Chapter Nine: I Was Dying

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"There is no sign of her."

The words echoed around Arthur's head.

"There is no sign of a struggle."

He had nothing, could do nothing. He couldn't even sit vigilant by her bed.

"There is no sign of her leaving"

He had no idea where she was. No clue. No whisper. Nothing.

"There is no sign of her at any of her local hangouts."

Every available avenue had been taken, every stone unturned over three days to find a piece of the puzzle. But it all came to nothing.

"No one has seen or heard anything from her."

Arthur still remembered Leon's face as he told him. That look of utter grief. Leon of course had refused to give up but Arthur felt his heart repeatedly being stabbed at the news. They had nothing and nowhere to begin. One minute she was in Camelot next she had disappeared.

Arthur was shook to his core. He found himself sat in his chambers on the end of his bed, staring down at one of the few prized possessions Merlyn now owned. It was the book she bought the first time she ventured to the Lower Town. Arthur remembered the moment he saw her reading it as she walked through Camelot's citizens unaware of how peculiar and unique she was. Out of all those present, all those in the known world, she had enthralled Arthur from the very beginning.

Arthur studied the small, well worn book, turning the pages carefully. The same pages she had turned. The uncomfortable thought of whether she'd turn them again appeared much to Arthur's heartache. Arthur released a shuddery breath as he slowly closed the book. He couldn't go down that thinking, he just couldn't.

Gods if his father could see him now. Hell, if anyone had told Arthur two years ago that he would be sitting completely lost because his servant had gone missing he would have laughed in their face. Yet here he sat. A prince powerless to find his love.

He was regent. He had a kingdom to rule and a traitor to worry about. He could not go searching for his lover whom no one could no about.

Slowly Arthur stood up and moved over to the window. He stared out into the dark night sky. Most of Camelot was asleep now, dreaming calmly unaware of the horrors that were making their way towards them. Arthur wished for that naivety.

As Arthur's eyes drifted from the settlement below to the sparkling night skies, something caught his attention. A dark shape in the distance. Arthur frowned as he stood up straighter and leaned out of his window to try and gleam a better look. It couldn't have been a bird, it was far too large but Arthur knew of nothing else that took to the skies ... except for one being. A being of wisdom and knowledge far beyond his own. A being who was contacted to Merlyn, who was kin.

With determination set in, Arthur darted from his window heading straight for his chamber door, placing Merlyn's book down on the table carefully as he passed. He had to get to Brutus.


Well there was a first time for everything. But Merlyn hoped it wouldn't be the last time she got to fly in the skies.

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