PROLOGUE: All Suffer For The King

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402 sunrises and 401 sunsets each and every one the same.

Camelot was dark. Camelot was firmly hidden behind grief. The Great Purge had returned. And the people were living with darkness hovering above them. And the heart of this emptiness came from the castle itself.

Uther Pendragon was grieving and he was making sure everyone grieved with him. Lady Morgana, his Ward and secret daughter, was missing and that was enough. The Knights of Camelot had been ordered with Arthur at the helm to search every corner of the Realm over and over, even venturing into other Realms, for the Lady Morgana.

Some knights hadn't seen their families in months or had only spent a night at home before they were shipped off again. It was excruciating for people. Everyone was tired. Everyone was upset. Everyone was forced to suffer.

Merlyn was by her prince's side through it all. They rode out together and came back empty handed together. As they were doing once more this time. Arthur wanted to tell his men to go home and stay home but he knew he could not. He knew there was no point in promising something he could not make happen, and his knights understood this.

They were all once more within Camelot's walls dirty and tired, in desperate need of a bath and food. Merlyn and Arthur were no different. However, Merlyn did not think of herself. She could see the toll this was taking on Arthur, the burden he was holding, the guilt he felt over the treatment of his men. To anyone else he looked like he would not crumble but to Merlyn she could see the tiredness.

Merlyn was in Arthur's chambers getting it ready for his return. She had lit the fire, poured him a bath and readied his meal for his return. Knowing it would take a little time to finish with the king, Merlyn had decided to use the servants' quarters that attached to Arthur's chambers to bathe herself and put clean clothes on. Just as she was ringing the water out of her hair into her towel she heard Arthur's chamber door. She threw down her towel on the bed, leaving her hair wet and tangled before she moved back into his chambers.

Arthur had just finished telling his father their trip had been unsuccessful once more. He looked exhausted. Merlyn stopped as she spotted Arthur slowly removing his sword belt and throwing it to the table, groaning at the weight. With his door closed, his walls fell and the weight of the year could be seen. Merlyn moved forward, her simple plain gown moving across the floor, when she reached him she began to help him get his armour off. The moment she began helping him Arthur stiffened until he looked up and saw Merlyn and realised he didn't need to hide. Merlyn observed as Arthur's body deflated one more time. Locking eyes with him Merlyn reached up and cupped Arthur's cheek. She ran her finger across his dirtied skin. She gave him a sweet smile before she returned to the task of freeing him from his armour.

It wasn't long before Arthur was down to just his trousers and boots. Merlyn had Arthur sit down before she helped remove his boots, the prince tried to help but his actions were sluggish and unnecessary. Merlyn gently just pushed his hands away. Once his boots were off Merlyn pushed herself to her feet.

"I'll let you finish. Get into the water. You need it."

With that Merlyn turned to grab Arthur's armour and clothing. She moved it off the table and began to organise it. She would need to clean the armour and throw his clothes into the wash. As she mulled around she heard the sound of water being disturbed before a groan of sheer relief left Arthur's mouth. The warm water soothed his aching body.

Normally Merlyn would call one of the male servants to serve Arthur during his wash but she knew he didn't want anyone. He didn't want to have to play a part tonight. Knowing she was breaking all levels of protocols but then reminding herself she did that on a daily basis, Merlyn moved over and locked Arthur's chamber door - she didn't want to get caught and have it blow up around them, the world was a mess as it was.

Silently Merlyn moved back over and grabbed the clean cloths that she had laid on the table for Arthur. She grabbed the stool that was used by servants and she placed it beside the bath. Arthur was just sitting in the water, leaning back against the bath his eyes closed. He wanted to forget. Once more Merlyn noticed his tense face. He was expecting Morris. Grabbing a bowl of water Merlyn soaked the cloth before she carefully began to run the soaked item down Arthur's arm that rested on the side of the bath.

Instantly, Arthur's eyes opened. Merlyn could feel his surprised gaze on her. Her gentle approach, her caring approach had immediately told Arthur it was not Morris or anyone else for that matter. Lifting her gaze from his arm, Merlyn looked at Arthur.

"I know you want to be left alone."

Her words were honest and true. Arthur didn't want to have to be 'the Prince' and there was only one person who he could just be himself around ... and she was right beside him. Merlyn knew she couldn't go any further, knew she had to wait for his permission after all this was something she had never done before. For a female to bathe a male whom she was not related to or married to was a big thing, was a punishable thing but Merlyn was only thinking of helping Arthur. For once she was forgetting about decorum and doing what she felt was right. She wanted to help.

Watching the prince, she saw the same rush of questions and scenarios run through his head as had run through hers - what happens if they were caught? The consequences? What if...? But eventually the Prince nodded his head, he accepted the comfort. Merlyn gave him a smile before she returned to her task of cleaning his upper body, wiping away the weeks of dirt and grim from his arms, chest and back before she would have to move onto his hair.

The pair sat in silence as Merlyn methodically cleaned Arthur. Eventually, Merlyn was through running her fingers through his hair to remove any soap that was left. She sat behind him now and rested her hands against his shoulders

"You're all done" she whispered gently. Just as she went to move away and clean up leaving Arthur to finish off and get out of the bath, she felt his hand grab hers. Slowly, Arthur pulled on Merlyn's right hand bringing her to come round slightly. He locked their fingers together and kissed the back of Merlyn's hand.

"Never leave me" Arthur said as he turned his head to look at her. It was the first thing he had said to her all night. The pain that sat in his voice echoed in Merlyn's head. The fear that resided in his eyes at the idea that she would leave him was overwhelming. It hurt to see.

"I'll always be by your side" Merlyn replied softly, squeezing his hand tightly. Arthur shifted and released Merlyn's left hand so that he could reach over and cup her face. He dragged her forward and brought their lips to get her in the softest of motions. A kiss could say a thousand words. But this one only said three.


With one night of reprieve a new group of knights, Arthur and Merlyn received the horrible but not surprising demand to move back out at midday. And the cycle started again.

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