Music Teen!lock

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So I've put this chapter off for a while cuz it's gonna be quite long and this week I haven't had the mental stability to do it but now I do. In other books like this I've read, John plays clarinet. Idk if they ever actually mentioned that in the show but I'm changing it so he plays the violin like Sherly. Anyway, here goes.

Sherlock's POV
I was sitting in my seat in the orchestra, holding my violin and waiting for the conductor. He was always at least 5 minutes late. Sighing, I plucked aimlessly at the strings. It was so boring when we were just waiting for Mr Evans (heh the name of my year 6 conductor who hated everyone and everything) to arrive. 

Today I noticed that there was a new violinist in the same row as me who looked a bit lost. He was obviously new here. I quickly deduced him, he had just moved here, older sibling, no friends here so he moved from a long way away, all the normal stuff. It wasn't until Mr Evans walked in that I realised that I had been staring at him for a good 5 minutes. 

Mr Evans began droning on about the upcoming concert we were practising for. He had given this same talk every practise for the last 3 weeks and it was getting very dull. We all knew what was going on at this point, apart from mystery boy I suppose. 

Next he began talking about the soloists. I was competing in this, of course. To begin with, I was too shy to do it, but Molly managed to convince to take part. Mr Evans read out a list of the different violin soloists, and there was a name there that I didn't recognise. John. So that must be the name of mystery boy. 

The concert was in a 4 days and the try outs for the soloists was in 2 days. On the day of the try outs, I was standing to the side of the stage holding my violin. I had the piece of music I was going to play. John, mysterious boy who I had decided I hated, was going just before me. Still, I thought to myself, he shouldn't be too difficult to beat. He can't have been as good as me. That's what I thought anyway, but then he started playing Solo Violin Sonata by Bartok (I literally Googled "difficult violin pieces" because I don't know much about violins because I haven't played one in 7 (?) years so yeah). I don't think there was a word to describe how surprised I was. Perhaps he wouldn't be as easy to beat as I thought. 

I was the last one to try out and then they waited 15 minutes before telling us who won and would be playing as a soloist in the concert in 2 days. Earlier that day I had been confident but John turned out to be incredibly good, possibly even better than me. I wouldn't be surprise if he won the competition. 

While the judges were making their decision, we were all sitting in chairs and talking among ourselves. Well, everyone except John and I. He was sitting and reading The Hobbit. I decided to go talk to him.

"Solo Violin Sonata by Bartok. Impressive" I said, sitting in the chair next to him. He looked up from his book, startled.

"Thank you" He replied timidly. 

"Difficult piece to master. Wouldn't be surprised if you won, John"

We continued speaking for the next few minutes until someone said that they were going to announce the winners. 

The head of the music department, Mr Budd (the name of the only music teacher in my school), stood up and announced the winner as John and everyone gave a round of applause. If it were anyone else then I would have been upset but John honestly deserved it. 

Over the next couple of weeks we became very close friends. It was weird to have more than one friend. He even began defending me from the people who bullied me. I don't think anyone had ever really defended me or cared about me before. 

Because John was friends with me, everyone started to hate him too but he didn't seem to mind. People also thought he was weird for being so good at the violin after he was the soloist in the concert. 

Everything eventually began to die down, though we were still only friends with each other and Molly, but even she started to date Jim, one of the people who purely hated John and me, so we barely saw her. People began hating us even more once we started dating but I didn't really care. I loved John and everyone else were idiots so that wasn't too much of a problem. 

At last, we graduated and went to university, sadly, we went to separate ones. John went to some university to study medicine, despite his great musical talent. I, on the other hand, went to St Barts for Chemistry but once again, everyone hated me and without John there to help and support me, I was not doing well. 

It took a while, but I managed to convince my parents to let me move to John's university so that I was with him and he could help me. John was ecstatic when he found out that I would be moving to his school. Mycroft even managed to kick out John's roommate so that we could be in the same room.

Even though neither of us were studying music or doing it professionally, we were both in the school orchestra and we played often, even when we left university and moved into 221B Baker Street despite John being a doctor in a hospital and me being a consulting detective with John helping occasionally. 








Hey so I ended up writing this over 3 days (technically 4 days cuz it's 00.03 rn) but yeah hope you liked it. Thank you guys for 400 reads alreadyyyyyyyy x. I'm so excited for my next chapter because it's the 21st of December so I have a very special (well only special to me and one other person I guess but still) chapter planned. This was kinda rushed, sorry. I was watching season 6 of Bake Off so yeah. I was up till 5am watching Bake Off last night lol. 

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