Chapter Eleven: To Seige

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None of this was good. The emergency council meeting called for by the returning patrol had alarms raising everywhere. It took one look at Sir Leon's face to tell Merlyn that something was wrong, very wrong - and she had a sneaky suspicion it involved Cenred's army (what else could have spooked the knights this badly?).

Everyone was stood around the long rectangular table listening to Leon explain what he and the men had saw. It was not good.

"I estimate they will reach the city within two days" Leon finished with a grimace. Arthur was stood away from the table, away from everyone's gazes. He couldn't allow them to see the fear that ran across his face.

"Under whose banner do they march?" he asked, his voice never wavering.

"Cenred, Sire. We knew he was amassing an army." At that answer, Arthur turned around and locked eyes with Merlyn. She had warned him an army under Cenred was heading their way. Arthur was now even more aware of the woman that stood leaning casually against the stone pillar to his left - considering they were speaking of war, the Lady Morgana seemed far too ... relaxed.

"How many men?" Arthur asked as he kept his eyes locked on Merlyn. He needed the strength her gaze alone provided him.

"20 000 maybe more." That was not good. Arthur saw Merlyn's sigh; he wished he could be that open over his feelings towards this subject.

"I fear that news of the king's illness has spread beyond our borders" Gaius interrupted, his wise voice bringing to the forefront a disturbing fact. This was the exact reason Arthur hadn't wanted others finding out about Uther's illness, they would see the kingdom as weak and attack. And now Arthur had to deal with it. "Cenred sees an opportunity."

"Then we must find a way to appease him" Leon stressed however Arthur knew that was not a valid option.

"That's not what my father would do. He wouldn't bow to our enemies" Arthur returned placing his hands on his hips as he pondered over what to do. He had no clue.

"Forgive me, Sire. We are outnumbered two to one" Gaius insisted. This was a fact Arthur already knew, he knew that he was outnumbered and he knew he couldn't bow.

"What concessions will Cenred insist on? What territories will he demand?" Arthur snapped back, letting a slither of his frustration ease out. Arthur could see that Gaius understood the difficulty of this decision but Arthur knew Gaius would push it.

"We do not have to give him anything but it could buy us valuable time." Before Arthur could retaliate with an answer a new voice entered the mix.

"It shows weakness, Gaius, a weakness we can't afford with Cenred" Merlyn said as she crossed her arms and frowned down at the table as she tried to understand what this all meant, completely unaware of the silence her words had made. It took a few moments before Merlyn realised what she had done, in a room full of people considered far more superior and educated in such manners. She had forgotten it wasn't just her close friends or Arthur. Lifting her gaze she found everyone staring at her. "Sorry, that wasn't my place. Umm..." Merlyn's cheeks burned bright red as she flickered her gaze over to Arthur who was containing a proud smile but unable to hide the proud glint in his eye.

"You are right, Merlyn" he said causing Merlyn to lift an eyebrow in surprise. She couldn't help herself; Arthur had admitted she was right! "It shows weakness, that Camelot can not even stand in a fight with Cenred even once." Arthur felt the burden lift ever so slightly at the knowledge that Merlyn was behind him, was onboard. "There is only one course of action open to us." Arthur never thought he'd be saying this, never thought he would be in this position but if they were unable to meet the enemy in the battlefield then they had to use their strongest weapon against them. Arthur moved over to the throne seat and sat down, he felt like he didn't fit, like it swamped him. "We must prepare the city for siege."

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