Just Checking

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Hey guys, what's up. I'm on break right now from Welsh and I've got 29 minutes till I gotta get back. There's a chance I'm not actually gonna finish in time. Anyway, on with the story.

Sherlock's POV
I shot up in bed and held my knees to my chest. Another nightmare about John. Ever since he got injured on a case, I had been having recurring nightmares about him dying, and every time he would die in a dream, it would be my fault in one way or another. 

Even if it wasn't my fault, I would find a way to blame myself.

John and I were chasing a murderer down an alleyway. It was just a usual Wednesday for us. We were finally gaining on the man when all of a sudden he had a gun. He then used this gun to start shooting at us. John and I managed to dodge the majority of the bullets until it went more than a bit wrong. He got shot in the stomach. I seemingly pulled a gun out of nowhere and shot the man we were chasing through the head. There, that should stop him for while. I rushed to John's aid and I tried to stop the bleeding but it was too late. "I- I'm sorry John. I'm so sorry " I cried, clutching his body to my chest. "Goodbye, Sherlock" "No, John, please no" But his body went stiff and cold and his heartbeat stopped. I had dragged him out on this case. It was my fault. 

Tears were streaming down my face as I shot up in bed. Another dream. I couldn't see why I was having all of these dreams. John had only been shot in the foot and he was basically better by now. I also wasn't supposed to care for people. It wasn't very sociopath-y (welcome to "It's gone 11pm, what made up words can I use?) of me. 

My brain was telling me that John was fine but my heart was screaming as me to go see John. I tried to tell myself that he was okay and that I didn't need to go and check on him.

Suddenly, I was halfway up the stairs to my roommates bedroom. 

I shook my head and tried to tell my feet to stop moving up the stairs but I couldn't help it. Soon, I found myself standing over his (breathing) body. He was sleeping peacefully, I could go now. 

Now I was reassured that he was fine, I went back to bed to sleep. 

Every night from then on, whenever I couldn't sleep or had a nightmare, I would go and watch John while he slept. It was very comforting to see him... alive and breathing. It was very practical and John never seemed to notice anything, until one night. 

On that night, he seemed to have a nightmare of his own. His breathing sped up and he began mumbling. I knew full well that he was going to wake up any second now so I turned to walk out of the room. 

"Sherlock?" Dammit. 

"Yes, John?"

"Were you watching me sleep?" 

"Uh um well that's an interesting question with a very long answer for another time..." I said trying to wriggle out of answering.

"I'm fine, Sherlock. I just got shot in the foot and it's okay now. You don't need to worry about me."

I was shocked. How had he figured it out?


"I guess I'm not as stupid as I look, am I?"

"No, you're not" I grinned at him "I kept on having dreams that you would die and I needed reassurance that you were still alive so every time I had a nightmare, I would come and watch you sleep. It's very comforting."

He held out his arms for a hug and I accepted it gratefully. 

"So you're still alive?" I mumbled

"Of course I am, you idiot"

"Just checking"








Hey guys this actually took my first break and like 2 hours just now sorry. I suck at endings, sorry :/ Anyway, hope you liked it x, see yall soon

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