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So ya girl still hasn't got her book back from their dad's house yet so this is from an Instagram post I saw that I decided to turn into a prompt lol. It's not gonna be sad, tomorrow's one is though so yeah. Anyway, on with the story. This is gonna be pretty short (I think). TW: past abuse (kinda I guess idk) and past attempted suicide

John's POV
I woke up in hospital in pain. My arm was wrapped up in a bandage. Furiously, I tried to remember what had happened, but all I could remember was running in the rain from something or someone.

I could remember I was with Sherlock at the time. 

I could remember a searing pain in my arm.

I could remember hearing gunshots from Sherlock's gun, firing at whoever was chasing us.

I could remember Sherlock holding my hand on my non-injured arm tightly. 

I could remember Sherlock staying with me in the ambulance. 

Looking to my left, I saw Sherlock curled up in one of those uncomfortable hospital chairs in his mind palace. He looked like he was staring at me but I knew he wasn't. It was clear he hadn't noticed I'd woken up. 

I opened my mouth to say something when a nurse walked in. 

I nodded towards my friend and whispered "How long has he been here?"

"As long as you have. You've been here for days, and so has be. He never leaves the room, he barely eats anything and he barely sleeps"

Shocked, I had no response. Sherlock had really become like that because I had been shot in the arm and was unconscious for a few days? The nurse fiddled around with something in the background as I was just focussing on Sherlock. 

As the nurse was walking out of the door, she turned around to look at us. "He really does lobe you, doesn't he?"

"I wish" I replied, smiling sadly at her as she left. 

"Sherlock?" I said softly. He blinked and looked towards me. 

"What did you mean by 'you wish', John?" 

"W-what do you mean?"

"When that nurse said 'he really does love you, doesn't he?' you just said 'I wish'" 

"Well you're the great genius you figure it out" I huffed. I had just woken up after being unconscious for days and accidentally told my best friend I was in love with him while I thought he was in his bloody mind palace. 

He was staring at me again and I knew that he was actually staring. He had been both times, I just didn't notice the first time. 

"I love you too" The sudden noise of him speaking surprised me. 


He just nodded in reply and bent down to plant a kiss on my forehead. 

"When can we go home?" I asked. I hated the uncomfortable hospital beds.

"They said you could go home as soon as you woke up. We just need to get your stuff and your files and go?"


"Yeah, the files which have your previous hospital reports in them. There's paper work in there that needs to be filled out"

"Oh I can so that" I said quickly. I didn't need Sherlock seeing my previous hospital reports. I never wanted anyone to see them ever again. 

"No you can't, your dominant arm is literally bandaged up because it got shot. I can write it" 

Sighing, I just got my stuff ready. Knowing Sherlock, there was no way that he was going to let me do it so I just accepted that he would write it. 

"Ready to go?" He asked. I just nodded and he hugged me and kissed the top of my head. 

We got my file from the hospital and we went back home. Sherlock really had not been home at all in the last 4 days. I got out a book and started reading as Sherlock began filling out my report, but I knew he first had to read through the previous ones. Soon after he began reading, I heard him sigh and I knew where he had reached. 

2 accounts of physical abuse from my father and 3 accounts of attempted suicide all between the ages of 12-15. 

I closed my book but I couldn't bare to look at Sherlock so I didn't, I just looked down at my lap. There was silence in the room and I could feel Sherlock looking at me from his chair but I still couldn't look up at him. All of a sudden, I felt Sherlock's arms wrap around me in a hug which I gladly accepted. 

"I'm sorry John"

"It's fine"

"No it's not, you shouldn't have had to deal with that man beating you up. Can I get Mycroft to kill him?"

"No, Sherlock"

"Fine, can I kill him?"

"No, Sherlock"

"But he hurt you"

"Yes but he's already dead"


"Thank you though, I love you" 

"I love you too"








Hey yall I was gonna do a double update tonight but I changed my mind, sorry. If I may quote Moriarty, "I'm so unpredictable" lmao. Anyway, hope you enjoyed x, and see yall tomorrow for the sad chapter lmao 

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