Chapter Fifteen: What Just Happened?

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Smoke drifted into the morning skies, black and grey clouds meeting the whites of the heavens. While the Blood Guards had stopped the majority of attacks hitting the castle, unfortunately some fell through the defences. It had been a hard night to say the least. The battle had raged into the morning, with the last stranglers being killed, captured or retreating mere moments before the sun rose. Ever since, it had been quick paced restoration. The castle staff tirelessly working to get those who needed help help as well as clearing the grounds. This was by no means an easy feat.

Thankfully, there was no sun beaming down on the people of Camelot. It was well passed midday and people were still working, Merlyn had gotten the lovely job alongside Anna of tidying up the square. There was dozens of people mulling around, getting rid of burnt wood, picking up discarded weapons, collecting the bones of the enslaved to put them to rest once more. Then there was the bodies to move, the destruction to sort out as well. Merlyn was in the middle of loading up a cart full of burnt wood and blackened stone that needed removed when Arthur came jogging down the castle's steps. Merlyn automatically stood up dusting her hands on her trousers - she refused to do this work in a dress - only to find Arthur not even glancing her way. She frowned as she watched the golden haired prince move through the square to where Anna was working. What did he want with Anna?

Merlyn narrowed her eyes as she saw Anna jump in surprise before her eyes widened in concern and surprise as she spoke with the prince. A moment later Anna was flickering her eyes over to Merlyn in a gesture Merlyn could not help but think was a sign of worry and need for help. Arthur's back was to Merlyn giving her no chance for insight to what was being said or how Arthur was talking. Was he angry? Was he upset? Was he stoic? Merlyn couldn't tell. And that unnerved her.

Knowing it wasn't really her place, but throwing caution to the wind, Merlyn began to make her way over to the pair who were huddled together talking. The young witch could not run over but she had a brisk pace on that was faltered by climbing over debris and dodging of people she had to do. As she frustratingly was making her way through the obstacles, she failed to see Arthur guiding Anna out of the vicinity, his hand upon her lower back. Merlyn got through the obstacles to be welcomed by an unnerving sight. Merlyn was met with an empty space where Arthur and Anna had once stood. She span around and scanned the area around her but found no one. What possible reason did Arthur need to speak to Anna about in private? Scenarios began running through her head, mainly ones depicting Arthur knowing Anna was one of the Blood Guards from the previous night. With that thought in mind, Merlyn ran her hand through her tattered hair. From his actions in the battle and his words over the years, Merlyn couldn't imagine Arthur would rat Anna out or arrest her but maybe he was warning her. Had someone identified her? Merlyn needed to know what the hell was going on.


No one was anywhere!

Merlyn was fuming. Merlyn was scared. Merlyn was just plain worried. She hadn't been able to find Arthur or Anna for hours. She then went to check up on her other Blood Guards to discover they too had disappeared. She couldn't find Lucinda nor Jon. Panic was completely setting in and it didn't help when the king had called an announcement to take place in the Great Ceremony Hall.

Being unable to miss it, Merlyn stood within the crowds beside Gaius at the front and nervously tapped her foot as she kept scanning around the hall for any sign of Arthur. He could give her an answer to where Anna was at least or when he had last seen her. Unfortunately, the prince was walking in with the king leaving Merlyn unable to talk to him. She wished this would hurry up.

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