Chapter One: The Search Is Over

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The search party were missing. They had not been heard from for weeks. With the missing party, Arthur and his band of knights had been ordered to search for them to find out where they were as well as search for the Lady Morgana. It was the same story they had been told over and over. This search party was not the first to have gone silent, and this was not the first recovery/search party that Arthur had lead in turn. And it was as heartbreaking as all the others.

Merlyn and Arthur were leading the knights on horseback over the brown fields in awful weather. The rain had been pelting down on them, the cold had set in and Merlyn was feeling it. It was a horrible feeling. Merlyn's fingers were locked on her reins whilst her eyes were on Arthur. As they climbed the hill they suddenly were matched with an awful sight. The field before them was littered with bodies many of whom wore red cloaks with golden dragons.

So many men were lost ... their names would be added to the list of those who had fallen in this mad quest to search for the Lady Morgana.

As always the orders were given, survivors were searched for but none were found and they followed the enemies north. Arthur had said he imagined the attackers to be bandits of a highly skilled and ruthless nature, but as to why the patrol had followed them was unclear. Nevertheless, Arthur ordered to move on the enemy.

Merlyn found herself following Arthur and the knights once more through a wooded area. She rode on horseback and could feel the effect it was having. Why sitting on your arse all day had to hurt was beyond Merlyn. However, after having ridden all day, her legs and arse were sore and she couldn't stop herself from fidgeting. Something Arthur of course noticed.

"Is there something wrong with you?" Arthur asked as he looked over to her, trusting Brutus to move in the same direction.

"Yeah I've been on a horse all day" Merlyn sarcastically remarked before her eyes locked onto the sentry guards who were walking beside them. "Though frankly I feel worse for those walking." Arthur nodded in understanding before he decided to mock Merlyn.

"Is your little bottom sore?"

"Yes. It's not as fat as yours" Merlyn retorted looking over to him with a smirk. Arthur couldn't help but chuckle at her words.

"You know you've got a lot of nerve for a wimp."

"I may be a wimp but at least I'm not a ... dollophead." At that Arthur found himself looking over his shoulder at Merlyn in utter confusion. What on earth was a 'dollophead'?

"There's no such word" Arthur replied only for Merlyn to have her own reply. She always had one.

"Its idiomatic."

"Its what?" Merlyn couldn't help the smile that adorned her face at his words. She always loved knowing something over him, proving that he was just a pretty face at times.

"You need to be more in touch with the people" Merlyn remarked.

"Describe dollophead."

"In two words?"


"Prince Arthur." The reply was perfect, witty and Merlyn was entirely proud of herself for such a reaction. She glanced at Arthur to find him staring at her with a look of annoyed disbelief that had a smile creeping on his face. He hated the fact that she had gotten him but he had to admit, it was a witty comeback. The two smothered their laughs before they looked before them and suddenly saw some cloths billowing in the wind along with smoke from a recent fire and tents. The camp was recently occupied.

Soon enough, Arthur and the knights were moving through the woods, blades drawn and footsteps silent. As they came upon the camp, Arthur gestured for his knights to split and take the flank of the camp. However, the moment that the knights had split arrows fired from the fog around them and battle cries filled the air.

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