Chapter Thirteen: The Fights Within A Battle

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With the cry of hundreds of soldiers on the other side of the door, the Knights of Camelot gasped as they saw fireballs raining from the skies. Cenred had sent the catapults. Merlyn lifted her gaze to the skies whilst the knights braced for impact. An impact that never came. The stones on fire were all suddenly thrown off course, crashing harmless into open spaces away from people and defences. Merlyn couldn't help the small smile that graced her features. The Blood Guards were working. Now it was her turn. Merlyn turned towards the enemy.

Merlyn took a moment, for that was all she had. A breath, a lift of her gaze to lock on the wooden doors, and a tightening of her hand around her staff.

Then the doors exploded open.

For a moment there was no movements from Camelot, from Emrys. But that was but a moment. With a elegance seen by the untrained eye, Merlyn tilted the staff towards the enemy. A flash of blue lightening shot from the gem of the staff and slammed at the feet of the enemy before they could blink. Everyone watched as hordes of men were thrown back, crashing into their comrades and hitting the floor in their dozens. As more men tried to race around their fellow soldiers, Merlyn kept firing shots of light all over the opening forcing the enemies back and to pile up.

Seeing the opportunity the witch had created, the Knights of Camelot gathered their archers and Arthur ordered them to start shooting, taking up a bow and arrow himself - it was like picking off fish in a barrel. Men fell down one after another, no arrow missing a target.

Merlyn was glad to see Camelot would not solely rely on her and her kin ... though she was certainly enjoying helping. But Merlyn couldn't keep this trick up forever. It was slowing the men down as they all scrambled to their feet and clambered over friends trying to get to the witch. Merlyn and the Blood Guards had to be careful, they didn't want Morgause, Morgana or Cenred discovering the use of magic too soon which limited what they could do behind the walls of Camelot.

However, Merlyn's defensive barrier was angering the enemy. Suddenly, men were standing on top of the growing pile of fighters, crushing those beneath. But these weren't any soldiers, they were archers. Merlyn was suddenly faced with a bombardment of arrows, some on fire burning through the sky whilst others were as black as night and silently whizzing through the air. Merlyn swiftly changed tactic and began sending the arrows flying back. Cries of pain echoed both in front of her and behind her as stray arrows from all sides slid into their enemies. Hearing the cry of a Camelot Knight, Merlyn's head snapped around ... leaving her open.

Merlyn felt the searing pain only moments later in her arm. An arrow was embedded in her arm, it hadn't gone all the way through thanks to the dress but it had pierced her skin. With a grunt, Merlyn's eyes glowed golden and the arrow snapped, leaving the arrowhead in place to prevent the bleeding. The few moments this all took had given the enemy the opportunity to get through the gate. They were stampeding towards her.

"Retreat now!"

The familiar cry had Merlyn snapping around to face the Knights. It was Arthur he was stood on the top of the barricade holding his hand out towards her - he had made a path across. Merlyn couldn't quite believe what she was seeing, but she knew she had no time to deliberate over what was happening.

With a nod Merlyn flashed her injured arm out towards the horde and threw a large amount of magic at them. This time instead of the front line falling, all those who had breached the gate were thrown backwards, crashing into homes, walls and others with such impact, they were dead in an instance.

With the enemy down, Merlyn raced towards the barricade, Arthur was still poised at the top, ready to help her over. Pushing away any thoughts about anything other than surviving, Merlyn raced forward. On instinct she naturally slipped her hand and injured arm to Arthur who immediately began helping her over the barricade onto their side of safety.

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