Sleepy Jawn

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Hey guys what's up? I'm back and I'm not really doing better on the inside but on the outside I'm fine so let's write. Because I'm not really okay, this is just gonna be straight up fluff but also pretty short because I have history homework I need to do. I got this idea from  's book of Johnlock Oneshots. Go check their book out because it was really good and I loved it 

Sherlock's POV
John and I were up at 2am doing paperwork for Lestrade. This, for me, was fine because I didn't sleep much and I was often up late, usually until about 3am. On the other hand, John wasn't used to staying up this late so he was incredibly tired. 

When he got incredibly tired, he began to act like an intoxicated 5 year old without the actual intoxication. That was the best explanation I could come up with. 

After a while, John laid his biro on the desk and leaned his head on my shoulder. 

"Sherly I'm tireeeed can we do this in the morning?" He whined, burrowing his head into my shoulder. 

"Sure, love, you go to bed and I will come in when I finish this" I replied, softly kissing him on the top of the head.

"Nuuu I wanna cuddle with youuu" He wrapped his arms around me tightly as if he didn't want to let go. 

"Okay come on" I said and I pulled him into my lap and he wrapped his legs around my waist. Making sure he wasn't going to fall by putting my arm around him, I stood up. Then, I turned off the all the lights and walking into our bedroom. 

I set him down on the bed and got changed into my pyjamas. 

"Come on love, you need to get changed" I coaxed. 

"Nuuu I don't wannaaaa. Just sleeps." After saying this he buried further into the pillow and shut his eyes. Sighing, I pulled him up into a sitting position and tried to get his pyjamas on him but he crossed his arms and tried to lie back down. 

"If you don't get changed then you can't cuddle me" I tried to reason with him. 

"Mkay fine" He said and sat up and got changed. I smiled at him and turned off the light and got under the sheet with him. He immediately moved closer and stuck himself to me like glue. His arms and legs were wrapped around his head was buried into my chest. I put my arms around him. 

"Love you, John"

"Love you Sherly"






Hey guys, hope you liked it. I quite liked this one. Sorry about disappearing for a while, I found out that it might be the end of March before I see my gf and the last time I saw her was the 18th of December. It's already been over 3 weeks and I didn't even get to hug her goodbye. I was up at 4am because I couldn't sleep and I was crying. When I spoke to my friends about this, one of them said "Why didn't you try?" And I said I did and she said "Try harder" So y'know, it's great to have friends who care about you. We're also repainting my room which is not very fun. Anyway, sorry for that I just kinda needed to vent. See yall soon x  

Johnlock Fluff (mostly) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now