Late Nights

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Damn I really need to finish the other 2 chapters I started. I looked through my old notebook, and dang the story ideas in there sucked apart from this one. Granted, I have already written the majority of the stories in there, but there are 5 or 6 that I haven't and Iesu Grist they are awful. They aren't all terrible, but some of them are so similar to ones that I've written before that it's not even worth writing them. I'm proud of myself because I haven't tidied my room in about 2 weeks but I actually cleaned out the rubbish and some of the clothes so I'm quite happy about that. About the actual story - it's kinda similar to one I've written before but it's slightly different and just deal with it lol.

Sherlock's POV
John and I were on a case as per usual. It was a difficult one and so far it had taken me 2 weeks just to get this far. The first part of the 2 weeks was fine, but over the last 3 days we had been up to nearly 4am everyday in various places on stake outs to try and find the killer.

This had meant us getting 4 hours of sleep a night at the most, and it was even taking a toll on me. Since I met John, I had slowly been getting a normal sleeping pattern (cannot relate. I went to sleep at 2:30 and got up at 10:30 lol), so now when I tried to stay awake later, I would struggle greatly. 

When it was the fourth late night in a row, we were sitting in the back of a car outside of an old library, waiting for the murderer. It was probably around 2am, and so far, I was okay. John, on the other hand, was struggling to stay awake. He was trying to pretend that he was fine, but I could see that he was absolutely exhausted. 

There was a silence in the car as we both watched out for the criminal, but there was no sign of him. After about another half an hour, I felt a slightly heavy weight on my shoulder. I glanced down and saw John's head resting on my shoulder. He must have lost the battle against sleep. 

Looking down at him, I decided that it couldn't be very comfortable for him to sleep there. I moved him ever so slowly and gently as not to disturb him. I layed him down so that his head was resting on my lap and he was lying down on his side on the seats. Next, I draped my belstaff coat over his body as a blanket. He gave out a contented sigh and snuggled into the coat.

I couldn't help smiling down at him. He looked absolutely adorable. 

Another hour passed and I, too, was struggling to not fall asleep. Eventually, I had to make the desicion that if no one appeared in the next 30 minutes, then I would wake John up and go home. 

Thankfully, no one did show up. I didn't have the energy to chase a criminal through the streets of London. I woke up the short man who was sleeping on my lap. He looked confused and tired.

"Hm?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. His hair was sticking up slightly. He resembled a small (uh English word for draenog?) hedgehog (I literally had to google it. I could only remember the Welsh word). 

"Come on, we're going home now." I replied. Without thinking about it, I smoothed out his hair and ran my fingers through it a couple of times to tidy it a bit. John yawned and leaned his head into the touch slightly. 

We got out of the car and we started walking home. Thank God we were pretty close to home so we didn't actually have to walk too far. 

When we arrived at home, we had to be more quiet than usual because it was past 4am and Mrs Hudson would kill us if we woke us up. 

Thankfully, we didn't wake Mrs Hudson up and we got into our flat more or less quietly. Well, to tell the truth, I wasn't sure how our landlady stayed asleep because we were laughing liudly at something I said. 

"Night, then" I said, yawning, as I began to walk towards my room. 

John sighed behind me. I turned around to look at what was wrong and he was staring at the stairs that he would have to go up to get to bed. 

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Ugh I'm too tired to go all the way upsairs."

"You can-" I cut myself off with a yawn. "You can stay in my bed if you like. It's a big bed."

John nodded. We were both too tired to think it was weird.

We both got changed into our pyjamas and got under the duvet. I wasn't thinking straight (haha I only think gae (i am so tired)) so when we were sitting under the covers, I put my arms around John. 

"G'dnight John" I mumbled. It was slightly muffled by his hair.

"Night, Sherl."








Ahhhh that was so bad, sorry. This woulda been out about 30 minutes earlier but

Aethon ni allan o'r car ac dechreuon ni i cerdded gartref. Diolch byth oedden ni yn eithaf agos i gartref, felly doedd hi ddim yn rhy bell i ni cerdded.

Pan cyraeddon ni gartref, roedd rhaid i ni fod yn hyd yn oed mwy dawel 'na arfer oherwydd oedd hi'n heibio 4yb a fydd Mrs Hudson yn ein lladd os oedden ni yn codi hi.

Diolch byth, fe wnaethon ni ddim codi Mrs Hudson a cyrraeddon ni yn ein fflat mwy neu lai yn tawelwch. Wel, i ddweud y gwir, o'n ni ddim yn siwr sut yr arhosodd Mrs Hudson yn cysgu achos roedden ni yn chwerthin yn uchel.

yep. I started writing in Welsh halfway through. Anyway, hope yall plant are good. I have online school starting tomorrow again, and please kill me. I have Music, PE and Welsh. I'm getting a new carpet and bed and more bookshelves tomorrow which is exciting. Sorry the ending to the chapter is so bad. I really wanna start a whole new book which is a Sherlock and Divergent crossover but idk if anyone would read it (if I did start it, I would continue to update this book). Idk. I'll think about it. See you guys soon :) 

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