Chapter Twenty-Two: An Interfering Promise

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Merlyn hated this; it wasn't fair at all but there was little she could do. The young witch had to stand by and watch as Gwaine gathered his belongings and tidied them into his bag.

"I'm sorry" Merlyn said as she handed over some fruit for Gwaine to take on his journey. His bag was gradually filling up and Merlyn couldn't help but feel more sadness as she saw him pack his life in one bag. Oh how she wished he wasn't packing.

"Don't be, I never stay in one place for very long. People get sick of me too quickly" Gwaine joked, though the pain was in his words. He had no one and Merlyn had wanted to be a someone, and Gwaine had wanted her to be a someone too. Once more Uther destroyed a friendship and a life.

"I didn't" Merlyn admitted causing Gwaine to look over at her with surprise.

"Even after the trouble I caused?" he questioned which only got Merlyn smiling.

"You livened the place up, Handsome" Merlyn said. Merlyn enjoyed his flirtatious humour and his arrogance that was as big as an ocean and matched by his kindness. He was the friend who could always make you laugh; his carefree nature was infectious but he knew when to be serious. And Merlyn hated to lose that. And she was losing it all because of her own stupid actions.

"I'm sorry" Merlyn muttered again as she stepped around the table and gently placed her lips against his cheek before wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Gwaine smiled sadly as he returned the hug – he too was losing his first and only genuine friend. But he did not regret his actions, he would do them again in a heartbeat for she was his friend and truthfully, he owed Arthur for saving his life. At the thought of Arthur, Gwaine felt his stomach turn.

"Make sure you look after Arthur. He's in danger" Gwaine said into her ear.

"When's he not" Merlyn mumbled back as she pulled back from the hug to see the concern that was on his face. It seemed the prince had weaselled his way into Gwaine's good graces. "I thought you hated nobles." Merlyn stood with her arms crossed and her eyes narrowed causing Gwaine to smile widely, releasing a chuckle.

"Yeah, well, maybe that one's worth dying for, eh?"

"He certainly is" Merlyn said, her eyes casting away from Gwaine and gaining a look of what could only be described as love. Gwaine laughed quietly to himself as he saw the look. There was no denying it. Merlyn loved her prince. Every part of him. Gwaine hoped one day he could find someone who would look like that at the mere mention of his name.

"Merlyn, treasure each moment you have with him" Gwaine said causing Merlyn to lock eyes with him. She should have known he would figure it out. "You're not subtle the pair of you." Gwaine commented at Merlyn's eyeroll. Unfortunately, he felt the need to remind his friend about one tiny thing. The melee. "Enjoy your time together, you don't know when it will be his last moment."

The horror that covered her face was instant and impactful. Though Merlyn didn't realise, her reaction hit Gwaine hard. Could he really just let Arthur get hurt knowing the pain it would cause his friend? Could he let Arthur die after the prince stood up to his father and friends for him?


Merlyn desperately wanted to run to Arthur's side but she knew she had to ensure his safety first. That meant getting him to listen, not focus on her but focus on him. There was only one way he would listen ... she hoped. With her bag stuffed with her priestess dress, Merlyn hurried through the corridors of the castle. Choosing to enter the servants' entrance, Merlyn gave herself time to quickly change into her purple dress and pull her hood up, allowing the magic to take hold and shadows to dance around her eyes and face hiding her features as well as her hair lightening to white. Ensuring the hood was up properly, Merlyn took a steadying breath. She had to convince Arthur to withdraw (she knew her man well enough to know that it was a futile thing to do but she was still going to try) or at least get him to understand what was going to happen. Knowing there was no point in wasting time, Merlyn opened the servants' entrance to Arthur's chamber and walked through. Arthur was oblivious to her entrance as he stood drinking from a small cup as he stood by his fire. The tension in his body was clear to see. Linking her hands together in front of Merlyn, sighed before she announced her presence.

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