Uh idk what to name this one

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Hey guys, I'm actually writing. I got this idea from an Instagram post lol. Hope you enjoy. No triggers, just short, cute stuff.

John's POV
It was my first Christmas since Mary had disappeared with Rosie, and I had been invited to the Holmes' residence once again, except hopefully this year, it would be less eventful, with no sleeping drugs, or helicopters, or death.

It had been an incredibly difficult year for me.

Mary had disappeared shortly after the baby was born, and no one was sure why, or where she had gone. Everyone had been looking for her, Sherlock and even Mycroft had helped a bit, but to no avail. It seemed that she really did not want to be found.

I was upset about it, of course I was, because I had loved her, but I did have to over-exaggerate it a bit as not to cause suspicion. I loved Mary and Rosie dearly, even if Mary had only been a replacement for the man who I truly loved, and I was especially angry at her because she was the reason that I would never really know my own daughter.

I had mainly blamed myself for the entire ordeal, thinking that maybe if I had paid more attention to her, then she might have stayed. The entire year had mostly contained of Sherlock trying to tell me that it wasn't my fault. The day she left me was the first time that Sherlock had ever seen me cry.

We arrived at the Holmes' residence and were greeted by Sherlock's parents. They were as cheery as always, it was difficult to believe that they were really related to Mycroft and Sherlock, they were such different people. It seemed that the only trait that both of their children had inherited was Mrs Holmes' intelligence (I haven't watched that episode in a while, but she is canonically smart, right?).

Everything was normal, or at least as normal as it could be, throughout the day. Mycroft and Sherlock exchanged a few insults (though not as many as usual), which usually resulted on a light smack on the head from their mother for arguing at Christmas time, but everyone was very merry. Contrary to popular belief, Sherlock was a big fan of Christmas, it was one of the things that I had learned about him over the years.

We all sat down at the dinner table, which was packed with food. It had every sort of Christmas food (okay I'm vegetarian, what do normal people eat for Christmas dinner?). I was delighted to see Sherlock filling his plate with food, it was a nice change.

Once we were done eating, Mrs Holmes went to get dessert, even though we were all stuffed.

"Where is the cake I made earlier?" I heard her call out from the kitchen before she walked back into the dining room. All of a sudden, Mycroft looked extremely uncomfortable and guilty.

Sherlock pointed a finger accusingly at Mycroft. "Mycroft ate the cake!" He yelled.

"Sherlock is in love with John!" Mycroft yelled back. Sherlock choked on his breath in horror at what his brother just said. I just sat there in disbelief. Sherlock... loved me? How was it possible that someone as brilliant as him could love me?

I looked at Sherlock to see if he denied it, but he said nothing. He may not have said anything, but it was clear on his face that it was true.

After a few moments of silence, Sherlock muttered a quiet "Excuse me" and ran upstairs. I followed him because I needed to talk to him about what happened.

He went into a room which I assumed was his old bedroom, and I followed. It was much as I had imagined it would be, filled with books and old, forgotten experiments. In the corner of the room was a big double bed, which Sherlock sat upon, with his head in his hands. I sat next to him and put my arm around him, but he flinched away from me.

"It's okay, Sherlock." I whispered.

"No, it's not okay!"

"Yes, it is, I promise. This wasn't the way I planned on telling you this, but I love you, you idiot." (I got a Gilmore Girls reference in (kinda, the whole line is "Because I love you, you idiot, but I'll try and add that in another chapter))

"Really?" He asked in disbelief, looking up at me for the first time since I entered the room. I simply nodded in reply. A smile broke out on his face, and I smiled in return.

"Good." He whispered. "Very good. Can I bring Lestrade next year and embarrass Mycroft by doing the same thing to them?"

"Sure." I laughed. "Why not?"











Hi, it's been a while, I'm still alive. I've said this before on various messaged on my account, but I know that not all of you follow me, so I'll say it here too. I've had extremely bad anxiety recently, and it was finally going away, when I had to go to the doctor's because my leg has been hurting for a good 7 weeks now, and my mum got concerned. I had an X-ray on Friday which was terrifying (even though I've had them in the past) and I don't get to see them until the 25th, and I also have to get a load of blood tests (and I am not good with needles, the last time I got injections, I had to have my girlfriend holding my hand) which wont be fun. I have also started doing my GCSE subjects at school which is more stressful than I thought it would be, but it's also fun. I only have a few weeks left of school before summer break, and hopefully I will be able to write more then, but idk about the next few weeks. Thank you guys for being so patient with me 😊. I hope you guys enjoyed this small chapter (sorry for the bad ending, I'm tired) I provided you with while listening to Catatonia lol. See you guys (hopefully) soon x 

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