Chapter Eight: In Kilgharrah's Care

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...Screeches of inhuman terror echoed around...

...Heat protruded from the orange dancing lights that grew around her...

...A roar of anger and protection filled the skies...

Merlyn peeled open her eyes to find herself staring at the night sky, the black was calm as the stars twinkled. However, the calm lasted only a moment. As Merlyn became aware of the rest of her body she was suddenly hit by pain, a body immobilising pain.

"Easy young witch."

Merlyn immediately relaxed and tried not to move. Her eyes however locked onto a very familiar face, one she was more than glad to see. She wanted to speak to him but she couldn't find the strength. Her internal struggle was clear to see. The Great Dragon lowered his head to her height and gently placed his nose against her arm in understanding before he backed up again.

"Lie still. The Serket's posion is powerful. I have given you an enchantment that will help you heal" Kilgharrah said calmly with a look of concern etched into his reptilian face. "But it will take time."

Merlyn wanted to talk to Kilgharrah badly but she knew her mouth would not work. Turning to her inner power, Merlyn used her magic to reach Kilgharrah telepathically. Her words were quiet and strained but they reached him.

"Thank you..."

The Great Dragon nodded his head at her words whilst a small smile drifted onto his face. Unfortunately, Merlyn used her last bit of energy to send those two words to him. Her eyes began to close as her body flared with pain heading towards unconscious. Noticing this, Kilgharrah replied quietly in a way in which Merlyn could hear moments before darkness took over her once more.

"Sleep my dear, I will protect you while you heal."


Arthur had woken that morning with a feeling something just wasn't right. And it very well could have had something to do with the fact that Merlyn had not been the one to wake him up. The fact that she had once again not been in his chambers mulling around concerned him. The last time she was missing she had been injured.

At first he had pushed the worrying thoughts away and focused on getting ready, his life and lessons had not stopped because the king was ill. But as Arthur tried to get himself ready he found himself facing a mixture of increasing worry and anger. There was a whole range of things that were not sorted. He couldn't find his sock or breeches, his room seemed less organised but most importantly she wasn't there. He had not seen any sight of her at all, he saw no indication that she had even been in his room which kept the worrying thoughts appearing over whether she was alright. Whilst Merlyn wasn't the best servant in the world she was always around doing something, anything.

Eventually, Arthur listened to the concerns and worries and found himself marching his way to her chambers. Everyone who spotted him jumped out of the way for he did not look at all pleased (as he tried to conceal his concern, his irritation had came to the forefront). But things only got worse. He arrived at the chambers to find that Merlyn was not there, Gaius had assumed she was with Arthur, and that Gaius had not seen Merlyn all night for she had not come home.

Arthur had then spent a good portion of his morning hunting the young witch down (under the disguise of being a pissed off master). However, he found no sign of her. No one knew where she was. Arthur had returned to his chambers leaving an order for Sir Leon to be summoned. Once he was in his chambers alone Arthur found himself pacing around, occasionally throwing random objects around before finally coming to rest against the wall beside his window. He stood staring out of it with his arms crossed. Where was Merlyn?

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