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So. This is just a short thing from a prompt on instagram which was  a screenshot of a post on Tumblr from an account called incorrect--sherlock-quotes. Anyway, how are you guys? I hope you guys had a good valentines day. I went for a walk with my gf and we got hot chocolates because we just about froze to death, and we had some rocky roads she baked for us and she even made them with vegetarian marshmallows for me and it was so cute. Anyway (again), on with the story. 

3rd POV
Sherlock and John were on a case with Lestrade and the rest of the New Soctland Yard. It was an easy one, but Sherlock had just taken it becuase there hadn't been anything for days. 

Lestrade listened to all of Sherlock's deductions but he was skeptical of them. He couldn't believe that he could have figured that all out so quicklty and from only glancing at the body. 

"Sherlock, I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying you might want to take some more time-" Lestrade tried to intervene.

"Gavin! I do not need to take anymore time! I'm not wrong. I'm never wrong!"

John was just standing to the side, watching the argument between the two men argue. 

"I never said you were wrong! I just think that maybe you are being too hasty. And your affection and emotions may have clouded your judgement slightly. You might be getting a bit ahead of yourself." Greg was trying to make an agreement with Sherlock but it wasn't working. 

"Emotions? I do not feel emotions. My cold, dead heart has no affection for anyone. I'm emotionless."

It was an a lie, obviously, but no one knew that. Well, not until John sneezed. 

When John sneezed, Sherlock's head spun to look at him. 

"What's wrong? Are you sick? Where's your jacket? Why aren't you wearing a jacket? It's because you went jogging in the cold again, isn't it? Come one, we're going home." With that, Sherlock grabbed by the arm, spun around, and walked away.

"Sherlock? Sherlock!" Lestrade shouted after them. 

"I solved it for you, and told you the deductions. Believe me if you want, or don't. I'm taking John home." Sherlock yelled back. 

"Sherlock, I'm fine. It was just a sneeze."

"What if it wasn't just a sneeze?"

"I'm a doctor, I know I'm fine."

Sherlock stopped dragging John by the arm and looked down at him. 

"Are you sure? What if you do get sick? And then what if it gets worse? And then it becomes really bad and you end up leaving me?" He teared up a bit at the end.

John smiled gently at him and threw his arms around Sherlock. "I love your concern, Sherlock, but trust me, I'm fine. If I am ill, it's a cold, flu at the worst. I will be fine. Okay?"


"So, 'emotionless', hm?"

"Oh shush."

Sherlock forgot about the incident for another 3 days until he heard John coughing upstairs. He ran upstairs to check on John.

"John?! Are you okay?"

"Mm I'm fine."

Sherlock narrowed his eyes at him. 

"Are you?"

John opened his mouth to say something but cut himself off with another coughing fit. 

When it finished, John replied.

"Perhaps not."

A couple of days later, John was stuck in bed with the flu.

Despite being 'emotionless', Sherlock cared for John's every need. 

It took John several days to  get better and Sherlock was quite obviously worried for him. Even a few days after he was acompletely better, Sherlock would still insist on doing everything for John. 

"So, Sherlock, you may not be as emotionless as you thought."

"Maybe not."

They smiled at each other. 

Yep, Sherlock thought, definitely not emotionless. Then again, no one other than John needs to know that.










Hey guysss sorry that was so bad, I'm kinda tired, so I'm really sorry. Anyway, see you guys soon :) x

Johnlock Fluff (mostly) OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt