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Hey sorry for not writing for a couple of days, my brother left my laptop at my dad's house again. I have not planned this chapter out, I found a post on Instagram saying what if blah blah blah and I decided to turn it into a fanfic. Mary doesn't exist because we don't like her for getting in the way. TW: mentions suicide cuz angst lol. Also, thank you guys for 100 reads already x

Sherlock's POV
I had returned home to my John a few days ago and things were back to normal. He was infuriated at me to begin with but after he punched me in the face once, he held he close in a hug and just cried. It was obvious he had missed me, our flat had barely changed despite the fact I had left for 2 years. 

We were solving cases together again, and John had even resigned his job at the hospital so he could come on cases with me again and I was extremely happy and grateful for this. I was honestly surprised that he wasn't engaged or something and he didn't beat me to a pulp when he saw me again (sobs in "The Empty Hearse"). 

 One night I was at the New Scotland Yard later than usual, doing some paperwork with Geoff. John was at home, probably sleeping seeing as it was 2am. I told him he didn't need to be here for the boring writing bit. This process had always seemed rather tedious to me but Gavin insisted. 

Lestrade and I sat in silence for a while, both doing our separate things, when suddenly he began to interrogate me. 

"Where were you for two years?"


"Gone where?"

"I had stuff to attend to" 

"What stuff?"

"Moriarty stuff. Can we drop this please?"

He didn't reply and I bent back over the table to finish my work. I felt Lestrade staring at me but I decided against mentioning it. 

"He barely coped without having you here"

I sighed, lifting my head to look at him. 


"You know who"

"He was fine without me. He lived, did he not?"

Lestrade just scoffed at me. 

"Care to share?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. 

"You said he lived" 

"Well he did. He's at home in our flat, probably sleeping"

"He barely lived, Sherlock. Don't you understand that?"

"What do you mean? Why did he nearly die?"

"When I say he barely lived, I mean he barely lived. You weren't here, Sherlock! You didn't see him! You weren't the one who got drunk phone calls in the early hours and you didn't have to run to the cemetery to see him sitting by your grave with his gun in his mouth!" 

By the time he finished yelling, Greg had tears running down his face. I was absolutely shocked. I couldn't even formulate words. John had been suicidal over me? He had genuinely considered ending it all just because I wasn't there? Plus he never told me? 

Greg groaned and thumped his head on the table while all I could do was sit there, shocked senseless. I thought that my blogger had missed me but not to that point. I thought he would have found someone and moved on with his life after a few weeks. Never would I have thought that he nearly shot himself. 

Eventually, I came to my senses and realised that I needed to go home to see John. I never knew that he missed me that much and I had just left him alone. 

"I, um, I need to go home and-"

"And see John. Go, now" 

"Thanks, Greg. I wouldn't have known without you" 

With a smile, I ran out of the office. I ran all the way out of the building and somehow managed to hail a cab at bloody 3 in the morning. 

"221B Baker Street, and quickly" I said sharply. The cabbie nodded and began to drive. 

We arrived 6 minutes and 29 seconds later. Throwing money at the cabbie, I leaped out of the car and ran up to the door to unlock it. I ran up the stairs three at a time, not caring if I woke Mrs Hudson up. 

I burst into the flat and saw John sitting on the sofa with his knees tucked under his chin and tearstained cheeks. His head immediately shot up to look at me. A look of relief washed over his face as he realised that it was me. 

I ran over to the sofa and I hugged him like I was never going to let go. 

"Why are you crying? Not only that, but why are you still awake?" I asked, genuinely concerned for my little blogger. His hair was sticking up at all angles and he greatly resembled a small hedgehog. 

"I had a dream you left again but forever this time and when I woke up you still weren't home so I waited for you to come back." His voice sounded hoarse, as if he had been crying a lot. My arms wrapped even tighter around the shorter man. 

"I'm not going anywhere, it's okay, I'm here" I whispered, hopefully somewhat comfortingly. HIs breathing began to even as I ran my hands through his hair. "I'm sorry I wasn't here, John. I shouldn't have left for 2 years. Lestrade only just told me what happened to you and I'm so sorry."

I felt the man beneath me begin to shake.

"I'm sorry" John whispered. I was genuinely confused. 

"What for?" 

"I know you're a sociopath but here I am, all emotional. I'll be fine, you can go and do some experiment  if you want."

With that, John stood up and started to walk upstairs, but before he got very far, I reached out and grabbed his wrist. He turned around to say something but I just pulled him into a hug and I kissed his forehead. 

"It's okay, John. I'm not going anywhere ever again, okay?" 










Woohoo new chapterrrrr. Hope yall enjoyed it, it wasn't planned or anything so yeah. ALSO, MY FRIEND STARTED WATCHING SHERLOCK SO AE ARE NOW A PART OF THE CULT, WELCOME  to the fandom. I might update again today x.

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