Chapter Twenty-One: Handsome Saves Beauty

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Hi readers, I'm a terrible writer whose left you all hanging for like eight months. I'd love to say it won't happen again but I can't promise that.

Over the last eight months I have been gaining qualifications, working and starting a writing course. I have started writing original stories too which have taking my writing time up and I genuinely haven't been in the mood for writing Merlyn but the craving to work with Merlyn and Arthur again came back so here we are. I am determined to finish these books no matter how long it takes so I will get to season 5 and finish the books to, I will.

Anyway, hope you're well and I hope you enjoy.


Merlyn knew she was going to get into trouble. She always bloody did. The young witch flinched as she found herself plastered against the wardrobe whilst Dagr, in Sir Oswald's body, stood a metre in front of her throwing daggers at her head. Merlyn of course could do nothing considering that Sir Ethan (who Merlyn questioned was actually Sir Ethan) stood to the side his sword pointed towards her. All three of them knew she could fight them but all three knew if she did, the king would have her head for attacking knights when she herself was just a servant. She really hated Uther and his rules that dictated her own ability to fight for survival.

"I was just rearranging the bedclothes, that's all" Merlyn pleaded before she was narrowly sliding her head away from a dagger that swiped to the left of her head. Her eyes widened at the sight. He had gone for above her head and both sides. There was only one more place he was going.

"You were just rearranging the bedclothes" Sir Ethan mocked. Merlyn quite detested the fact she had no idea which one of Dagr's cronies were hiding behind the magical mask with way she would happily beat the mask off him.

"My mistake, she's not the snivelling thief I thought she was" Dagr replied with a snarl that was so much like the one she had seen at the tavern she could almost see his face through the enchantment. Almost.

"It's my job as a servant to ensure your needs are met. I thought you could be cold" Merlyn argued.

"Of course, you did" Dagr grunted before he suddenly grabbed his sword and went to stab the servant with it. Quickly, Merlyn darted out of the way, avoiding Dagr's sword whilst rolling underneath Sir Ethan's. Staying in a crouch position, Merlyn swung her leg around, sweeping out Sir Ethan's feet. He hit the ground with an almighty thud as the air was knocked out of him and Merlyn was able to dash forward and go towards the man's neck, swiftly finding the chain and pulling it from beneath his clothing. Looking into the crystal that was as rough cut as Dagr's she saw the face glimmer inside. She remembered that face, she had hit him with a countertop.

"Ebor" she mumbled as her eyes shot up to lock with his moments before the rush of a sword had Merlyn gasping. A glint off a blade made its way straight towards her throat. Dagr had caught her unaware and was going for the head. Just before the execution could take place another blade clashed against Dagr's. With her head snapping to the left, Merlyn saw the vertically positioned sword and its owner. It was Gwaine.

"What do you think you're doing?" Dagr snapped at Gwaine whilst Merlyn pushed herself backwards away from the sharp blade and got back to her feet a safe distance from the dancing blades. The two men disengaged their blades but held them tightly in hand, neither dropping their guard. Merlyn watched as Gwaine slowly began circling towards her, putting himself between her and the "knightly" thugs.

"Is there a problem here?" Gwaine questioned, his voice calm but decidedly angry. It could very much be heard in his voice. He was not happy Dagr had tried to behead Merlyn, a fact Merlyn was flattered by. Apparently, her head was worth keeping on her shoulders.

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