Chapter Fourteen: The Last Glimmer of Light

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Merlyn couldn't quite believe she was doing this. She had darted into the castle as Emrys but knew it was stupid to search for Morgana as her alter ego - Morgana couldn't know about her identity as Emrys, it was the one thing that Merlyn had over the other witch and she wasn't prepared to give that up. Once inside, Merlyn had darted towards her chamber and moved faster than she had ever moved before, stripping out of her Priestess costume and slipping into a simple blue dress which was the easiest and quickest thing to get on. Looking like Merlyn once more, dark, unkept hair and all, the young witch raced out of her Chambers.

Standing outside her Chambers Merlyn knew she had to be smart about this. Taking a deep breath and sliding her eyes shut, Merlyn called on her magic to focus in on the power surge she had felt before. She searched for the presence and found it appearing in various places. Merlyn frowned at the feeling. She assumed that the magic was radiating off the skeletons. With a sigh, Merlyn focused more and tried to find the strongest pull of magic knowing that that would be the heart of the magic (most likely). Despite the dozens of magical presences around the castle, Merlyn thankfully found the strongest one that was miles stronger than those dotted about. Whatever was letting off that power was ancient and strong.

Merlyn opened her eyes with worry. She really hoped that magic was not coming from Morgana herself otherwise she had no chance.

Shaking her head, Merlyn pushed aside her fears and concentrated on finding the pulse of power first. It was deep in the castle she knew that. And from the sight of skeletons of fallen Knights of Camelot, Merlyn figured the best place to start would be where those knights had been laid to rest, in the Crypts of Camelot.

Merlyn ran for it. She didn't have time to waste. Unfortunately, it was by no means a smooth path. Soldiers were dotted everywhere fighting off the clattering bones of the dead. Merlyn had to admit she would never get the sound of bones on stone out of her head. Merlyn helped where she could, utilising her magic in secret - having quite a bit of experience in such a task. Though as she turned down one corridor she was pleasantly surprised to find Jon, in disguise of course, appearing in a puff of smoke between the skeleton and a knight of Camelot. In seconds, Jon had thrown back the enemy and scorhed the bones to dust. Merlyn felt a wave of pride come over her as she stopped to watch his magic. To see it used so openly and in defence of the things she loved, Merlyn couldn't help but take in the small moment. The Knight of Camelot who was alive because of Jon said nothing but nodded at the Blood Guard in gratitude to which Jon returned the gesture before disappearing.

It was possible. Maybe, just maybe, Camelot and magic could coexist in harmony once more.

Pulling herself from her dreams, Merlyn returned to the task at hand and headed straight towards the dungeons, down the staircases, through the twisting tunnels beneath the castle until she found herself in the bowels of the stone palace where it was quiet ... and cold.

Here one would not think a battle was going on above, people were dying above. Here the dead were already resting ... or had been. Reaching down, Merlyn freed her sai from her boots and slowly began to move over the dust covered floor. It wasn't long before Merlyn was moving between huge plain stone coffins and elaborate sarcophaguses for those knights of more import. However, the lids that once concealed the knights inside were broken and left in pieces all around; they were broken from the inside out. The knights had punched their way through the stone.

Merlyn released a shaky breath as she tiptoed her way around the piles of stone that scattered the floors. It wasn't long before Merlyn felt the constant power presence increase tenfold as the magical item sent out a pulse of power. Following the pulse of power, Merlyn found herself staring at the back of Morgana's head. She was stood before a staff that was standing by itself through the stone floor. It seemed frail but the staff that with the top of a leafless tree holding a small white orb was powerful. Merlyn just prayed it was powerful but fragile.

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