Chapter Twelve: For The Love Of Camelot

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No one ever prepares one for the sight of tens of thousands of men surrounding a castle. No one prepares one for the sight of a battle that could start an all out war. Only moments ago, Merlyn had stood upon the battlements of Camelot and saw the thousands of men in their collections, with weapons galore, fires smoking from various points as well as the many flags billowing in the dusk's wind. The flags confirmed it was Cenred's army for the flags and men wore the crazy king's sigil.

The moment they had seen it, both Merlyn and Arthur had reacted in similar fashions. They had taken a deep breath and determinedly turned back towards the castle. They had to be ready. The army was already in position with men stood across the barricades and battlements but Arthur and Merlyn herself needed to be ready.

Quickly the pair had stalked back to Arthur's chambers where Merlyn immediately began to help Arthur into his armour that was already waiting for them. Merlyn worked methodically and quietly. She ensured every catch was on properly, that ever piece of armour was protecting the area it had to. She would not let Arthur die in this battle.

A part of the young witch couldn't help but think about the fact that this could be one of the only times that Arthur would see her fight with magic. Her stomach rolled at the thought. This plan was crazy but necessary. As she worked her mind went over everything that they had experienced together right down to the time he accepted her as a Dragonlord.

"Merlyn?" Arthur's voice pulled Merlyn from her thoughts. She had gotten so deep that she had stopped moving altogether. Lifting her gaze from her fingers, she locked eyes with Arthur. His blue eyes were full of concern and worry - though she pinned that worry towards the battle that was to take place. As she looked into those eyes she loved so much she found herself internally debating madly. If she told him the truth, he wouldn't be blindsided by the Blood Guards appearance but if he couldn't accept the truth of herself being Emrys and her Blood Guards he would be distracted. If her revealing her secret would cause him to be distracted he had a higher chance of dying? If he accepted her without a blink it would be fine but that was highly unlikely. She couldn't distract him; she couldn't cause him to not be concentrating. He was going to be distracted enough by the presence of magic users never mind knowing one of them was herself. She couldn't do it. She couldn't tell him.

She wished she was stronger and not such a coward.

Pushing aside her self criticism, Merlyn studied the man before her. Reaching up, Merlyn cupped Arthur's smooth cheek and gave the prince a gentle smile. She loved this man so much it scared her. It should have frightened her how calm she was about the battle but it was him, Arthur made her calm. She had so much trust - a trust she knew he needed to hear.

"It is your fate to be the greatest king Camelot has even known" Merlyn began softly, her words calm and not rushed. No urgency to them, they were said as the fact they were. "Your victory today will be remembered by every age until the end of time."

Arthur's eyes flickered over Merlyn's face, she could see him reading her facial expression to which she knew he would only see honesty. He said nothing but the small smile that graced his face said enough. He believed her. Carefully, Merlyn returned to her job and finished helping Arthur with his armour and sword. As her gaze was occupied, Arthur began talking.

"Gwen says the people are glad I've taken charge and that she trusts me." The quiver in his voice caused Merlyn to frown. She continued with tightening his arm brace but turned her mind towards him.

"A lot of people trust you. They wouldn't have asked for you to be Regent otherwise" Merlyn pointed out gently.

"I've committed them to a siege. There's going to deaths and injuries and ..." Merlyn's head shot up as she heard the doubt in his voice, the guilt. She understood why he would have those thoughts but she couldn't let him carry that burden.

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