish the chapter. 

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