Chapter Twenty: George's Problem

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Happy New Year


With the melee coming up, the Training grounds were full of knights practicing including Arthur. The knights' servants were dotted all over the place including Merlyn. She had been looking after Arthur's belongings before she heard Sir Oswald's voice. Merlyn shuddered at his presence. She didn't like him despite Arthur having told her stories of how nice the man was. She watched as Sir Oswald challenged Arthur to fight before snatching the sword from George's hand. Immediately, Merlyn went over to George. George was a fellow servant who had been enlisted to help with arriving knights. Arthur had asked the young man to be the servant to Sir Ethan and Sir Oswald the day of their arrival, Merlyn had been surprised Arthur hadn't sent her to be their servant since he was such good friends with them but he hadn't – for which Merlyn was very glad about. Though her relief at not being their servant turned to guilt upon seeing George, he looked so tired and beaten emotionally. Merlyn swiftly got to his side and offered a gentle greeting whilst enquiring about the knights she did not like.

"Hello George, how are your new masters?" George gave Merlyn a smile before it fell. Merlyn watched as the servant scanned the area around them before he began mumbling.

"Horrible. They just like working me to the bone. I've never known masters like it."

"Are you needing a break?" Merlyn whispered in return, lowering her head and voice toward the man. She did not like seeing a friend looking so dishevelled. The knights had been here measly days and yet George was looking as if they had been here a week. What had they been doing to the poor fellow?

"No, Merlyn, that's quite all right" George replied as he lifted his head and gave her a smile. He understood it was his job. "I hardly believe that Arthur would let you go to another knight."

"He won't miss me for one night" Merlyn insisted but George stopped her.

"No, Merlyn, it is all right." While Merlyn took the answer she frowned in concern. She didn't like sending him back to those knights but there was little she could do if he was not willing to take her help. With nothing more to be said, the pair turned to watch the duel between Arthur and Sir Oswald. Merlyn watched as Arthur almost effortlessly fought off Sir Oswald before the pair crossed swords and Arthur decided to jest his friend.

"You're rusty. You're not as quick as you used to be" he said as he stroked under Oswald's chin to get the man irritated. But the playful banter was lost on Oswald.

"Still quick enough to hit you" he swiftly replied. Merlyn could feel her body tensing and her magic tingling in her fingertips as she noticed Oswald's aggressive swings and angry attitude. Why did it seem he was fighting to kill? With ease, Arthur avoided a hit and the pair were separated for a second in when Arthur noticed something.

"I thought you were left-handed."

"Yes I am. I just wanted to give you a chance" Oswald said as he tossed the sword between his hands and let the sword rest in his left. However, Merlyn immediately noticed the uncomfortable hold he had on it. This man was not a left-handed fighter ... but he had been? Merlyn was confused. Tuning everything else out, Merlyn watched Oswald carefully, studying his fighting style. Merlyn watched the pair until they ended their little tussle and Arthur was walking away hardly breaking a sweat. He had won Oswald to which the man was furious. Despite it was her duty to follow Arthur, Merlyn kept her pace slow as she went to move passed Oswald and Ethan, who had moved to join his friend. Oswald had thrown his sword down in anger before whispering to Ethan. Merlyn missed most of it ... except for the last thing Oswald said.

"And with the Stalorne Blade, I'll fillet the little brat." Merlyn tried to keep her face neutral, her walk normal all the while the words ran around her head in a frantic manner. Instinctively, Merlyn began to walk faster towards Arthur. She had a strong feeling that Oswald and Ethan meant harm to Arthur and all she needed to confirm it was to find out what a Stalorne Blade was.

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