Cute lil' Unilock thing

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Hey so I've been sent home from school because someone is suspected to have Covid, so I'm on call with my friend and writing. This is going to be short but ridiculously cute. This is Unilock, so Sherlock and John are about 20 years old.

Sherlock's POV
It was 7am on a Saturday when there was a knock on the door of mine and John's room. I nudged John in the ribs with my elbow to try and get him to go and answer the door, but the only response I got was a groan and him burrowing deeper into the bed. With a sigh, I got up and went to open the door.

There stood Lestrade. His father was a DI at Scotland Yard, so occasionally he brought by cases for me. He was smiling guiltily, he probably felt bad for waking me up early on one of the only two days of the week where we didn't have classes.

"Uh, hi Sherlock." He said nervously. Everyone who knew me knew that I despised mornings and anyone who woke me up. I yawned and nodded in greeting, opening the door wider so he could walk in.

He went to go make tea in an attempt to make me not kill him, and I just flopped on to the sofa out of exhaustion.

A few minutes later, the tea was made and Lestrade was explaining the case to me. Apparently, someone had been stealing money from the school, but they couldn't figure out who. I had solved it withing minutes, but I let Greg continue talking about evidence and suspects. The case was annoyingly simple, so I just went into my mind palace.

I don't know how long I was in there for, but Greg was still talking when I was pulled back to reality by a soft yawn behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw John standing there with the duvet wrapped around himself. His hair was very messy and looked very soft, and he looked absolutely exhausted.

Greg stopped talking when he noticed that John had arrived. We both just watched him silently as he made his way over to the sofa and curled up next to me, with his head on my lap.

I put my hand on his head and ran my fingers through his (incredibly) soft hair.

Greg sat there, wondering whether or not to continue talking, until John's hand appeared from under the duvet and waved at us and a mumbled "continue" emerged. I chuckled quietly to myself and continued to card my fingers through his hair.

"So as I was saying-" Greg started saying before I cut him off.

"I don't need anything else, it's Mrs Davies the English teacher. She's been stealing money to try and pay back all of her drug dealers." I explained (I actually know an English teacher called Mrs Davies, but she doesn't do drugs (to my knowledge anyway)). Greg nodded and stood up to leave.

"Thanks, Sherlock, I'll see ya around."

"Bye." I replied.

I moved to get up to tidy away the cups that we had used, but John put his arms around my waist and wouldn't let go, so I sighed and decided to try and reason with him instead.

"Come on" I murmured, wrapping my arms around him and the duvet, picking him up. "It'll be comfier to sleep in bed."

"Mhm." He mumbled, digging his face into my chest. I smiled and gently placed him down on the bed, only unwrapping the duvet for a moment to get under it as well.

I lay behind John, with him sleeping comfortably on my chest, as I stroked his hair until I fell asleep too.










So um I hope that this was fluffy enough. I think that it is cute, so I like it, but idk. I hope you guys liked it, I might update again later today because I don't really have anything much else to do lol. 

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